≡ How to keep strawberries to last longer》 Her Beauty

Do you know how strawberries should be stored to last longer? See here what to do.

Strawberries are delicious fruits and appreciated by many people, due to their sweet and balanced flavor. However, because it has a high concentration of water, strawberry has a short life, which can cause waste when it is not consumed quickly.

Since this is not one of the cheapest fruits, it is possible to “dribble” waste, to prevent strawberry from lasting a short time in your home and reducing spending. To do this, just follow a simple trick to extend your life. Next, see one step by step to store strawberries to last longer.

Choose strawberries that will last

According to Kevin Schooley, director of the United States Strawberry Cultivators Association, the first step for strawberries to last longer to be taken at the fair or supermarket.

Before you buy them, choose them wisely. Unlike some fruits such as tomatoes or bananas, strawberries do not mature after being harvested, so it is important to choose the already mature fruit - that is, very red and fragrant. However, avoid strawberries with soft or injured parts unless you go to consume them at that time.

If the strawberry is stored in a box, look well all sides, including the bottom, and avoid boxes in which you can see red spots or the strawberry juice itself. Fruits injured last much less than intact.


It is not always necessary to wash the strawberries before storing, but soaking them is a good option to eliminate impurities and make consumption more convenient. A influencer Joanne Molinaro , for example, it recommends making a solution with four parts of water and a part of vinegar to immerse the strawberries for 20 minutes. After taking them out of the solution, rinse the strawberries with drinking running water.

Dry very well

If you decide to wash the strawberries before storing them, the most important step in this process is to dry all strawberries very well. For this you can use a clean paper towel or cloth. Since this fruit usually absorbs a lot of water, it can spoil more easily if damp or wet stored.

Store in a dry container in the refrigerator

To maximize the life of your strawberries, keep the stalks and place each fruit on a plate or even a shape covered with plastic movie or a lid. Do not stack them or try to place the fruits in just one layer, as it is necessary to maintain a good air circulation. It is important to keep the fruits dry, as moisture is what makes them spoil.

In general, strawberries can last between three days and a week in the refrigerator when stored correctly. However, several factors can influence this time, such as the state of strawberries at the time of purchase, the variety of fruit and its harvest date.

Other ways to store strawberries

If you think you will not consume the strawberries you bought before you spoil, you can opt for other conservation methods. For this you can freeze the fruits after sanitization, or turn them into a jam, which if stored properly, can last until months.

To freeze the strawberries, wash them and dry them very well. If you want, you can slice or split the fruit in half and distribute it on a plate covered with film paper. Place in the freezer and, as soon as the strawberries are completely frozen, transfer them to a closed container.

Frozen strawberries can be consumed immediately, but last more than three months in the freezer. In addition to being used to make jam, these strawberries can become ingredients for vitamins and smoothies.

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