9 pets perfect for small spaces

There are a few animal companions that you might not have considered for your apartment.

Living in a smaller space comes with many challenges, but it can be even more difficult if you want an animal company. After all, a small apartment or a condo could give the impression that there is nowhere to adapt to a roommate with an additional four -legged and all the supplies that accompany it. However, it is not because you do not have a square area area Make room in your home For a new friend. Read the continuation for pets which are perfect for small spaces, according to the veterinarians.

In relation: 7 red flags that your animals must be separated, veterinarians warn .


french bulldog on couch
Bordered photo / Shutterstock

Life in small space does not disqualify you have a dog . "While a good basic rule can be a large dog is equivalent to a large space and the small dog is equivalent to a small space, dogs of all sizes can do wonderfully in a small space as long as they have the capacity to go out daily, "explains Matthew McCarthy , DVM, a veterinarian and founder From Juniper Valley Animal Hospital in Queens, New York. "Your dog needs exercise, depending on their age and physical condition, and even old bancal dogs like to go up and down the block." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

By doing the exercise regularly with your dog, you deepen your link, you will improve their quality of sleep and notify inappropriate behavior, such as chewing, which are caused by boredom. "Even if you have what would be considered a small space, it is undoubtedly a more spacious and sure space than any shelter for these guys," says McCarthy.


Scottish Fold Cat
Andrey Tairov / Shutterstock

Cats can judge you for many things, but not the size of your space.

"For cats, it is an enriched environment, which is an environment that allows all their cat behavior necessary to play, hunting and climbing," explains McCarthy. "Because cats can go vertical, you can manage in much less space compared to other species."

As long as they have many perches, shelves and cat trees, they will be happy. McCarthy also recommends food distribution toys, which will help their hunting instinct and recess with other humans and kittens. He says you can usually install two cats in the average studio before you start to feel cramped.

In relation: 10 breeds of dogs that bark the most, according to veterinarians .


red rabbit sitting on floor near window and snake plant
Olga Smolina SL / Shutterstock

With their adorable faces and their sweet fur, what should not love in a rabbit? But despite their high -speed reputation, experts say they are actually an excellent option for those who do not have a ton of square feet.

"Rabbits can be large pets for small spaces, especially smaller breeds like mini rex," said Dwight Alleyne , DMV, a veterinarian and pet With Justanswer. "They are similar to cats in the sense that they can be trained by waste. In addition, they do not need a lot of space to wander, and they are generally very calm pets."


juvenile rat hiding between bowls in kitchen
Ajstudio photography / Shutterstock

If your house has space for a small speaker, you will want to consider a rat as your next pet. These little guys are more cuddled than you think: the MacCarthy notes they like to curl up on your knees while you read or watch TV.

One thing to consider? You will probably want to adopt more than one. "They are quite social and like to be kept with at least one or two others of their brothers," he said. "Pays or same -sex groups are ideal because it will prevent you from breeding. Fortunately, the space you need for two rats is not much larger than the space you would need.

Giant African Earths (Girls)

giant african land snail sitting in someone's hand

All ideal pets for small spaces have no tail that they can stir or mustaches that they can vacillate to make themselves cute. In fact, some do not even have arms, legs or a spine, by the way.

"They may seem heartbreaking, but people who have giant African earth snails say they have personalities and who are very fun to watch and manage," explains Joanna Woodnutt , MRCVS, veterinarian at Petlearnia . "They also saved the space, the small species stick with a 20 -liter tank for a single snail."

However, she warns that there is at least one thing that you should be careful after adopting them. "As hermaphrodites, they can reproduce by themselves, you will therefore have to clean and destroy all the eggs regularly, or you will be resumed!", Said Woodnutt.


two newts in a tank

These robust pets can live up to 25 years when they are neat properly. All they need is a small aquarium of about 15 gallons for an adult; The tank does not even need to be heated if your home has an average temperature between 60 and 75 degrees.

When shopping for your new pet, "make sure it is a new oriental net," suggests McCarthy. "Many of the other Western newts, more exotic and more exotic, secrete a powerful neurotoxin of their skin with which you really don't want to play."

Once installed at home, you will have hours of fun watching your Newt sailor in its small space.

In relation: The 10 most maintenance dog breeds shows a new study .

Syrian hamster

close up of child's hands holding dwarf hamster

This nostalgic pet is easy to take care of and fun watching. And the best part? Their cage does not need much more than two feet long, a foot wide and a high foot.

Remember that the Syrian hamsters are quite lonely and that you will want to host them alone. "Keep in mind that they are night critters, so usually sleep for most of the day, so you might not see them the most active," said McCarthy. "That being said, most hamsters will wake up in the evening and interact with pleasure with their humans."

And if you still have your doubts, wait for the first time you watch them run on their wheel.


colorful parrot in a cage
Tanya_morozz / Shutterstock

It is not because you live in a smaller space that you cannot have the company of a feathered friend.

"Birds can do well in small apartments," explains Alleyne. "Small birds, like canaries, generally do not require much interaction and are silent. All they need is a clean cage and normal food routines."

As long as you have space for an appropriate size cage and a small place to play, you should have no problem welcoming them in your home. But be informed that each animal is different, which means that even specific breeds which are generally silent can sometimes be noisy or require a decent amount of care.


Turtle pet relaxing in the garden with plants background.
Pablo Fernandes / Istock

As the poster for all that is slow in the animal kingdom, it is not surprising that a hard shell creature is a solid option for anyone working with less living space.

"Reptiles such as small turtles can work well in a small apartment because they are mainly contained in an aquarium or a terrarium," explains Alleyne.

However, it is important to note that turtles need more than a simple wet space to live. The implementation of turtle habitat will also require appropriate water heating, lighting and filtration. And taking into account their in -depth lifespan, turtles are also a considerable time commitment in the long term, so be ready to make friends for life.

This story has been updated to include additional inputs, verification of facts and copying edition.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Home / Pets
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