≡ Everything you need to know about the jade roller》 Her Beauty

The charm of the jade roller. An oriental treasure for modern well -being

An ancient tradition that is reborn

From traditional Chinese medicine to western homes, the jade roller is conquering more and more hearts thanks to its benefits for body and mind. This elegant tool, made of smooth nephritis, is used to gently massage the skin, offering an experience of well -being rooted in ancient practices.

The benefits of the massage with the jade roller

It is not just an aesthetic question; The jade roller has its roots in a profound understanding of physical and mental well -being. Among the main advantages we find:

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety: fluid and constant movements help to calm the mind and relax the traits of the face, often tied due to daily stress.
  • Relief from muscle and joint pain: the light but decisive pressure of the roller can relieve muscle pain, improving the quality of life.
  • Anti -inflammatory properties: useful for contractures, cervical pain, low back pains and arthritis, the roller helps to relax tissues and reduce inflammation, improving mobility.

🦋 🦋Rullo di Giada - to understand if the roller is really made of jade must always be cold even after the massage - do not pass it on the central part of the neck (area of the Adam's pommel) because there is a special gland in the shape of Butterfly named thyroid should not be mechanically solicited, not even with your hands! - After using it cleaning it and dry it well to prevent it from rusting - I bought it from action and I paid it about 2/3 €

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) - 山口 夕依 夕依

Integration in the daily routine

Easy to use and accessible, the jade roller is an excellent ally for those looking for a natural and non -invasive method for managing and preventing muscle and joint pain. Experts recommend 5-10 minutes sessions, one or twice a day, gradually increasing the frequency to avoid bruises or irritation.

Does it really work?

Science is still exploring the benefits of the jade roller, but the first studies are promising. For example, some research indicates a reduction in the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and improvements in sleep quality and stress levels.

Other benefits for body and mind

In addition to reducing stress, the jade roller offers many other advantages:

  • Improvement of circulation: stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, helping to deflate and lighten tired and swollen legs.
  • Reduction of cellulite: micro-emailing on tissations contributes to toning the skin and reducing cellulite.
  • Energy balance: according to traditional Chinese medicine, it helps to rebalance energy meridians, improving mood and emotions.


The jade roller is not only a simple beauty tool, but a real ally for 360 degree well -being. If used constantly, it can significantly improve physical and mental health. By awakening a millennial tradition, the Jade roller presents himself as a precious companion for our daily well -being.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: skin care /
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