5 popular cars that "will go bankrupt," says an expert in new videos
Remember to choose another brand and model to save on repairs and maintenance.

Car troubles Always seem to hit the worst time possible, forcing you to drop what you are doing and to go to the mechanic. These trips can be quite expensive, to have to find another transport at the cost of repairs themselves. In that mind, you may want to take into account the advice of a car expert, who warns that some vehicles require so many repairs that they "will put you bankrupt". Read the rest to find out what is and the models he says you should stay away.
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1 Jeep compass

According to @ bevurly - a tiktker who publishes content on cars - there are five models that you should not buy, as you will " Stay in the mechanical shop . "First of all on his list is the Jeep compass.
"Do not fall into the price, because it will be the initial cost for the biggest and the worst investment in your life," he said in a video of May 6. "I know they are cheap - I know - but don't buy them."
According to Kelley Blue Book, the Jeep Compass 2024 is, in fact, The cheapest compact SUV On the market, with a starting price of $ 27,495. But Caridge data Give @ bevurly to claim weight: a jeep compass will cost drivers about $ 10,031 in maintenance and repairs in the first 10 years. It's about $ 900 more than other popular SUV models.
2 Ford escape

The Ford Escape is "another cheap and intriguing car with which you don't want to play at all," says @Bevulry, the appellant "probably the worst Ford vehicle never done".
However, there is a little better than the Jeep compass, by caring, totaling $ 8,721 in maintenance and repairs During the first decade.
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3 Ford F-25

The third vehicle on this list is also a Ford and "could actually go bankrupt," says @Bevurly. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"But, but you can sweep them," jokes Tiktker on the Ford 6.0 Power Stroke F-25. "OK, let me spend $ 10,000 on an engine on a vehicle that I just bought to do it type of reliable. OK my friend."
According to Caredge data, you will also be on the hook for an amazing number of repairs compared to other heavy -popular models. In the first 10 years, the owners of Ford F-250 super rights Spend around $ 14,929 on repairs and maintenance. It is about $ 596 more than the industry average.
4 Land Rover Range Rovers

The Tiktker also advises to buy Rovers ranges.
"Do not be the DOOFUS which buys a used Range Rover-the first owner could probably have allowed it, you cannot," he explains. "These maintenance bills will be rich in the sky, especially with the supercharged 5.0 engine that they come. Terrible."
According to Curedge data, the Land Rover Range Rover costs about $ 18,228 For maintenance and repairs in the first 10 years. It is $ 2,514 more than the average of a luxury SUV. Addressing @ bevurly, costs generally only increase after this 10 year old mark - so even if you buy a second -hand option, you may not save as much as you think.
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5 The BMW 7 series

The Tiktker wraps its list with another luxury vehicle: the BMW 7 series.
"Last and probably the least, we have the BMW 7 series," explains @Bevurly. "These are probably the worst for the reliability of the BMW family of all time."
This is largely due to the electronic motors and systems of cars, which are expensive to repair.
"They come with a large V8 [engine] that will break, and it will be astronomically expensive", sharing @Bevurly. "The electronics systems are probably incredibly complicated. Do not play with it."
Repair costs are About $ 14,453 In the first 10 years, $ 2,492 more than the average of other luxury sedans, according to Caredge. In this same period, there are also 40.39% chance that these cars can need a major repair.
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