The 30 episodes of the most emblematic television crossing of all time

From the 1950s to the 2020s, there is still no television event which is also exciting.

To call a television crossing episode, a gadget is correct but it is not an insult. For decades, TV shows excited the public by tracing two different series (or more!) In an episode or an arc of crossing.

Some crossings are major events, orchestrated by the network to attract attention (and additional eyelashes) to a programming list. Other times, multisgments are meta-whitegas that come to life when characters from one show make it another. (Cross characters do not need to be a natural adjustment - in fact, sometimes the best multisgments consist of two shows that you assume that you have nothing in common.) Sometimes the multisgments have meaning because that the different series are all linked - think of some of the long -standing police or the legal procedures and their various repercussions specific to the city, or the Star wars and Marvel Series on Disney +. These Disney + programs are so connected unless it almost does not seem just to call them "crosses", so you will not find them on this list. But for 30 of the most emblematic TV crossing episodes of all time, read the rest.

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"Lucy and Superman," I love Lucy

Still from the I Love Lucy episode

We tend to consider multisgments as a more modern television phenomenon - or at least one that was great in the 90s - but there were also multisgments in the 1950s. A notable, quite meta, it occurred in Season 6 of I love Lucy , when Lucy Ricardo ( Ball of Lucille ) becomes determined that Superman, which makes appearances at Macy's in New York, will come to the birthday party of Little Ricky. Superman's adventures star George Reeves Appears as the character he was famous for having played on television, although his real name was not pronounced throughout the episode.

"A piece of action," Batman

Still from the Batman episode

Another duo of fighting masked crime of the time appeared in the 1960s Batman Series twice: first, the Green Hornet ( Van Williams ) and his acolyte kato ( Bruce Lee ) Make a cameo appearance in season 2 when they take the head of a window out while Batman ( Adam West ) and Robin ( Burt Ward ) A wall. Later in the same season, they appreciate an appropriate crossing when they associate correctly with the dynamic duo to eliminate a mutual enemy in a two episodes adventure.

Jets meet the flints

Still from The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones
Hanna-Barbera productions

These two emblematic series of Hanna-Barbera were already essentially the same (one family was in the past, the other in the future), but it was not until 1987 that the two cartoons of the 60s finally crossed Jets meet the flints , a special two -hour TV. The event has jets and flint switching places (and group blows) after time travel experience.

"Stéphanie is supervised," Full house

Still from the Full House episode

Steve Urkel ( Jaleel Blanc ), the character in small groups of Family Matters, went to San Francisco to visit the Tanners in this 1991 crossing between two of the largest sitcoms in ABC. Uncle Jesse ( John Stamos ) try to teach the sadly famous Urkel Ringard how to be cool, and Urkel helps up the morale Stéphanie ( Jodie Sweetin ) to have to wear glasses.

"I did: part 2," The prince of Bel-Air

Still from the Fresh Prince episode

The final of The prince of Bel-Air Surprise Camoeos of the stars of two other emblematic black sitcoms. When the Bel-Air manor that will be ( Will Smith ) called the house for sale, potential buyers include the gang of Difficulty ( Conrad Bain ,, Gary Coleman ) and the crew of The Jeffersons ( Sherman Hemsley ,, Isabel Sanford , And Marla Gibbs ).

"The apartment," Crazy of you

Still from the Mad About You episode

SITCOM NBC Crazy of you Essentially creation of a shared sitcom universe, from season 1, when Paul Buchman ( Paul Reiser ) encounter Seinfeld Cosmo Kramer ( Michael Richards ), which turns out to have sublet the old apartment of Paul. Then things have become even more connected when Lisa , who had played a waitress named Ursula Crazy of you , was thrown on Friends . The existence of their two characters in this universe was explained when it was revealed that Ulula was Phoebe's twin sister.

In 1994, this connected universe was the basis of a large NBC stuntman called " BLEYOUT Thursday , "Where a power failure caused by Crazy of you Jamie Buchman ( Helen Hunt ) has an impact on the rest of the NBC range Thursday evening, other than Seinfeld .

"A star is burns," The simpsons

Still from the Simpsons episode

"A Star is Burns", an episode from 1995 of The simpsons , brought Jay Sherman ( Jon Lovitz ), the main character of The critic in Springfield to judge a film festival. The critic was created by two Simples The ancients and the shows shared an executive producer, which makes it look like a cross promotion. However, The simpsons Creator Matt Groening Really did not like the crossing , going so far as to withdraw his name from the episode. To quote Jay, he could have said: "It stinks!", But the episode itself is actually quite funny.

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"The Mutant Agenda" and "Mutants' Revenge", " Spider-Man: The Animated Series

Still from the Spider-Man episode
Marvel Entertainment Group

Your Spider-Man neighborhood friend is heading for Professor Charles Xavier's manor for this two-part crossing between 1995 between Spider-Man: The Animated Series And X-Men: the animated series . These multisgments were common in the pages of Marvel comics from which superheroes are coming, but it was even more new on television right now. Of course, the development of the Marvel cinematographic universe would present many teams and crossings only a few decades later.

"Springfield files" X-Files

Still from The Simpsons episode

In the 1997 episode "The Springfield Files", special agents Mulder and Scully (expressed by X-Files stars David Duchovny And Gillian Anderson ) Come to Springfield to investigate an extraterrestrial observation - reveals that Mr. Burns jumped on a lot of medical treatment. As fun as to see Homer interact with science fiction characters, "The Springfield Files" is also remarkable for the presence of another guest star: Star Trek 's Leonard Nimoy .

"The most beautiful world," Superman: the animated series

Still from the Superman: The Animated Series episode
Warner Bros. TV animation.

Before Justice League , there was "the most beautiful in the world", an event of three episodes in 1997 which revolves around the first meeting of Superman and Batman. Batman: the animated series had ended his initial race two years before with only ephemeral allusions to the existence of the man of steel, but "the most beautiful in the world" makes them interact for real when the black knight heads towards Metropolis in pursuit of the Joker.

"Shell shocked," Power Rangers in space

Still from the Power Rangers in Space episode

In 1998, Power Rangers The villain astronema kidnaps and brain washing the guys who are very cool in the series live Ninja Turtles: the following mutation And forces them to fight the heroes of the other program. As you can expect that turtles free themselves from their brainwashing and end up associating with the rangers to beat the bad guys.

"I will remember you," Angel

Still from the Angel episode
20th Century Fox Television

Buffy and his spin-off Angel crossed several times, but no case was more heartbreaking than the 1999 Angel Episode, "I will remember you." When Angel ( David Boreanaz ) becomes a human, him and Buffy ( Sarah Michelle Gellar ) Finally, having the chance to be together, but the first realizes that he must bring back time and erase the wonderful events of the night in order to save his life.

"X-Cops," X-Files

Still from The X-Files episode

Season 7 X files The "X-COPS" episode is one of the most intelligent and unexpected multisgments in television history. All the time is turned as if it was an episode of the Fox reality TV show Cops , except here, Mulder and Scully are on the strength that flows after steps an ordinary perp, but a supernatural entity. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Power time Jimmy Timmy

Still from the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour

More than three specials in the mid -00 years, the Nickelodeon series The adventures of Jimmy Neutron ,, Boy genius And My godparents are magical All gathered. Especially when Jimmy came My godparents are magical Universe, he was traditionally animated to correspond to the style of this show, and when Timmy went to Neutron Jimmy , it was animated via CGI, in accordance with the aesthetics of this series.

It's so the life of Hannah Montana

Still from That's So Sweet Life of Hannah Montana
Disney channel

In order not to be nickelodeon, Disney Channel broadcast its own three -way crossover in 2006, bringing It's so raven ,, The rest of the sequel to Zack & Cody , And Hannah Montana together. Miley Stewart ( Miley Cyrus )) Stay in Tipton, Raven ( Corbeau symon ) has a cody vision ( Cole Sprouse ), and London ( Brenda Song ) bears one of the Raven models. It is a smorgasbord of pop culture tween '00s.

"CSI: Trilogy," CSI: Investigation of the crime scene ,, CSI: Miami, And CSI: NY

Still from CSI: Trilogy

Ray Langston ( Laurence Fishburne ) flagship product CSI The series goes to Miami and New York for this 2009 crossover which makes him direct an attempt to withdraw a ring in human trafficking. CSI had made smaller crossings before, but "CSI: Trilogy", which involved the three shows at the time, was big, big problem.

Iparty with victorious

Still from iParty With Victorious

Two of the biggest Nickelodeon shows in the early 10s, Icarly And Victorious , Meet Iparty with victorious , a 90 -minute TV movie. The intrigue has Miranda Cosgrove Carly realizes that her boyfriend also sees the singer Tori Vega ( Victoria Justice ). Three other multisgments will be disseminated, followed by the SitCom of the spin-off Sam & Cat , played with the support characters of the two series.

"Something good to come: Part 1," Cougar city

Still from the Cougar Town episode

SITCOM NBC Community is famous for its episodes of gender parody and its meta-warour, But his biggest joke Could have happened on another show. In an episode of season 2 of community, Danny Pudi Abed tells a story about how he was an additional background on an episode of comedy Cougar city But… soiled his pants. In Cougar city Final of season 2, which was broadcast a few months after that Community episode, Pudi actually appears in a scene behind Occupied Philipps - until he fled abruptly.

"The Simpsons Guy," Family guy

Still from the Family Guy episode

When Family guy Firstly created in 1999, He was criticized by some to be a gross imitation of The simpsons . A decade and a half later, the two animated comedies of Marquee Fox finally met. "The Simpsons Guy" is visiting the scratches and meeting their yellow counterparts. Despite the presence of the talents of most of most The simpsons casting, it's really an episode of Family guy Presenting special guests, so part of humor could feel a little absent for fans of the old series. However, it is difficult to deny how major this crossroads (and apparently inevitable) were.

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"Fugue and Riffs," Archer

Still from the Archer episode

H. Jon Benjamin provides the voice of both Archer And Bob's Burgers “The title characters, and to be honest, the two characters sound about the same. This is the inspiration behind "Fugue and Riffs" of 2013, " Archer First of season 4, in which the secret agent lives with the Belcher family while he suffers from amnesia. For this special outing, the Bob's Burgers The characters are drawn Archer The more realistic artistic style.

"Simpsorama," The simpsons

Still from the Simpsons episode

Matt Groening may have opposed The simpsons crossed with The critic In 1995, but there was no controversy when she crossed with her other show Futurama 19 years later. When the episode was broadcast, the final of the series of Futurama had already broadcast (it was brought back as a revival last year), appearing of Fry, Leela, Bender and Professor Farmsworth in Springfield via time travel a particularly welcome treat for fans.

"The resurrection in the remains", " Bone And "the dead do not tell tales", " Sleepy hollow

Still from the Sleepy Hollow episode

A forensic crime resolution procedure and a luscious supernatural drama may not seem initially a natural cross adjustment. This initial hypothesis is not incorrect, but it is because of this tonal inadequacy that the 2015 crossing between Sleepy hollow And Bone is a welcome quirk.

"The night quarter," Brooklyn Neuf-Neuf and "Back home", New girl

Still from the Brooklyn Nine-Nine/New Girl crossover

Zooey Deschanel Adovable Jess Meeting Andy Samberg's The awkward detective Jake Peralta in two parts in 2016 Brooklyn Neuf-Neuf / / New girl crossing. During the hour, the New girl The cast visit the Big Apple and crosses the trails with the team.

"Let me reintroduce me," Scandal

Still from the Scandal episode

Two series produced by Shonda Rhimes crossed in 2018 when Scandal Set extraordinary Olivia Pope ( Kerry Washington ) united their strengths with How to escape with the murder Defense lawyer Analizes Keating ( Viola Davis ). "Let me reintroduce me" has the formidable pair working on a collective appeal on the mass incarceration of black Americans.

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"Scoobynatural," Supernatural

Still from the Supernatural episode
The CW

For what Supernatural to cross Scooby-Doo, where are you! In his 13th season? The real question is: why isn't it? The Winchesters are sucked in the world of animated mystery in this outing 2018. Once inside, a SAM cartoon ( Jared Padalecki ), Dean ( Jensen Ackles ), and Castiel ( Misha Collins ) Must work with Mystery Inc. to stop a real ghost, rather than a simple guy in a mask.

"Return of the prodigal son," Law and order: SVU And "what's going on in the Puglia", " Law and order: organized crime

Still from the Law & Order: SVU episode

THE Law and order The franchise is almost 35 years old and includes many shows, both past and running, so of course, the multisgments are common. The most important for fans was that between Svious and the first of Organized crime , because he finally gathered Olivia Benson ( Mariska Hargitay ) with his former partner, Elliot Stabler ( Christopher Meloni ). Meloni left Svious After season 12 And I did not return until 10 years later for its own fallout.

"The infection," Chicago fire ,, Chicago Med , And Chicago P.D.

Still from Chicago P.D.

THE Chicago The franchise has a lot of multisgments, some of which with the Law and order And FBI Universe. (They are all Dick Wolf Productions.) The "infection" event, which had Chicago fire ,, Chicago P.D. , And Chicago Med Any dealing with the propagation of a deadly bacteria in the windy city through three episodes in 2019, is essentially a TV movie full of action.

"Crisis on infinite land," Arrow ,, Super girl ,, Batwoman ,, The flash , And Legends of Tomorrow

Still from
The CW

CW Arrowverse multisgments are the fabric of legend. The sixth crossover, "Crisis on Infinite Earths", borrows its title from one of the most important DC comics scenarios, and it is up to the name, bringing together five shows for a multi-life adventure. It is a wonder that they were able to do what they did - on a television budget, nothing less!

"Touch of death," Nis ,, NCIS: Hawai'i , And NCIS: Los Angeles

Still from the NCIS: Los Angeles episode

Various teams of naval criminal investigation services had already united their forces, but the 2023 crossover which brings together Nis ,, NCIS: Hawai'i , And NCIS: Los Angeles is the widest, with a case of the city involving kidnappings and teamwork.

The NCIS universe has also crossed with other series, such as when Los Angeles associated to Hawaii five-0 in 2012.

"These old scientists," Star Trek: Strange new worlds

Still from the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode
Paramount +

Star Trek Crossroads go back to decades, like Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and Scotty ( James Doohan ) Since The original series makes appearances on The next generation , but these cameos pale in relation to episode 2023 of Strange new worlds This brings marine and boimler signs of Lower bridges - An animated comedy - on the company live. Lower bridges Voice actors Tawny Newsome And Jack Quaid Have the chance to play live versions in this very charming and funny crossover that went where not Star Trek The crossover went before.

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