Irs says that you have until May 17 to obtain non -claimed reimbursements: "money on the table"
The agency has more than a billion dollars in unin demanded compensation.

The tax season is officially behind us, finally, in a way. The Internal Internal Service (IRS) is starting to issue tax reimbursements to those who have retained too much money from their pay checks and independent people who paid for their estimated taxes . No matter how you cut it, taxpayers can all agree that receiving an important check by post look like a huge victory. And for some people, surveillance of 2020 could mean a refund this year.
According to the IRS, the government agency retains more than a billion dollars In non -claimed tax reimbursements because 938,800 people have not yet filed their appropriate documents for the 2020 taxation year. It is estimated that the average median reimbursement is $ 932.
In relation: IRS data shows exactly to what extent you are likely .
IRS data show that Texas directs the pack with around 93,400 non -covered income declarations that total more than $ 107 million. California is not too far behind, with approximately 88,200 unwanted yields which are worth a collective total of $ 94 million. In third and fourth place are Florida and New York, with 53,200 and 51,400 not cooked yields, respectively. At the fifth is in Pennsylvania, with 38,600.
"There is still money on the table for hundreds of thousands of people who have not filed 2020 income declarations", IRS commissioner Danny Werfel said in a press release. "We want taxpayers to claim these reimbursements, but time is exhausted for people who may have neglected or forgotten these reimbursements."
In most cases, individuals are three years old to produce and claim their income statements. However, the year 2020 was in no way typical. Due to the Pandemic COVID-19, the IRS pushed the deadline from April 15, 2024 until May 17, 2024, giving declarants an additional one month cushion to settle their yields.
Now that the deadline is a few weeks old, the IRS warns the taxpayers that they "should start soon to make sure they are not lacking". The money which is not perceived by the deadline of May 17 will go to the piggy bank of the American treasury.
"People faced extremely unusual situations during the pandemic, which may have led some people to forget a potential reimbursement in their 2020 income declarations," said Werfel.
He continued: "People may have ignored the latter, including students, part-time workers and others. Some people may not realize that they may be due to a refund. We encourage People to review their files and start collecting records now, so they are not part of the risk of missing the deadline. "
In order to produce your 2020 income declaration, you will need key documents such as W-2 forms, 1098 (for mortgage interests), 1099 (for freelancers and other independent entrepreneurs) and 5498 (for individual retirement accounts) . These can be obtained by your employer and your bank, according to the IRS. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The agency says taxpayers can also request free salary and income transcriptions using the civil servant Get an online transcription tool.
Do not forget to have everything in the deadline of May 17, otherwise you could miss hundreds of dollars in your pocket.
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