The 26 best TV shows on Netflix right now
These are the essentials of the streaming service, including ironic originals and classic series.

Netflix facilitated the frenzy of an entire television series - and, ironically, made much more difficult to decide what to look at, like the service Put hundreds of shows On the tips of your fingers. And even if we cannot tell you exactly what you should Look, we can reduce your options a little. Read the rest for 26 of the best television programs on Netflix at the moment, in particular an ambitious science fiction, an imaginative fantasy, criminal dramas, sitcoms and even a documentary mini-series.
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1 3 bodily problems (2024)

Based on a trilogy expressed by the spirit of the science fiction novels of the Chinese author Cixin Liu , this story of extraterrestrial invasion of HBO creators Game Of Thrones Follows a group of scientists who discover evidence that the land will be visited by foreigners hostile in the future. They must then ensure that humanity is ready when they arrive.
2 Avatar: the last Airbender (2024)

Based on the beloved inspiration of the anime Nickelodeon animated series About a boy of destiny who must learn to master his power over the four elements, this live version takes his efforts to bring the young Aang and the friends in the third dimension. It is well played and fun to watch, even if the cartoon is even better. (Fortunately, it's also on Netflix.)
3 Beef (2023)

This acclaimed black mini-series explores the increasingly drastic benefits of a minor rage incident behind the wheel between two foreigners (played by Ali Wong And Steven Yeun ). The two make a small attempt after the other to settle the scoring between them - and get closer and getting closer to ruining their own life - and you will be completely riveted by their bad behavior.
4 Break the bad (2008)

Former dad of the sitcom Bryan Cranston becomes one of the greatest anti-heroes that you never hate rooted in this addictive drama on Hank, a secondary chemistry teacher struck by cancer who connects with Jesse to Meth Cook Local ( Aaron Paul ) to make drugs to pay for medical bills - and soon discovers that he is addicted to money and food that work offers him.
5 You better call Saul (2015)

This Break the bad The spin-off resumes with Jessie and the viscous lawyer of Hank and serves both as a result of this series and the original history of Saul Goodman ( Bob odenkirk ), which has traveled a long road (as a especially decent guy, Jimmy McGill) on the way to become a lawyer. It is the rare follow -up that could be better than the original.
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6 Black mirror (2011)

All your fears about smartphones and social media are well founded in this dark anthology series exploring the most difficult possibilities of our technological future. The episodes are heard, from the economy of concerts to artificial intelligence through online identity with a sinister humor and an uncomfortable feeling of likelihood. This will make you want to throw your laptop in a lake.
7 Black sails (2014)

It is Game Of Thrones Of the seven seas in this grainy pirate drama. Decades before the events of Robert Louis Stevenson novel Treasure Island , we meet "long" John Silver ( Luke Arnold ) At the start of his trip to becoming one of the most formidable sea captains who have ever lived.
8 Samurai blue eyes (2023)

This animated series for adults inspired by the anime, which takes place in the 17th century Japan, follows a warrior woman tracking down foreign invaders who remained in the country in violation of the military government - and one of these men is his own father. With such a strong accent on character as on exciting action, the series has accessed the universal, in particular A 100% cool ratation on rotten tomatoes .
9 Broadchurch (2013)

David Tennant jump Doctor Who to the small town of Broadchurch For this criminal drama, which follows the inspector-detective Alec Hardy (Tennant) and the sergeant-detective Ellie Miller (winner of an Oscar Olivia Colman ) While they immerse themselves in mysteries that extend over a whole season and beyond, from the death of a young boy to a violent sex crime. In three seasons, the show throws an overview of the persistent impact of criminal acts on a apparently peaceful and tight community.
10 Derry girls (2018)

Located in Northern Ireland in the mid -90s, in the midst of trouble, this offbeat sitcom follows a group of Catholic girls in the lower age, exploring romantic relationships and navigating religious courses and conflicts. For a show affected by a serious subject, however, it is surprisingly light and always hilarious, with an engaging distribution of misfits that you will become to love on the too short race of 19 episodes. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
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11 Dark (2017)

This science fiction thriller begins with the disappearance of a child in a small German town and is snowing quickly in a large conspiracy involving a journey back in time. Jumping between 2019, the 1980s and the 1950s, the story takes place slowly on three seasons, revealing how the fate of four families is linked to a mysterious green hole in a cave under the local nuclear power plant.
12 Gilmore Girls (2000)

This series of funny and fast romantic comedies follows the life of the girls, the mother and daughter of Gilmore Girls Lorelei ( Lauren Graham ) and Rory ( Alexis Bledel ). Although born in wealth, Lorelei is determined to make her own path in the world but is forced to get back into contact with her distant parents ( Kelly Bishop And Edward Herrmann ) to help him send Rory to an elite preparatory school. Although the show is ostensibly for adolescents, strong characters and the energy of screw comedy will also attract older viewers.
13 The right place (2016)

Kristen Bell ( Veronica Mars ) features in this surrealist sitcom of the creator of Parks and leisure About an selfish woman who dies and is surprised to see that she has reached a very suburban version of the sky - and must do everything she can to convince the architect of life after death, Michael ( Ted in ), that it belongs there.
14 Goosebumps (1995)

This series of frightening horror anthology, based on the beloved R.L. Stine Children's books are just the right amount of scary for children - and for adults who will not be able to believe that the show is almost 30 years old. Revisit all your favorite cooling tales, with haunted masks, killers models and, of course, the value of an entire subdivision of haunted houses.
15 Hill House Hanting (2018)

Vaguely inspired by the Shirley Jackson A novel of the same name, this frightening series jumps between two deadlines, according to a group of adults who still fight to give meaning to the supernatural events of which they were witness, when they lived in the holder haunted house. Although there is a lot of fear on the screen in the sequences taking place in the childhood of the characters, the real horror has just learned how these terrifying incidents have affected their lives in the years that followed, An obsessive and painful way.
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16 The last dance (2020)

This 10 episodes documentation recounts the career of the basketball legend Michael Jordan And his walk with the Chicago Bulls in the 1997-1998 NBA season. With unrealized images and interviews, he explores Jordan's impact on sport and offers behind -the -scenes ideas on the star and his teammates.
17 Minor (2017)

After Seven ,, Zodiac , and this Netflix two seasons series, director David Fincher made hunting serial killers in a cottage industry. Based on A real-crime book leased , The series of periods followed the training in the 1970s of an FBI elite unit dedicated to profiling and to find it the most brutal murderers in the country.
18 Narcos (2015)

This grainy and carefully rhythmic series recounts the climb of the Colombian drug cartels from the 80s. The show focuses on real Kingpins Pablo Escobar ( Wagner Moura ), alongside the agents of the police who try to make it fall, including a pre- The last of us Pedro Pascal agent Javier Peña .
19 One day at a time (2017)

This classic 70s update Norman Lear Sitcom redesign the family of the central working class as a Cuban-American clan living in Los Angeles. Justina Machado Play Penelope, a military veteran and a single mother who raises her children with the help of her own mother. Although comforting and hilarious, the program also looks at serious problems, from Immigration SSPT to racism.
20 Outland (2014)

Diana Gabaldon Series of epic novels on a military nurse from 1945 ( Caitríona Balfe ) which is transported by Magic in Scotland from the 1740s and falls in love with a Highland Warrior ( Sam Heughan ) arrives on the small screen with remarkable loyalty, since the books weigh approximately 800 pages each. There is everything you might want in a romance of several centuries: bloody battles, hot love scenes and many temporal twists and turns.
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21 Russian doll (2019)

A blasé New Yorker ( Natasha Lyonne , who also co-created the series) dies in a bizarre accident at his 36th birthday and then finds himself reliving the day again and again. She must try to understand how she remained stuck in the time loop and how to escape it, but she soon learns that she may not be the only person to live their own personal version of marmot day . Although the premise may seem familiar on the surface, the spectacle is completely fresh - a metaphysical mindbender with a lot to say about relationships, generational trauma and life in New York.
22 Ozark (2017)

If you don't have enough middle class nobodies that break Break the bad ,, Ozark is a good hunter. He follows what is happening when a financial advisor ( Jason Bateman ) Who wins money for Mexican drug cartels on his head. To save his skin, he is forced to move his family (including his wife, played by Laura Linney ) at Lac des Ozarks to set up a greater criminal operation.
23 Peaky Blinders (2013)

This longtime criminal drama follows the exploits of the members of the Peaky Blinders Street Gang while threatening the streets of Birmingham, England, in the years following the First World War. Oscar winner Cillian Murphy Play Tommy Shelby, the gang leader, while they are trying to escape Major Campbell ( Sam Neill ) and build their criminal empire. During subsequent seasons, Peaky Blinders develop internationally, colliding with New York Mafia and IRA.
24 Rusty (1991)

The best thing about to look at this classic cartoon from the 90s Nickelodeon in adulthood is to realize that even if the show concerns a heap of toddlers being involved in improbable and imaginative adventures, a large part of the 'Humor is actually addressed to adults in the room.
25 Schitt's Creek (2015)

A Mega-Riche family obtains what is happening to them after being failed by a scandal and forced to move to Schitt's Creek, a small town which they had previously bought as a gag. Forced to live in a hotel and rush to find work, even if they are not very qualified to do something other than being rich, Johnny ( Eugene sample ) and Moria ( Catherine O'Hara ) and their adult children without any idea ( Annie Murphy And Dan Levy , who co-created the show with his father) has accidentally became better people along the way.
26 Foreign things (2016)

You have probably already put this mega-hit on a group of teenagers from the small town of Indiana who come across a government conspiracy involving kidnapped children with superhuman powers, alternative dimensions and many goopy monsters. Refresh your memory to prepare for the release of the last season next year.

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