10 Best ways to unravel the pets in your home

Take these precautions to keep your space and your friend on all fours protected.

OUR pets are part of the family and our homes are their houses. In this spirit, we want our spaces to be safe for them while also ensuring that our furniture and other investments are also protected. Fortunately, it is not difficult to take the measures to resist pet.

"We want to keep our family members out of damage, it doesn't matter if they have four or two legs - but ensuring the safety of our pets may require different steps", " Lorraine Rhoads , director of health and safety at Dogtopia , tell Better life . "Pets, in particular curious and energetic, can easily be in trouble by ingesting toxic substances, injuring themselves by falling objects or sharp objects, or rarer events such as living a heat stroke or an exhaust .

Read the rest to discover what animal professionals recommend when it comes to securing your home.

In relation: The 10 most maintenance dog breeds shows a new study .

Use baby doors.

dog and cat separated by gate
Sophiecat / Shutterstock

According to Rhoads, one of the first steps to take in case of animal tests is to think of your space from your dog or cat's point of view.

"Where are their eyes, their ears and their noses compared to your furniture, cabinets, shelves, stairs or windows?!" She warns.

But if there are areas which, in your opinion, would be the best to avoid completely, baby doors can be an effective tool to keep them and your property protected.

"Use baby doors to restrict access to certain dangerous areas," suggests Rhoads. Another excellent option is a hanged.

Secure the trash.

person opening trash can lid
Jenson / Shutterstock

According to Exit Grottini ,, Just answer The behavioral expert for dogs and American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Evaluator and Trainer, small articles in the trash - female hygiene products, for example - can cause serious problems such as obstruction of the intestine that would require surgery. This is why it is worth ensuring that your trash cans are secure.

"Pets will enter what interests them. Dogs can enter the garbage in each room in the house where there can be toxic objects," shares Grottini. "It is best to have trash cans that have blankets to avoid this. If you find that your animal can open the cover, use Velcro to attach them."

In relation: 10 household items that you could not be toxic to dogs, veterinarians say .

Move fragile articles.

woman putting vase on mantel
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Delicate objects are also better kept at the sight of our fur friends.

"Move the fragile items of your pet space in your living room and your bedrooms. This includes indoor plants!" Said rhoads.

Protect electric wires.

dog chewed wire
Gladskikh Tatiana / Shutterstock

The puppies, in particular, like to chew - and they will not be able to discern the dangers of doing so on an electric wire. Given this, Grottini recommends protecting the wires.

"Although they make products to cover the wires, they may not be the test of chewing," she warns. "It may be useful to invest in PVC piping for additional protection."

Rhoads specifically mentions wires securing during the holiday season, when others are used for decoration and can be outdoors.

Keep the doors of the room closed.

Person closing a white door.
Dmitry Bakulov / Shutterstock

Make sure that the doors around your house are closed is another animal -resistant strategy that you want to get into the habit, especially if you have children.

"Keep all the doors of the closed room, especially those that house your children," advises Grottini. "Children are not as reliable in reflection on pet safety, so it is preferable to avoid danger if you can close the doors when they are not used."

Not great to remember to close the doors? Grottini offers a solution.

"A good way to make sure that the doors are closed is to put a door spring at the top of the door," she said.

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Try a deterrence.

grannick's bitter apple taste deterrent spray

If you cannot limit your dog to a specific space, but you have trouble preventing them from chewing, you can try a preventive measurement like a bitter apple spray.

"Take some The bitter apple from Grannick Spray to prevent puppies from chewing fabric items and fabric furniture at home, "she suggests." [This] also helps if the puppy bit your clothes or hands. ""

Take precautions with the bathroom.

hand of a man closing the lid of a toilet

Bathrooms are another area that could interest dogs.

"Bathrooms must also ensure that waste and toilet cover are down, especially if you use a continuous toilet cleaning product," said Rhoads, noting that drugs should also be put aside .

Invest in a box or camera.

happy chihuahua sleeping in crate
Jennay Hitesman / Shutterstock

Overall, experts recommend training your dog, because they are most likely to do damage when you are not at home and they get bored.

"A cash register is an excellent investment for your dog not only for travel, but also for training," Nell Ostermeier , DVM, veterinary advisor at FIG. , actions. "Once they are used to the checkout, he will provide a safe place where they can rest and do not cause any problems. Some pets are good for opening cabinets, and you may have to invest in locks with locks children's test. "

And if you want to let your dog or cat stay outside, you may want to examine a kind of surveillance.

"If you are new on the property of pets and want to see what your pet does when you are not at home, I recommend that you invest in a puppy camera to observe what they do, in this way, you know how to suffocate [any bad behavior] in the egg, "said Kat Christie , approved entrepreneur and DIY expert, and founder of She corrected that, llc .

In relation: I am a veterinarian and these are the 5 most necessary dog breeds .

Remove the dangers outside.

dog sitting on deck
Whitejellybeans / Shutterstock

Although you certainly want to protect the interior of your home, you should also consider your court, if you have one. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Make sure that the chemicals of the court are put aside, keep them out of the grass if it has been treated, check your court for dead animals, or all that they can be tempted to eat , as well as sharp things or debris that can make its way in your court, "said Christie. "If you have an invisible fence or fence, make sure everything is in good working order, and there are no gaps or holes from which the dog can sneak."

Ostermeier also suggests removing toxic substances and ensuring that dogs do not have access to something like a swimming pool.

"If you are busy in the courtyard and you have a lot, it could be a good idea to build a dog race that extends over the length of the courtyard," recommends Grottini. "In this way, you can ensure the safety of your dog. Likewise, for cats, there are outdoor cat boxes available with several levels, shelter panels and wire to keep the cat safely inside."

Have good supplies at hand in the event of an accident.

Rustycanuck / Shutterstock

You can be as prepared and the animal test as possible, but the accidents occur, so you will also want to be prepared with supplies in an emergency.

Experts recommend having Benadryl at hand for allergic reactions, as well as an emergency evacuation pack for pets.

"If a pet or a child overthrow a candle starting a fire, or if there is a disaster in your region, having a bag to take with food, drugs that the animal takes, records of shooting , an additional leash and a collar, folding dishes for food and water and small blankets, "suggests Grottini.

She adds: "All states in the United States must have an emergency intervention team only for animals if the owner had to evacuate the house due to a disaster. If you live in the United States, make sure To know where these teams have set up shelter to host your pet if necessary.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Home / Pets / Safety
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