≡ With such an appearance, she could become a star of Hollywood, but, unfortunately, time takes her》 heral Beauty

Of course, you can’t do without talent, but the audience, first of all, is interested in how a person looks.

It is no secret that for most actors a bright and memorable appearance is a direct ticket to a large movie. Of course, you can’t do without talent, but the audience, first of all, is interested in how a person looks. So at one time, fans idolized the actress Olga Mashny. Indeed, her beauty was unique. It was difficult to find someone similar to her. But, unfortunately, time takes his own, and over the years the charm of the artist melted.

Olga Mashny burst into Soviet cinema at a rather tender age. The 15-year-old actress conquered the audience with her youth and unique beauty. Many sincerely believed that with such an appearance she could easily become a star of Hollywood. And only units knew how difficult her fate was.

Her father worked as a plaster, and her mother was a malarus. As the actress recalls, her family was dysfunctional because of her father’s alcohol problems. Parents often arranged scandals, because of which the girl felt not safe. Often she wandered around the streets of her hometown and did not want to return home. Work in the cinema has become a real rescue for her.

Interestingly, Olga did not even dream of an acting career, fate itself led her to this choice when, at 12, she was near the Lenfilm building. There she was noticed by the assistant director Emilia Grigoryevna Belskaya. She offered the girl a role in the cinema. Mashny's debut took place in the picture of director Grigory Nikulin's “first joys”.

Olga liked to work in a movie. And above all, because it gave her the opportunity to leave the family, where she experienced only negative emotions. At the age of 15, she left for Moscow, without even saying goodbye to her parents, which she later sorry much about. Emilia Belskaya essentially replaced the girl's mother. The extraordinary beauty of the young actress struck not only spectators, but also directors. Mashny regularly received offers on filming. Perhaps the most successful and most successful and memorable work in the cinema was the role of the beautiful Sophia Zolotova from the film "Carderans, go ahead!".

In the life of the actress there was one great love. At the time of acquaintance with the director and screenwriter Valery Potrykhov, she was 15 years old, and he was 35. She replied to the man reciprocity only after a few years. True, their novel and subsequent marriage was not happy. Demoleskhov cheated on his wife, often raised his hand. In the end, Olga collected a suitcase and left. On the set of "Mardmarin", she started an affair with Dmitry Haratyan. And in the early 90s, the actress for the second time married the singer in the church choir. In 1992, the couple had a son Dmitry. Three years later, she filed for divorce.

Olga had to educate his son alone. She did not have to count on the aid of grandparents. Yes, and nannies too, because at that time the artists were tight with work. All losses and experiences negatively affected the health and appearance of Mashny. The actress was very recovered, and there was no trace of her former beauty. In 2005, Olga made liposuction. But after a couple of years, excess weight returned.

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