≡ 6 foods that we eat every day that cause cancer》 Her Beauty
We take a dip in the world of food and find out which of them have a dark side that could increase the risk of cancer. Ready? Let's start!

Cancer is a complicated opponent, with a lot of different faces and even more ways of hiding and hitting. While scientists are still trying to decipher all his secrets, one thing is clear: it is not just a question of bad genetic fate or an unfortunate family history. In reality, what we do every day, especially what we put on our plate, has a gigantic influence on our battle against cancer.
Surprisingly, life choices, including those relating to the diet, weigh a lot in the balance of cancer risk. Studies show that between 80% and 90% of cases of cancer are linked not so much to hereditary factors, as to the external ones, or to the choices we make every day.
And here the food comes into play. Yes, my friends, what we eat can actually approach or move away from the risk of meeting cancer along our journey. The research is unequivocal on this: some foods have a direct link with an increased risk of specific types of cancer. Therefore, keeping an eye on our daily menu is not only a question of physical fitness or general well -being, but it can be a real defense strategy in the fight against cancer.

There is an intriguing connection between what we put on our plate and the risk of running in some serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. And it does not end here: these problems, in turn, can act as a springboard for certain types of cancer. But it is not just a question of extra pounds or of stars; Some foods are real hiding places for carcinogenic substances, those mischievous particles that can trigger cancer.
Now, it's not that every time you eat something potentially dangerous, cancer is guaranteed. It all depends on a complex ballet between your personal genetics and as long as (and how intensely) you have been exposed to these harmful substances.
So, armed with curiosity, we explore the world of foods under accusation from science for their link with the risk of developing different types of cancer. It seems that making wise choices at the table can be more than a simple question of good taste.
Surprise worked meat
The worked meat includes delights such as hot dogs, salami, sausage, ham, and even dry meat. Let's face it, who does not like a good hot dog every now and then? However, the process to preserve these meats can lead to the formation of substances not exactly friends of our health. For example, when the meat is seasoned with nitrite, n-cytrous compounds can form, sworn enemies of our well-being. And it does not end here: the smoking of the meat can introduce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on our plate, also known as IPA, and yes, they are carcinogenic.
The research connected the consumption of meat worked to a greater risk of colorectal and stomach cancer. A steak every now and then is fine, but maybe let's think twice before making salami feast.

Fried: crunchy but insidious
Ah, the french fries, a temptation to which it is difficult to resist. But be careful: foods rich in starch cooked at high temperatures, such as chips, can form acrylamide, a substance that we would never want on our plate if we keep at health. Studies on animal models have shown that acrylamide can damage DNA and lead to the death of cells. In short, perhaps it is appropriate to moderate the consumption of these fried whims.

Goring foods: not just a culinary disaster
Cooking too much foods, especially meat, can transform a barbecue with friends into a less healthy experience than you think. Cooking at high temperatures can produce heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (IPA), substances that we would prefer not to invite to dinner. These carcinogenic agents can do damage to our DNA, so maybe it is better to opt for more delicate cooking methods such as poaching or pressure cooking.

Lattericines: a dilemma
Finally, let's talk about dairy products. Although they are an important source of calcium and proteins, some studies have suggested that they could increase the risk of prostate cancer, mainly due to the increase in IGF-1 levels, a growth factor similar to insulin. However, research is not unanimous, so the password is: moderation.
In conclusion, while we enjoy culinary delights that life has to offer us, it is wise to remember that moderation and the choice of healthy cooking methods can help us maintain a balanced and, hopefully, lifestyle lifestyle.

Refined sugars and carbohydrates: friends or enemies?
We are surrounded by sweet temptations and carbohydrates that hide in disguise, such as:
- Sugary drinks that promise infinite energies
- Oven products that whisper your name every time you pass in front of the pastry shop
- White pasta, white bread, white rice and sugary cereals, all disguised as comfort food
But be careful! These seductive foods bring a dark side with them. The studies have connected a high intake of these foods to higher risks of type 2 diabetes and obesity. And here things get complicated: both these conditions are famous to raise the curtain on inflammation and oxidative stress, which in turn can invite some types of cancer to dinner.
And again, type 2 diabetes can put you in the front row for ovar cancer, breast and endometrium. And if you thought that the pasta only made you feel weighed down, know that the high levels of glucose in the blood can wink at the colorectal cancer.
To dodge these pitfalls, why don't you try to dance with healthier alternatives such as bread, pasta, full rice and a nice plate of oats in the morning?

Alcohol: a toast with caution
Every time you raise the glass, your liver turns into a hero, transforming alcohol into acetaldehyde, a compound that, alas, is not exactly the best friend of our health.
A 2017 review reveals that Acetaldehyde is a real Mascalzone: it damages DNA and makes the mouths to our immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight the bad cells that could become cancerose. And for women, drinking alcohol can be like sending a formal invitation to estrogen to raise the volume, which translates into a higher risk of breast cancer.
So, next time you think you make a toast, maybe choose to raise the glass with a little more awareness.

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