5 things in your garden that are toxic to your dog

Experts say they are cautious about these articles, which could cause your four -legged friends to prejudice.

Like their owners, many dogs love to be able to spend time outside enjoying the freedom of the court. But while exercise and fresh air are in perfect health for them, there are still things that could be toxic Or dangerous for your pet in your property. Before bringing your puppy with you as a weeding or planting companion, there are some experts in danger for security, say that you should be aware first. Read the rest for five things in your garden which is toxic to your dog.

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Specific spring flowers and flower shrubs

tulips in a field
Sofiaworld / Shutterstock

You can say that one of the best moments to spend time in your garden is spring. You may want to take care of certain tasks before the warmer weather, and it is also when some of the most appreciated early flowering flowers come to life. However, the same colorful plants you can't wait to welcome each year are also potentially dangerous for dogs.

"Jonquilles and tulips can be popular flowers in early spring, but they also contain toxic alkaloid that induces vomiting, low blood pressure and convulsions in pets," warns AJ ARAPOVIC , dog and CEO expert at Showsight magazine . "The bulbs have highly toxic crystals that can cause heart arrhythmias or respiratory depression. Symptoms generally manifest between 15 minutes and one day after ingestion."

The risk does not disappear after spring either. According to Lorraine Rhoads , Director of health and security In Dogtopia, hydrangea bushes can be a problem all season.

"These beautiful flowers have a hidden and deadly toxin called cyanogen glycoside," she said Better life . "If a dog chews this plant, it can obtain a bite of cyanide. All parts of the plant contain this toxin, including leaves, buds and flowers, which would cause vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy . "

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Insecticides and herbicides

A closeup of a hand applying a bottle of Roundup weed killer on a grass lawn
Pixavril / Shutterstock

Maintenance of the garden implies ensuring that no devastating or other unwanted guests are making their way and wreaking havoc. Unfortunately, spray for insects could also endanger your pet.

"Insecticides, in particular organophosphates, are a common cause of dog poisoning," explains the UK-based veterinarian Joanna Woodnutt , MRCVS. "Dogs can become poisoned simply by walking in areas that have recently applied insecticides, then licking legs."

The same can be said for herbicides commonly used in yards and gardens.

"There are many products that people use to control weeds that can be dangerous enough for animals," said Rhoads. "Read the label very carefully, follow the instructions and distance all the animals and children from these harmful chemicals."

Snail or slug bait

snail crawling on a rock

Keeping invertebrates, including snails and slugs out of your well -maintained garden, can be difficult work. But if you use products to try to trap them, beware that they are among the most dangerous products so that your canine can enter.

"Even the smallest quantity of the chemical product used to bait these dissected critters can be fatal to dogs," warns Rhoads. "Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, convulsions, high body temperature and potentially fatal respiratory and cardiac problems."

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Poisonous snakes and toxic toxic toxic

A rattlesnake coiled on the ground with its tongue out
StevemcsWeeny / Istock

Humans know that they should take additional care to be wary of all copper, bell snakes or other poisonous reptiles in their region each time they spend time outside. However, a curious canine may not understand in what type of danger it is by continuing or investigating the one who could have made his way in your garden

"Almost every state has a kind of poisonous snake in the context of natural habitat. They often get a bad reputation, but snakes do important work to maintain the rodent population in many regions," said Rhoads.

She adds that snakes can often be found under rocks, in wooden heaps, in trees or by bushes in your courtyard. "If you have snakes in your region, make a quick check before letting your dog play," she suggests.

Even if your pet can avoid being bitten, there are other animals that could pose a potential problem. This is particularly true if your puppy wants to hunt amphibians who could jump.

"The ingestion of toads in your garden can cause toxication of toads in your pets, causing gastrointestinal upheavals, hypersalivation and in rare cases, neurological and heart symptoms", explains Jaclyn M. Coble , DVM, veterinarian and founder of Sea Mands Integrative Veterinary Health . "The toxic toxic species include the giant toad and the Colorado toad."


Farmer's hands in the green working gloves holding mineral fertilizers
Rosshelen / Shutterstock

Even the largest green thumb can sometimes use a little help to grow their garden. But if you treat your garden with fertilizers, it could create a health risk for your dog, even if you pay attention.

Woodnutt explains that different fertilizers contain potash, nitrogen and phosphorus as the main ingredients, with different levels of micronutrients such as iron and manganese. "If it is consumed or licked legs, this can cause gastric upheavals or light poisoning of excessive micronutrients, especially iron," she warns.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Garden / Home / Pets
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