≡ "I could not sleep or eat, I was outside of me": Guenda Tavassi reveals that I used amphetamines to lose weight and shares the serious side effects forced》 Her Beauty

In the world of showbiz, where beauty is a must, the hyenas reveal the dark side of "aesthetic doping".

In the world of showbiz, where beauty is a must, the hyenas reveal the dark side of "aesthetic doping". Veronica Ruggeri meets Guendalina Tavassi, the former competitor of Big Brother and the Island of the Famous, who opens regarding his past with the amphetamines and the terrible effects that followed. "I was a real disaster: I didn't sleep, I didn't eat, I was on turns," he confides.

Guenda highlights the obsession with the appearance fueled by social networks: "On Instagram they demolish you for every little imperfection. If you show yourself naturally, you are finished, between insults and criticisms ". The 38 -year -old woman says she has sought a shortcut to lose weight before the reality show using a drug for diabetics that suppresses the appetite, with absurd side effects, such as mental confusion, "happened two and a half years ago".

“How did I get the prescription? There are those who sell these drugs illegally under the bench, "reveals. Guendalina has also experienced stimulating substances to lose weight, from hephalon to anpatamin, passing through swinging moods. "A Russian mountain of emotions, from rice to anger, from cry again to rice, and a heart that seemed to explode".

When it comes to self -esteem and mirrors, Guendalina does not use the least terms: “I hate mirrors and look at myself only through the filters of the apps. Until I 'transform', I can't even look at me. " And on the front of aesthetic retouches, Guenda has no filters: "nose, lips, hyaluronic acid to as much as I can, remaking of the post-breastfeeding breast and blepharoplasty. And I'm thinking about the lifting ... "

A story without filters of an obsessive research of perfect beauty, which highlights the dangers and pitfalls of feeling constantly under judgment in a world where appearance seems to count more than everything.

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