≡ Should a woman agree to a civil marriage? 》 Her beauty
It is believed that a civil marriage does not contribute to the development of relations and leads to the so -called "syndrome of the deferred life" ...

Today, men and women are in no hurry to make official marriage, preferring to freely complete the relationship at any time. Psychologists have a different opinion on this score. Let's try to figure it out.
In the past, society categorically condemned cohabitation, and those who entered into a civil marriage were isolated. Today, people are free from prejudices. Although many of those who refuse the stamp in the passport are still subjected to public criticism. It is believed that a civil marriage does not contribute to the development of relations and leads to the so -called "syndrome of the deferred life" when everyone refuses to take responsibility.

Psychologists note that the couples living in a civil marriage often experience anxiety and anxiety regarding their future, since life together without official registration is perceived by society as temporary and optional. This is especially characteristic of women. After all, many sincerely believe that marriage is a kind of insurance and a guarantee of eternal life together and preserving love.

On the other hand, lovers often put their companions on a pedestal. Men are also inclined to idealize their chosen ones. However, after the wedding, a romantic illusion is destroyed. Is a civil marriage useful or only harm? This question can be answered only after you live together.

After a few months of living, both a man and a woman begin to realize that their partner is a living person who experiences all the same natural processes as all other people. In addition, previously unknown aspects of the personality of your partner will begin to appear. The moodiness, sloppiness, selfishness - these are only hints of how superficially you knew a person.

With age, many of us, fortunately, take off pink glasses. It becomes obvious that ideal people do not exist. That is why it is so important to know a person closer to the wedding to avoid divorce in the future. By the way, it is necessary not only to better know the potential spouse, but also to evaluate how he affects your daily life.

At all times, life was filled with difficulties and hardships, so it makes no sense to blame someone in their failures. Your life is your responsibility, therefore, when creating a family, it is important to trust your own feelings, and not lead to public opinion. Psychologists believe that the achievement of harmony and personal happiness in a relationship is possible in any of their form. Listen to your own heart and choose the form of marriage that best corresponds to your aspirations.