≡ Are there differences between the sexual fantasies of men and women? 》 Her Beauty

Sexual fantasies play a very important role in looking for pleasure and enjoyment, but there is a big difference in how both genres perceive them.

An error that we make too often is to generalize about how to experience and feel sexual fantasies according to men or women, since each person is unique and lives their sexuality in their own way. But it is true that some social and cultural conventions can establish a series of gender patterns that can correspond to the vast majority of the population.

So, is it true that there are fantasies of each genre? Do you have any influence when imagining intimate situations to be a man or woman? Although there are some norms or patterns that are repeated, we can also find significant differences. Here are some of them.

Fantasize is human.

Having fantasies is very common even if there are people who recognize it or even aware that they have them. It is totally natural that we imagine stories, situations or events that awaken curiosity, desire or attraction, even without pretending to transfer to reality.

Although there are people who think that having sexual fantasies is a product of unsatisfactory intimate relationships, nothing is further from reality. These are only ideas or imaginations of sexual content that cause us excitement and that can arise spontaneously by memories of past sexual experiences or for ideas that we have about it and that we would like to materialize or not.

Sexual fantasies help who has them to get excited well when maintaining relationships with another person or to masturbate, increasing the level of intensity and pleasure. In fact, having fantasies is considered a key indicator of enjoying good sexual health, according to experts.

What are the most frequent sexual fantasies about?

There are as much variety of sexual fantasies as people, since the content can be extremely diverse depending on the creativity, imagination and desires of each individual. There are also other elements that may have some relevance when building our fantasies, such as; religious beliefs; the level of training; Personality or, without a doubt, sex education that this person has received.

Although we insist that the list can differ a lot from one person to another, the most frequent sexual fantasies, both for men and women, are usually: submission, domination, sadomasochism, orgies or the exchange of couples, to mention some.

There are people who prefer to fantasize with a purest romanticism or who excite themselves when thinking about practicing sex in public places. On the opposite side we have the voyeurs, which are excited to look at other people. Some fantasies go further and consists in experiencing fetishism. Although in the past it was considered that it is a disorder, the most recent studies in the field have resolved that fetishes are much more common than we thought and that they are not a pathology at all.

Sexual fantasies according to gender.

For too long it has been thought that women did not experience sexual desire and that, therefore, they had no fantasy kind. On the other hand, sex has always been "men's thing," whose fantasies focused on sexual practice in itself.

But fortunately things have changed and currently it is considered that both men and women use tools and thoughts to enrich our sexual responses, in addition to certain coincidences in both the content of fantasies and in the frequency with which they are experienced.

In 2012, the University of Granada published a survey that showed that there are no really important differences between the fantasies of both genres. The study consisted of interviewing more than two thousand men and women; And one of the main conclusions is that both genres fantasize with romantic and intimate aspects in which their partners also appear.

Although, despite this common link, the study also concluded that there are certain differences on the perceptions that men and women have when experiencing fantasies. In general, the female gender usually has more fantasies related to emotions, details and the previous excitation process. Men, on the other hand, usually tend more towards the most visual and direct thoughts that focus more on the end of the process than on details themselves.

The sexual fantasies of women.

The woman throughout history has played a fundamental role in living and experiencing her sexuality. The established social and cultural norms, have a great influence on how men and women conceive and experience sexual fantasies. According to this, it is more frequent that the tendency of men is fantasizing with having more dominant roles; while women get that excitement with roles or submission scenarios.

However, the social and cultural diversity that surrounds us and advances in equality makes it very difficult to generalize when talking about fantasies or any other sexual aspect, since pigeonhole aspects in gender behaviors is not at all conclusive to Scientific level.

When talking about fantasies, female are usually characterized more by their extension and variety; with games and special attention to sensory details, which are a fundamental element for pleasure; such as sounds, odors or sensations. Women do not focus so much on reaching orgasm, but prefer to reach the maximum possible excitation level while exploring through their imagination.

The sexual fantasies of women are usually longer and longer, since they contain more details and details. There is usually a common link that adds greater complexity to fantasy: the exploration of emotions and sensations. Some of the themes that are repeated more frequently in female fantasies are related to the use of sensual clothing, the presence of romantic or affection, such as kisses and hugs, or the fact of having relationships with more than one couple or people of the same genre. Situations in which concrete roles or experiencing rare sexual behaviors are also usually given an element of excitation for women.

The sexual fantasies of men.

Speaking in general terms, men often fantasize more with behaviors that do not usually practice or that are difficult to carry out. It is also more frequent that they fantasize about the idea of practicing group sex, which can lead to the idea of promiscuity, the exchange of couples or orgies.

It is true that men usually have more sexual fantasies than women, especially , When masturbating. Some of the issues that are most resorted to are, as we have commented, group sex or with more than one woman at the same time, the practices of domination and submission or the memory of previous sexual partners. It is curious that the practice of homosexual relationships is imagined in lesser number than in the case of women and that, as a general rule, it is necessary to have a more negative connotation for them.

Does sexual orientation have any influence on erotic fantasies?

The truth is that the differences are very unimstable, but there are some research that suggests that the content of sexual fantasies may be different depending on the sexual orientation of the person. Some of the most significant data are that heterosexual men usually fantasize with group sex, experiment with people outside their partner or submission practices, while homosexual men usually tend more to fantasize more with detail visualizations of the male body, encounters with Unknown men or by force, although it is also frequent that they imagine sex in group.

As for them, we have already talked about the most frequent fantasies of heterosexual women, which in the case of homosexuals usually vary more towards coercive encounters, sensual conversations, memories of past relationships or sadomasochism.

Cute and affection Moments at Sunset on the Beach. On a vacation two people kissing at Golden Hour.

Is it important to specify sexual fantasies?

The most important thing is to keep in mind that fantasies are part of a fiction world governed by the protagonist and that they are not always a faithful sample of the real sexual desires of whom it fantasizes.

Fantasies are nothing more than resources of imagination to enhance excitation and improve the quality of sexual relations, but they are not an interpretation of dissatisfied desires or erotic frustrations.

Whenever it is legally and agreed, there is no problem in making certain sexual fantasies come true, but it is important to speak clearly about who is involved and respect their desires and limits.

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