5 Best tips for saving your home for spring
Experts say it's the best way to keep pests out of your space this season.

Although the more beautiful spring time means more time outside for you, it could mean more time inside For rodents. This is particularly true because spring is the start of the reproduction season for these creatures, they will therefore look for safe and hot nesting points. But if you prefer to avoid Meetings with mice , rats or four -legged parasites, there are some easy ways to prevent them. Read more to learn the best advice from experts to save your home for spring.
In relation: 10 cleaning habits that attract mice to your home .
1 Spring Clean your courtyard.

Brad Woods , district director at Trutech Wildlife Services , said rodents are likely to start their trip to your courtyard because they can find a shelter under the piles of brushes, in the middle of the long grass and in shrubs. And after a long winter, your outdoor space is probably not in the best shape. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Therefore, the woods suggest cutting the branches of trees and other vegetation to eliminate possible hiding places.
Lorne Hanewich , business trainer at The fight against termites and pests of Clark , also recommends taking care of the invaded bushes, lots of leaves and sticks, or anything that can hide a rodent.
2 Remove all sources of food.

Experts say that the observations of the most common rodents in the spring are the mice and rats, which are both hungry. So, you will want to clean all leftovers as soon as possible and make sure that parasites cannot access anything in your pantry.
Hanewich says to keep food in plastic or metal containers sealed. "Keep the pantry staples such as grains, cereals and pet food from the floor and far from the walls, because rodents can easily gnaw at cardboard and plastic bags to access goods," adds-t -he.
In relation: 8 foods that attract mice inside your home .
3 Keep the garbage sealed.

If rodents do not have direct access to food in your home, they will look for the best thing: garbage.
Scot Hodges , vice-president of technical services and professional development at Arrow exterminators , says that it is a great concern for the raccoons who "live in a constant search for food" and can "use their very followers to open trash cans".
Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the trash cans are closed and far from all the entry points at home. "Use a thick plastic or metal trash with a tight cover and always keep it sealed," adds Hodges.
4 Seal all the entry points.

It is well known that rodents can pass even the smallest openings, so it is important to seal all possible entry points at your home.
"Check the gaps around the doors, windows, pipes and vents and seal with caulking, steel wool or metal mesh," advises Hanewich. "By blocking these entries, you make much more difficult for rodents to infiltrate your home."
Hodges also recommends sealing the gaps "along the roof line, around the fireplace and areas where public services and pipes enter the house".
In relation: 8 surprising things in your court that attract mice to your home .
5 Decline your home.

This is the perfect time for this annual spring cleaning that you may have rejected, especially in your basement, your garage and your attic.
"The congestion offers rodents hiding places and nesting materials," notes Hanewich.
Avoid organizing your things cardboard boxes , what rodents can chew. Instead, Hodges suggests using plastic boxes and containers with waterproof lids and keeping them out of the ground when possible.

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