Here are how much the total solar eclipse you can see in your region

You could always get a good show, even if you are not on the way to the whole.

On April 8, the last total solar eclipse visible in the United States for two decades will take place. While the American public was entitled to the same show in 2017, the path to come from the totality crosses a set of states much more densely populated, with 31.6 million people Living in areas that will see the moon completely cover the sun, according to NASA. And although many are Plan travel To ensure that they have a first-row seat for the special event, many areas will always have a decent view from their backyard. Read the rest to see how the next total solar eclipse you can observe in your region.

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North West

Parents holding two young children watching a solar eclipse while wearing protective glasses
Leopatrizi / Istock

Those who live in the northwest are unfortunately able to see the The least obscured sun , according to NASA. Those along the coastal areas of Washington will only see 15% coverage, while Seattle and the Oregon coast will obtain 20% and Spokane will see 25%.

The view improves more inside the land, the west of Oregon and Montana having between 30 and 35% obscure. Boisse, the center of Idaho and the center of Montana - including Helena - will obtain up to 40%, while the eastern part of each state could see 45% of the sun cover.

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Southwest and California

A closeup of a pair of solar eclipse viewing glasses being held up to the sun
Lost_in_the_midwest / shutterstock

The rest of the west coast will also be relatively in digital disadvantage on the eclipse, northern California through the bay region only obtained 30 to 35% obscure. The southern coast of California through Los Angeles will obtain solar coverage up to 45%, as well as the center of Nevada and Salt Lake City, Utah. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The major cities in the region, including San Diego and Las Vegas, will obtain more than 50% coverage during the eclipse. Further in the southwest, cities like Phoenix, Denver and Colorado Springs will receive around 65% obscure. At the same time, Tucson, Albuquerque and Santa Fe will see around 70 to 75% coverage or more.

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Midwest and Northern Plains

A person wearing an orange coat and protective solar glasses looking up into the sky with a smile
Leopatrizi / Istock

Dakota from the North and South will see 45 to 65% of solar coverage from west to east at the top of their eclipse visualization. Eastern Nebraska through twin cities, monks and northern Wisconsin will see a blanket up to 80%.

The areas just outside the path of the whole region, especially the south of Wisconsin, the Lower Michigan, the center of the Missouri and the North West of Indiana, and the big cities like Chicago, St. Louis And Detroit could see up to 95% solar coverage. The complete sun cover will take place in the south of Illinois and center of Indiana, including by Indianapolis.

South and South-East

family watching the eclipse

The first overview of the total eclipse will first be visible in the United States of South Texas, with Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio on the way to the whole. Most of the northwest corner of Arkansas will also see a complete blanket, including Little Rock.

Although they do not reach total obscure, cities like Memphis, Nashville, Houston, Shreveport and Corpus Christi will have a view of 90% or more solar coverage. The Gulf coast and the cities, including Atlanta, Montgomery, Birmingham and Charleston, South Carolina, will see coverage of at least 70%.

Meanwhile, those in Florida will see the obscure decrease by heading east. Tampa will obtain coverage of 55%, while Miami will obtain approximately 45%.

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Orient and northeast

A woman using special glasses to watch a solar eclipse
Store more / Shutterstock

The path of the totality also covers the large expanses of the complete coverage of the east and northeast of the United States will be seen in the center and northern Ohio in Cleveland; in the west and northern New York in Buffalo and Rochester; in northern Vermont and New Hampshire; and through a large part of the north of Maine.

Cities such as Boston, Pittsburgh and New York will always be close to full coverage with 90% more obscured or more. And Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., will see coverage between 85 and 90% during the eclipse.

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Tags: Science
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