The 12 most toxic zodiac pairs, according to astrologers

The priority personality and clashes could lead to toxicity in these relationships.

Compatibility is somewhat subjective: you could hear yourself perfectly with someone with whom you did not expect to connect, or maybe someone attracted to you at the beginning does not give you butterflies. Although you can crack it to something they said on a date or dull kiss , There is another reason why you may not have clicked: the stars. According to astrologers, certain signs of the zodiac are likely to have personalities, prospects and priorities faced. Read the continuation for the 12 most toxic zodiac pairs, from In Paradise disorder to full-on disastrous.

In relation: There is a zodiac sign which is most likely to remain single, say astrologers .

Aries (March 21, 18 April) and cancer (June 22-July 22)

Exasperated Couple
Jacob Wackerhausen / Istock

According to Raquel Rodriguez , astrologer and founder of Your zodiac , Ram and cancer could encounter problems due to personality differences. While ram is more direct, cancer adopts a more sensitive approach to life.

"For example, in situations where ram opts for confrontation and action, cancer can withdraw or respond emotionally, which can cause misunderstandings," explains Rodriguez Better life . "This twinning can become toxic when the impatience of the ram meets the moods of cancer and creates a cycle of hurtful feelings and defensive reactions."

Scorpion (October 23-21-21) and Aquarius (January 20-18-18)

needy man seeking reassurance from partner
Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

The next place on the list of toxic pairs is Scorpion and Aquarius, that the notes of Tiktker Astrologybro (@astrologybro) are not likely to get along in the long term.

"This relationship should never really have taken off in the first place," said the tiktker in a Video of November 2023 . "The Scorpion needs to merge, and he wants to bond, and he wants a complete sacrifice and a partner's commitment, while the Aquarius says:" Hey, I am here, but I will not be linked. ""

Aquarius also does not abstain the need for scorpion to register more often. Aquarius values independence and will fight for this, while the Scorpion "goes mad when it is injured".

"The Scorpion gets angry when they have the impression that there is a risk, there is a risk of theft in a partner," explains @astrologybro. "Not an excellent matching."

In relation: The signs of the zodiac that will always make heads, according to astrologers .

Virgin (August 23-September 22) and Balance (September 23-October 22)

Man being critical of his partner at home

The Virgin is likely to compete with Balance - even if they are both beautiful and analytical, by @astrologybro.

"Over time, resentment will accumulate. The scale will feel constantly picked," explains the Tiktker.

Balance values peace and harmony, and he will want Virgo to relax. On the other hand, Virgo will admire the charm of the scale, but it "will be so bored that the balance does not sometimes have a vertebral column", concludes @astrologybro.

Virgin and Sagittarius (November 22, December 21)

Frustrated looking young couple arguing on their couch
Skynesher / Istock

Virgo and Sagittarius will not see the eyes either in a relationship, says Rodriguez - because of their importance values.

"The perfectionism of the Virgin and the attention to details can frustrate the Sagittarius which loves freedom, which prefers a more spontaneous and adventurous lifestyle," she explains. "Toxicity occurs when the criticism of the Virgin attenuates the spirit of Sagittarius, and that the contempt of Sagittarius for the details irritates Virgo."

The two partners of this twinning can end up feeling poorly understood and limited ", when they find it difficult to see and appreciate everyone's perspectives, adds Rodriguez.

In relation: The most and less romantic zodiac signs, according to astrologers .

Aquarius and cancer

jealous man looking at his girlfriend while she's smiling at her phone

According to Sttina Garbis , astrologer and owner of Psychic stina , a relationship between Aquarius and cancer "could turn into a very easily toxic waste discharge".

Aquarius prefers a large group of friends, but cancer prefers a smaller circle, where bitterness can occur.

"Cancer can constantly be jealous of the friends of the Aquarius, who can be with or without advantages, and the Aquarius may want cancer to leave their shell and take more risks," said Garbis Better life . "There is no way that the Aquarius will break with their friends, and cancer will protect their shell as long as possible."

Aries and Taurus (April 20, May 20)

Couple arguing in a park. Man is in sunglasses on the phone not paying attention to his girlfriend who's tugging at his shirt.
Shotprime Studio / Shutterstock

While ram and bullfight are consecutive on the zodiac calendar, they are not likely to see themselves in a relationship.

"At first glance, these two are in fact very similar, the bull and the ram. These animals are like the same: they are both hard, they are both powerful, they have a lot of power and capacity Intense leadership, but they do it in different ways, "explains @astrologybro. "The bull is staying in power. They are on the Survivor Défi, standing on the longest newspaper, they can "survive, survive everyone".

However, ram "is easily bored" and likes to get things done, says the tiktker, creating a potential confrontation.

"Aries will become impatient with the bull, and it will be frustrated that the bullfight [either] sometimes simply a little too slow, or they are a little too patient, or they stay a little too long", @ @ astrologybro said in the video.

And although they probably have physical chemistry, it is not enough to help the ram and the bull to solve conflicts, because none will make back in an argument.

In relation: The romantic gesture n ° 1 each sign of the zodiac likes the most .

Cancer and Gemini (May 21, 11 June)

couple fighting at home
Alex_Maryn / Shutterstock

Sensitive cancer and playful Gemini could also be found in an annoying relationship, according to @astrologybro.

"They are so different that there is a natural fascination between the two," explains the Tiktker. "Gemini are not really a sign known to go deep into emotions and feel things and really sit and be present with depth - and cancer sees the Gemini who float in a way from the thing to the thing. ""

Cancer wants safety and protection, says @astrologybro, and exciting showcases will try to remove cancer from their comfort zone a little.

However, over time, the two will come up against because Gemini will want cancer to continue to meet his "unmet emotional needs". And although Gemini do not meet the needs of cancer, cancer will always find it difficult to abandon the relationship.

Consequently, "the most negative features of cancer and their empathetic nature will begin to go out - more guilt, more criticism from Gemini, [and] Gemini will be smothered", concludes @astrologybro.

Taurus and Sagittarius

man in bed looking at his boyfriend and explaining, using hand gesture

The bull and the sagittarius. These two signs are not likely to understand each other and compete in terms of lifestyle and ideologies. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Sagittarius is still in motion while Taurus likes to stay motion. In addition, Sagittarius is more in experiences, while the bullfight can be more in stuff, and they can spend a large part of their time together complain The lifestyle of others, "she said.

While the Sagittarius may want to be in town every weekend, Taurus may want to stay at home, which allowed the two to spend a lot of time apart.

In relation: The most incompatible zodiac signs, according to an astrologer .

Taurus and Aquarius

older couple fighting in toxic relationship - Yuri A / Shutterstock

Rodriguez says that these two signs are not likely to agree either, because Aquarius likes change, while Taurus likes to keep things stable and stable. These key differences could quickly lead to toxicity.

"This fundamental difference can lead to frustration in a relationship, where Taurus's desire for a comfortable night seems restrictive to Aquarius, which seeks excitement and social commitment," notes Rodriguez. "Their inability to find common ground can promote a toxic environment of resentment and, sometimes, detachment."

Virgin and ram

Young Couple Fighting Outside
Ekaterya Zubal / Shutterstock

Garbis says that the Virgin and Aries could very well be a "toxic match" because the two can be aggressive in different ways.

"Virgo does not like to be told how to behave and that the ram doesn't like being told what to do. Virgo likes to take ram excavations, which would encourage a lot of bitterness and fights that can Don't be resolved, "she said.

Garbis continues: "They have different arguments of arguments with the Virgin being more passive -aggressive, and the ram being more hostile externally - and the frustration between this couple with perners could become fierce."

In relation: The most unstable zodiac sign, according to astrologers .

Scorpion and Gemini

couple feeling displeased while having relationship problems at home.

According to Rodriguez, these two are likely to be attracted to each other at the beginning, but the intensity of the scorpion and "love for the variety" of Gemini could possibly create a conflict.

"The deep emotional investment of the Scorpion may seem overwhelming for Gemini, which prefers a lighter and more carefree approach to love," she says. "The misunderstandings occur when Gemini's flirtatious nature triggers the jealousy of Scorpion."

In addition, Gemini do not consist in keeping things under the Wraps or maintaining an air of mystery in the relationship, says Garbis.

"Gemini has the most difficulty keeping a secret and zero mystery while the Scorpion likes to take place slowly their life," she adds. "The Scorpion is the secret guardian and the Gemini have no problem blaming all the last gossip in the Tel."

In addition, the Scorpion is more faithful than the Gemini, says Garbis, which means that they are a couple that could end up "stabbing in the back".

"It could be a fairly unpleasant break at the end," she concludes.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) and Leo (July 23-August 22)

young couple arguing on couch
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

The most toxic twinning, mentioned by the three experts in astrology? Capricorn and Leo.

According to Garbis, these two could "disturb themselves to death", because Capricorn will roll their eyes on the constant need of Leo to be in the spotlight.

"Leo's need for admiration and attention is contrary to the reserved and pragmatic perspective of Capricorn," explains Rodriguez. "Consequently, while Leo is looking for praise and drama, criticism of Capricorn and concentration on practical questions could deflate the spirits of Leo. This dynamic can become toxic when Leo's extravagance meets the serious nature of Capricorn and led to a relationship filled with feelings of inadequacy. "

@astrologybro also stresses that Capricorn and Leo are excellent to achieve objectives and could be the "power torque" par excellence. But when there is a successful imbalance, it can create a "tension and resentment".

"None of the two really understands how the other goes honestly as life approaches basically," said the Tiktker. "And these two have powerful temperatures when they injure themselves."

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