The IRS issues a new alert in 5 major tax changes that you need to know before depositing

Not following the constantly evolving tax rules could cause steep penalties.

If the idea of Taxes Submerge you, you are not alone. According to a Stagwell study, 57% of American adults say that the deposit is " scary "- And 54% prefer to get help. People have these feelings because the tax system is notoriously complicated to determine, and this does not help when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) brings new modifications each year. To make sure you get it is true - without you being courageous enough to deposit by yourself or hire an accountant - you will want to be aware of a few adjustments this tax season. Read the rest know before producing your declaration of 2023.

In relation: Irs issues a new alert in 5 things that you should declare on your taxes this year .

Standard deductions have increased.

post-it with tax deductions on tax return form
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

In a February 21 Press release , the IRS issued an alert on the modifications of credits and deductions for the 2023 taxation year, reminding taxpayers that the standard deduction amount increased for all declarants in 2023.

If you are single or married separately, the new standard deduction is $ 13,850. If you are the head of cleaning, the new standard deduction is $ 20,800, and if you are married to deposit jointly or an eligible surviving spouse, the standard deduction is now $ 27,700.

In relation: The IRS warns that 20% of taxpayers do not claim the major reimbursement credit - are you eligible?

Changes have been made to children's tax credits.

little girl sitting on her fathers shoulders and next to her mother
Rido / Shutterstock

In addition to an increase in standard deductions, there have been changes to children's tax credits. These allow taxpayers to claim a credit for each eligible child and reduce tax liability.

The previous modifications made as part of the American Rescue Plan ACT of 2021 have now expired. Consequently, there is no longer any additional credit for young children. Improved credit for eligible children under the age of six and children under the age of 18 expired, and the basic credit amount for each eligible child is $ 2,000. The amount of the credit decreases or "phases" when the gross adjusted income exceeds $ 200,000 ($ 400,000 to a joint declaration), according to the IRS.

Nor is there an increased age allowance for eligible children. To qualify, children must again be under 17 at the end of 2023.

The IRS continues to monitor the legislation that Congress could adopt that would affect the children's tax credit. In light of potential changes, the agency requests that those who have eligible this credit does not wait to deposit. If the legislation adopts, the IRS will automatically provide adjustments to the yields they have received, which means that you will have nothing to do on your side after your deposit.

In relation: The accountants reveal "surprise" tax errors that cost you big and how to avoid them .

The additional amount of the children's tax credit has increased.

A young family sitting down at the kitchen table to pay taxes or bills on their laptop
Ground artist / istock

For the 2023 taxation year, the additional additional maximum tax credit - the available credit when the taxpayer tax credit of a taxpayer is greater than its tax liability - has been increased to $ 1,600. Previously, the amount of the credit was $ 1,400 per child.

The income tax credit (EITC) has changed.

businesswoman working from home

The American Rescue Plan Act also modified the income tax credit rules (EITC) for those who have no eligible children, opening credit to people aged 19 to 24, and those moreover 65 years old. The extended parameters are no longer in force.

To claim the EITC without eligible children, taxpayers must again be between 25 and 64 years old by the end of 2023. If he is married and registered jointly, a spouse must meet this age requirement.

In relation: 6 tax errors that could make you audited, according to financial experts .

There is a new clean vehicle credit.

electric cars lined up at charging stations
Shutterstock / Virrage images

The credit for new vehicles with qualified rechargeable electric motors has also changed for 2023 - and it is now known as clean vehicle credit. Changes have been made to the maximum amount of credit as well as to some of the requirements to claim the credit, according to the IRS. Credit is reported through Form 8936 (Clean vehicle credits) and on form 1040. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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