≡ 20 things that you should never lie to your partner》 Her Beauty
Honesty is the basis of a good relationship, so being transparent about these aspects can help you with your partner.

In almost any content about couples that you find you will read that good communication is essential for success. Honesty is important, because it is what will help you know if your relationship is strong enough and has the possibility of lasting. This applies to everything when you share your life with someone else. However, there are 20 specific things about which being transparent becomes especially crucial, so you should never lie about them.
1. The status of the relationship
At the beginning, it is common for this to be ambiguous, but do not let it continue for a long time. You have to be clear about what you want: a monogamous or open relationship, be boyfriends or only "friends with rights." Define your terms so that you both know what you do.

2. What you want from him
Do you want a couple who prefers to curl up in front of TV instead of partying every weekend? Tell her. Do you want a long -term relationship or just to spend time? Tell her. Lying about your wishes can generate problems in the future.

3. Age
There is a phrase that says: "A woman is never wondered." But when talking about relationships, it is useless and counterproductive to lie about this. If he has a problem with how old you are, then you will know that it will not be a couple for you.

4. Your friends and family
People in your life matter and be honest about who they are will help you evaluate your relationship. For example, your best friend is gay and you don't tell your boyfriend, who later turns out to be homofóbo: will you want to continue with him? Surely you prefer to know from the beginning.

5. Your sexual history
Discussing this topic will always be difficult, but never while trying to adjust to what he thinks is "normal." If you ask you how many men you have been (ask you are free not to answer), be honest. And if you are a virgin, also make it clear. You are not a number or your sexual history.

6. Your culinary skills
You invited him for the first time to have dinner at home, but you don't know how to cook, so you asked for a restaurant. Don't say you did it. Come on, the time when a woman who did not cook was not "dignified" was left behind. You will discover it sooner or later.

7. Relationship problems
Unfortunately, it is very common for women to shut up when they don't like something, bothers them or hurts them. This will only serve to get unhappy and the time you will explode will come. Talking about problems on time can do miracles.

8. Where are you going
If you are going out, don't lie about where you go (or who) if you have nothing to hide. Not only is it safer for you than your boyfriend or husband knows where you are in case of an emergency, but it is also the type of lie that is discovered faster.

9. Your goals
Be transparent about what you want both in the relationship and for you. If you have always dreamed of having children, do not pretend that you can accept that children do not like. If you want to climb in your career, don't tell him you'll try to work less. Be honest with yourself.

10. Your ex
If you still have a connection (of friendship, by children, commercial, etc.) with some (or several) of your ex, be clear about it from the beginning. Do not hide that you had a relationship with someone whom you probably see or maintain contact with some frequency.

11. What you think of your friends
Just as you really want to know what he thinks of your friends, you must be honest about what you think of his. Do not pretend you like if not. Talk it, explain what you don't like and you will surely reach an agreement.

12. How do you feel with her friends
If your man has a strong friendship with another woman, you must tell the truth about whether this bothers you or not. Don't tell him not to "care", because your attitude will betray you. In these cases, promoting trust is very important.

13. Your finances
Unless they have a joint account and both are aware of each movement, it is recommended that you report your true economic situation. If you are going through a bad time, that he knows it will help you make decisions and make chord plans.

14. Health problems
If you are going to share your life with someone, either in marriage or in courtship, it has to be in good and bad. Do not lie about your health, especially if it is something serious or if it is something that may affect it; As for example, an STD. In addition, you should know that you will have their support if it is the couple you deserve.

15. Your hobbies
Your hobbies are an important part of you, and you must feel proud of them, not lie or have them in secret. They don't have to like him or share them; In fact, he knows them and respects them will help you have time for you.

16. What you think of your hobbies
The previous point is valid for both. Be sincere about whether or not you like your hobbies (you don't pretend you like basketball if not). Share those who attract you and give your space so that you enjoy those who do not interest you.

17. Your preferences in bed
It is perfect to have a relationship with enough confidence to experiment in bed and keep the flame alive, but if there is something that you really do not like, do not do it just to please it. Everyone has its limits that must be respected.

18. How was your childhood
If you had a sad or problematic childhood, don't lie just because you think he will think about who you are now. The man who is by your side must be able to support you and help you overcome your traumas, and for this you must be aware of your past.

19. If you need help
It's okay to be independent and self -sufficient, but we all need help at some point. If he offers it to you, do not reject it. Either with home tasks, children, your mental health ... couples support each other and there is nothing wrong with that.

20. whether you love it or not
One of the most important things you should lie about: what you feel for him. If you tell him that you love him just to keep him by your side, but you don't really feel it, you will be causing irremediable damage. Be sincere with you and with him.