≡ Headache and sex: Understand how relationships help improve headache》 Her Beauty

Did you know that having sex can improve your headache? See more here.

Is it possible to decrease that unbearable headache with a little love? Studies show that yes, sex can help relieve headaches to some people. But don't throw away your Dorflex yet, because this relief is not a rule, and many may even see a worse in headache after sex. Next, understand how sex can help improve headache and migraines.

Survey confirms suspicions

In a study by researchers at the University of Munster, Germany, it was found that sexual activity was able to treat about 60% of people with migraine and about one third of patients with the so -called “saved headache”. Saved headache is a headache crisis with frequent episodes that can last from weeks to months.

"Our data suggest that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of headache in some migraine patients and in some patients with saved headache," the study authors wrote.

"Our results show that sexual activity during a migraine crisis can relieve or even interrupt a crisis in some cases, and that sexual activity in the presence of headache is not unusual behavior," they explained.

The researchers observed 800 patients with migraine and 200 patients with saved headache, applying a questionnaire about their sexual activity during pain episodes and the effect that sex has on headache. One third of the patients stated that he had sex during pain episodes, and about 60% of those with migraines related the act to an improvement in headache.

What kind of sex?

According to the health -related news portal, Healthline, for some people, any kind of sex that leads to orgasm can relieve headaches in general.

Some researchers believe that endorphins released by arousal and orgasm are the reason for relief, as these hormones can act as opioids. The association of migraine disorders states that endorphins bring a natural relief to pain, which can be even faster than the relief provided by the intravenous morphine.

Other experts believe that orgasm has the same effect as the application of a deep brain brain stimulation technique in the brain region involved in salvable headache. In general, there are not many studies that prove this association, and more research is needed to identify the mechanism that makes sex headaches to some people.

Sex can also make the headaches worse

If, on the other hand, you feel a worse in headaches when you have sex, you are not alone. Sex may end up leaving migraines and other types of headaches even stronger in some people, and the reason for it is unclear either. A survey conducted in 2013 pointed out that sex can worsen headache in saved in about 50% of people and migraine attacks on 33% of people.

In addition, there are those who see their migraine and headache crises arise during sexual activity. A case study done in 2017 shows that the headaches associated with sex can affect between 1% and 1.6% of the global population.

So if you notice a worse in headache when you have relationships, or simply don't want to be touched or do any kind of activity during that moment, it may be better to avoid sex. Instead, we recommend that you find a dark and quiet place and lie down with a cold compress on the forehead or neck.

Categories: Relationships
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