6 bugs that you should never kill, warn pest experts

Pest experts advise to kill certain bugs because of their role in the ecosystem.

Of course, no one wants their house to become a Hot point for parasites . But before recovering this spray killing insects, you may want to rethink your motivations. "In general, it is always important to first identify the specific bug with which you deal with and understand its ecological role before deciding which actions you take", explains Mihail Velev , expert in rodents and antiparasitic insects at Fantastic services . Some insects play a vital role in the ecosystem and can even help keep your home without more harmful parasites. Continue to read to find out more about Velev and other experts on bugs you should never kill.

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Drawing pins

Stink bug on wooden deck

Putory insects are light brown, oval or shield insects which reach up to about 2 centimeters in length, with three legs on each side.

Velev notes that stinking insects are a common interior nuisance, especially in the fall when they enter the houses in search of a warm place to hide. However, you should not walk on a stinking bug because - at the height of their name - they can adorn your home.

"Avoid at all costs to crush stinking insects because they tend to release a very spicy smell," says Zachary Smith , president of Smith pest management . Even the simple fact of feeling threatened can lead these bugs to release a stinking perfume.

"It is strongly recommended to simply focus on excluding them from your home, because it is actually good to have these insects outside where they can help protect crops from destructive pests like their natural predators," said Velev.


A house centipede sitting near a drain

Milk-towns certainly make the scary factor. However, these insects on several legs make your house more favors than you think.

"The owners should not get rid of the central-paws around their house because they kill other parasites", " Richard Estrada , Owner of ATCO Pest Control , said. "House-spots prevail other insects such as spiders, cockroaches and night butterflies that can be harmful to you or your loved ones, or at least more an invasive pest than the central and the central." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Milk and buttons will not destroy the structure of your home, and they are not threats to your health either. "They do not wear harmful diseases and do not eat wood in your home, so it's really not a problem to leave them lying around your home or your garden," said Estrada.

The robots on several legs are also exceptionally tidy. "Milk-towns are a pest that does not create any type of nest or canvas around your home," explains Donnie Shelton , Owner of Triangle Control Control and the care of the triangular lawn. "This means that even if they help eliminate other pests who do it, they will not leave a mess either so that you can clean in their wake."

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Lady's insects

congregation of ladybugs
James Halfacre / Shutterstock

Pest experts agree that death tap is a big mistake, because these small spotted beetles can be of great help in your garden.

"They feast on harmful pests such as aphids, mites and insects on the scale, which makes them natural controllers of pests", explains Lorne Hanewich , business trainer at The fight against termites and pests of Clark . "The death of ladybugs can disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem of your garden, resulting in an increase in harmful insects."

Hanewich actually recommends planting rich flowers in nectar as concerns in your garden for attract ladybugs. Velev echoes this feeling and suggests doing it in certain parts of the garden where other pests, including fruit flies and thrips, are more common.

"For ladybugs, keep your windows and doors closed or properly riddled, as well as the sealing of cracks and crevices around your house should keep them outside and not in your living space", advises Jim Buick , certified entomologist associated with Fox pest control .


Beekeeper Making Honey With Bees

Unsurprisingly, honey bees arrive on the list of things to do because their advantages prevail from afar on any possible damage. "Honey bees pollinate flowers and crops and are the only insect that makes food eat by humans," said Buick.

In addition to giving us honey, bees also help the growth of other foods we eat, especially fruits and vegetables, by pollination.

For this reason, Velev says that it is very advisable to protect them and support their populations rather than trying to kill them. "If you find a bee in your living space, try to guide it gently outside rather than harm it," he suggests.

Craig Sansig , director of services at Viking pest control , add that bees are not aggressive and should be left alone whenever possible. "If bees present a risk due to the location of their nest, a beekeeper specializing in extractions should be called," he notes.

Calling a beekeeper can also help ensure the appropriate deletion of hundreds of potential honey books stored by bees. "Leave in the wall, it is possible to obtain a certain number of infestations of secondary pests if the honey is not withdrawn," explains Sansig. You will probably see an influx of ants or beetles if this is the case.

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Prayer handling

Praying Mantis on Leaf
Karel Bartik / Shutterstock

The Prayer Mantes population already decreases, so if you see one, let it go peacefully. It is unlikely that you will find a ton in your house anyway, because Buick stresses that they rarely enter, or even never, and it is completely accidental if they do.

These rare critters are also harmless to humans, however, other bugs may not want to get closer. "Prayer mantes are great hunters, attacking insects such as butterflies, flies and mosquitoes. They play a crucial role in the control of the population of other insects, acting as a natural form of antiparasitic control" , explains Hanewich.

"Some gardeners actually buy mantes by praying to introduce into their gardens because these insects have a huge appetite and can consume many insects damaging the plants," adds Velev.



Sansig notes that fear and phobia play an important role in the way we perceive a particular species: "Very few spider species have a real risk of envelope for people in North America ... and their advantages in The ecosystem prevails by far the risks they have. "

Spiders are considered predatory, but only when it comes to controlling other pests. "They attack a wide range of insects, including mosquitoes and flies, reducing the global population of pests around your home," said Hanewich.

To keep spiders out of your house, Hanewich suggests sealing cracks around windows and doors and regularly clean the areas where canvases can accumulate (but carefully do it to avoid harming the spider) .

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