≡ the danger hidden in the banana bark: what you should do before eating the fruit. You were wrong so far? 》 Her Beauty

What danger is hidden when eating bananas?

Although the peel is removed before being consumed, it is important to wash their peel. All fruits are washed to prevent food poisoning or ingestion of dangerous chemicals. However, when it comes to the delicious banana, the reason why we wash it is completely different.

Apples, pears, cherries, cherries, plums and all other fruits should be washed before consumption. But have you ever thought that banana should go through the same process before removing its bark and enjoying it?

Why do we have to wash the banana peel before cleaning it?

Bananas and other thick fruits are generally less susceptible to exposure to pesticides. However, according to information in the Huffington Post, this fruit is among those with the lowest levels of harmful chemicals, because these substances remain in their peel.

Therefore, when we reach the peel of a banana, we then contact the inside of the fruit, which reaches the stomach. Thus, pesticides, microbes and dirt are transferred to our hands.

Therefore, it is crucial to wash the banana peel before consuming it. This is the way we can ensure that we eliminate potential pests, pesticides and microbes.

According to the main director of communication on food technology at the International Council for Food Information, Tamika Sims, "you should wash the products with peel using clean water, even if you have to throw them after consumption. This is the best practice in the safe handling of food, to minimize the transfer of dirt or microbes that could be present on the shell, to the inside of the fruits you want to consume. "

"Even if dirt can be obvious on the surface of the shell, residual pesticides or microbes such as Salmonella or Campylobacter, which can lead to conditions of food origin, are not always visible," said SIMS.

Bananas are washed only with clean water, experts say. "If you prefer, you can use a diluted vinegar solution: a part of vinegar in four parts of clean water to sprinkle the food. This process contributes to the elimination of some bacteria, without leaving an unpleasant taste or introducing possible dangerous substances in food. ”, A specialist from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

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