≡ Body Shaming: a phenomenon that affects mind and body》 Her Beauty
Here's how to recognize it and how to fight it

In recent years, unfortunately, body shaming has made its way in our vocabulary and in our daily lives. It is a phenomenon that can involve anyone and can leave indelible signs in the mind and consequently in the body of those who suffer it. But let's see in detail what it is and how we can recognize it and fight it.
Body Shaming
Body Shaming is a behavior that has serious consequences on those who suffer it. It consists in judging, criticizing and deriding a physicality that does not respect the beauty canons commonly accepted by the society in which we live. The sadly funny thing, however, is that the body subject to shaming can be as much as others as one's own.

The self -objectification car
The negative comments, the criticisms, the judgmental looks, the opposite expressions or disappointment on the physicality of another person or even on their body all fall within the phenomenon of body shaming. When we criticize and diminish our body we talk about self -objectification. A complex phenomenon in which a person is at the same time executioner and victim of himself.

Social media
With social networks then, who live on appearance and sharing of their body and world, the chances of criticizing and being criticized multiply dramatically. You can do body shaming on weight, on height, age, way of being, on sexual orientation and to do so can literally be anyone: from the schoolmate to the neighbor, from a family member to an acquaintance to a perfect one unknown.

The negative effects
It is easy to imagine how harmful to be exposed or expose themselves (in the case of the self -objectification car) to constant negative, sarcastic and malicious criticisms of people who claim the right to sentence someone else's body. Eating disorders, depression, low self -esteem, isolation, anxiety. These are just some of the possible consequences of body shaning.

A bad quality of life
The conditioning that derives from the verbal and psychological violence of body shaming pervades all the areas of life. The level of self -esteem inevitably drops, one feels constantly inadequate, the psychological distress is constant. We give up all those pleasant moments of sharing that can expose their physique to the sight of others, like a day at the beach with family or friends; go out with friends, participate in events, be among people. All those occasions that can cause a feeling of shame for the exposure of their body.

The renunciations
There is a risk of entering a vicious circle to get out from which enormous work will be needed. To say one, the risk of becoming obsessed with the unreal physicists of the covers and the impossible nutrition that should help achieve them. To say another, the risk of getting lost the positive occasions of life because they are too busy paying attention to things to which most people don't even notice.

The enhancement of uniqueness
Countering Body Shaming is an act as necessary as urgent. It is a symptom of a scale of values of our society that prefers appearance to being, homologation to uniqueness. Promoting self -acceptance and the enhancement of one's uniqueness is only one of the many steps that contrast and remove strength from this phenomenon.

Respect and listening
Cultivating relationships based on listening and mutual respect contributes to creating healthy and welcoming environments in which no one will feel in the right to criticize the other or itself only with an external appearance or for small defects. And without the constant fear of being put to the pillory, everyone can feel free to express himself as they want.
Although it seems a utopia, the enhancement of uniqueness and respect for the other are cornerstones in the life of most of the society but, being values that build, they make less noise than the behaviors they destroy. These are values that are learned with the example in educational contexts such as the family primarily And then the school.

Talk about it helps
The sharing of the phenomenon and problems related to the perception of one's body can be another point on which to leverage to contrast the body shaming. The isolation to which this degrading behavior often leads can be easily overcome if the victim stops feeling alone and different from all the others.
Talking about the phenomenon is not the only way to combat body shaning. If we feel that due to the criticisms we do or of the negative comments and the insults we have received something within us is changing in the worse, it can be useful to seek psychological support to learn again to accept, love each other and take care of self. Whatever our path.

Body Shaming is a phenomenon that has a negative impact on both mental and physical health of those who suffer it. And even those who practice it does not draw them edifying or personal growth experiences. For this reason it is important to condemn him openly, to expose himself to defending those who suffer it, in blaming those who do it and to be a happy person who knows how to love each other kindly, who accepts their body and their way of being. Nothing is more effective than example.

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