7 easy ways to save 10% or more on your grocery bill

Beat the price increase without breaking your budget.

According to the most recent report of the Consumer Price Index (ICC) of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, food prices increased by 3.7% between September 2022 and September 2023. While many people accepted the Make a trip to the grocery store will cost them more, an expert maintains that it is not necessary. In fact, you can really save money on your grocery bill by following some simple suggestions, says Jennifer Seitz , Certified financial education instructor (CFEI) and director of education at Green .

Make your shopping list in advance

Woman Making a Grocery Shopping List {Shopping Tips}

To reduce the stress of vacation races (or any shopping), it is important to create a plan in advance by preparing a shopping list or by placing online orders, explains Seitz. "NRF research shows that buyers have started their vacation purchases earlier in the last decade to distribute their expenses and avoid the stress of rushing. The same goes for food purchases," said -She. "Your non -spans can be purchased in advance - with an additional bonus that you don't have to worry about the last -minute low stock on unavoidable canned ingredients. Control of your budget and time eliminates the Uncertainty and allows you to enjoy the holidays more and more with dear beings. "

Look for offers

checking price in store of price tag

Like big ticket purchases, comparison purchases on your grocery store can save you big. "To stick to your budget, plan to ask yourself additional questions like" can I find a better deal? "This may involve comparing brands and the cost per unit on different product sizes," said Seitz. You can also compare prices in different stores to find the best price for the item you have selected. "By doing this, you can save money and keep the money additional in your pocket."

Make a meal plan

young black woman using cell phone in grocery store
Shutterstock / Tyler Olson

Meal planning can be good for your waist tower and wallet. "The increase in food costs can be particularly intimidating for larger families. In fact, data De Greenlight shows that 55% of parents and adolescents identified inflation as their greatest financial concern, "explains Seitz. By creating a meal plan and a list of races in advance, you and your children can avoid pulse purchases.

Pay attention to the food you don't eat

young man reaches into fridge to grab a package

You can also try to reduce costs by avoiding food waste. "If you regularly have unused products or pantry items, note that you can be aware of the amounts you really consume. Then you can plan your purchases accordingly," suggests Seitz.

Include your children in the process

middle aged white woman and young child wearing masks
Shutterstock / Famveld

Form your children to be frugal buyers by involving them in purchases. "Consider making them take the lead during a future grocery trip. Share the details of the grocery budget, including the number of meals you need to prepare, how long the snacks should last and last and All food restrictions. With a little preparation, you and your children can resist the temptation to buy pulse and avoid being influenced by store advertisements, "said Seitz.

Take advantage of the grocery award programs

looking at grocery receipt

Be sure to take advantage of the awards, reminds Seitz. "These can be specific to the store rewards as fuel points, helping you save both on food and gas. With each dollar spent, you can earn discounts on gas, which can add up Over time. In addition, loyalty reward programs can offer discounts at the cash register, so it's worth register for them, "she said. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In relation: 2 alternatives which are just as beneficial as walking 10,000 steps

Use the right credit card

Couple with bank card buying food at grocery store or supermarket self-checkout

Credit card rewards are another option, "but be sure to understand the program and repay the balance each month to avoid interest costs," said Seitz. "Greenlight's Family cash flow is an excellent option with up to 3% unlimited money back on all categories and the possibility of automatically investing the awards. ""

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: / News / Saving Money
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