≡ Why there was no cellulite in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, there were many things, including cellulite. And not because Soviet women possessed perfectly even skin on buttocks and hips. Just no one knew what kind of phenomenon this is.

For the first time they started talking about cellulite during perestroika. Anti -cellulite creams and teas appeared in pharmacies. True, even the pharmacists could not explain why these magical means are intended for? And only thanks to television it became clear that

The mysterious term is called hillocks on the skin in the hips, buttocks and abdomen. The commercials were strongly recommended to get rid of them.

It is interesting that, so to speak, Nicole Ronsar, the owner of one of the largest cosmetic salons of New York, introduced the fashion for cellulite. In 1973, she published a book entitled "How to win the cellulite." A special diet, a set of exercises, various cosmetics and massage - an entrepreneurial woman declared cellulite a serious disease, which must be fought with. It is no wonder that this war subsequently significantly enriched the American.

Today, cellulite is still considered just a cleverly organized commercial project. Although studies were conducted on the topic of hormonal, immune and endocrine disorders, most experts agree that the ill -fated “orange crust” is a harmless cosmetic defect inherent in almost all women without exception.

In the scientific language, cellulite appears due to the hormone estrogen, and is a sign of a mature woman. On the other hand, in modern women it is much higher than in Soviet. All the fault is popular today hormonal therapy, the intake of contraceptives and the abuse of harmful food. There is also an opinion that natural hormones contained in excess in modern dairy products are absorbed by the human body and disable its hormonal system.

Cellulite is also inextricably linked with excess weight. However, illiterate use of diets can only aggravate the problem. As a result, you will get the opposite effect, and the annoying orange crust will only become more noticeable. So you need to lose weight wisely, only after consulting an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

We will summarize. Of course, Soviet women paid attention to the tuberous skin in the hips. However, they did not attach such trifles of special significance, because it was necessary to work at the factory and raise children. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had its own beauty secrets and methods to restore skin elasticity. Every year, women traveled to the sanatorium, where they were appointed contrasting baths, Sharko shower and other physiotherapy. A special diet played an important role. Alas, even such health methods helped get rid of cellulite only for a while.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: / the USSR /
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