8 things that you should stop buying after your children move, finance experts say

Save more for retirement with these budget strengthening advice.

When Children grow up And leave the house, your life changes more in a way. In addition to the emotional transition of recognition of their new independence, you can also notice logistical and financial differences.

"This is an important step that often marks an period of change and new opportunities for parents, including the opportunity to save more money," said Aleks Grigoriev , an expert in finance and real estate and co-founder of Priority house buyers .

However, becoming an empty neter can also be a period of emotional and financial disorientation. "I saw many families fight to adjust their Expenditure habits When their children leave the family home, "Grigoriev warns . The key, he says, is to take a momentary break to regroup and form an intentional plan to move forward.

Wondering the expenses to reduce from your budget when your children leave the family home? Read the rest to learn nine money -to -experience money economy advice in experienced finance.

In relation: 10 things you should stop buying your retirement, finance experts say .

Family mobile phone plans.

looking at phone bill holding cell phone
Sebra / Shutterstock

If your children have left the family home, it can also be the right time to start them from the family's telephone plan, says Sammie Ellard-King , founder of the personal financing website Gains . "If adult children are financially independent, it may be time to get them to their own mobile phone plans instead of paying for a family plan," he said.

If the plan helps you save money as a group, it may be advantageous to maintain your contract with the telephone company. However, it is perfectly reasonable to ask your adult children to contribute to them.

Loose grocery store

A happy older couple picking out produce together at the grocery store.
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

When you feed an entire family, buying loose grocery store can help you save in the long term. However, once adult children are moving, experts point out that this will no longer be necessary - and could be a waste of your hardly won money. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Jake hill , CEO of the publication of personal financing Debthard lounge , said that no longer buying excessive grocery store can cause significant savings. "Although these items may have been a big silver cake when you feed a household, having excess products, dairy products or meat is a recipe for a waste of money. Instead, adapt Your grocery list with pre-plane meals that you (and your partner, if you have one) will eat every week. This can considerably reduce your grocery budget, "he said Better life.

In relation: 24 smart purchase habits that will save you a lot of long -term money .

Streaming services that you no longer use.

A person sitting on a couch watching Netflix on their TV and tablet

Your children may have been the engine of your registration for certain media streaming services, so if they have left the house, it's a good time to reassess. This is particularly important now that certain streaming services like Netflix limit access to accounts by the household.

"Now that your children have moved, you can reduce these subscriptions and save money every month," said Grigoriev.

Excessive vacation gifts.

young girl giving father gift in red box
Shutterstock / Sebra

If you have spent the last decades to offer your children generous vacation gifts, it can become a habit that is difficult to break. However, Jonathan Merry , finance expert at Moneyzine , said it's a good time to rethink your gift style and find a more balanced exchange.

"In my opinion, when children leave the house and start winning, the gift dynamics should evolve," said Merry. "Of course, parents' birthday gifts are always sincere, but for occasions like Christmas, tables can turn. Adult children should now consider treating their parents from time to time or buying Christmas gifts, Whatever the cost. The cheapest gifts, as long as it is from the heart. "

In relation: 10 easy ways to save on a fixed income .

Multiple vehicles

Car parked in a garage

According to TIM DOMAN , an investment analyst, ex-executive of a investment fund in investment and the newly appointed CEO of Best mobile banks , you should also stop spending your money on several vehicles once children leave the family home. "It may be time to rethink if you have had additional cars for your children. Insurance, maintenance and even their transparent space can be heavy," he said.

Andrew Lokenauth , an expert in finance and founder of Talk about finance , said you should also reassess if you can reduce costs on your automotive insurance once children leave the family. "Remove the adult children from your police to reduce premiums if they have their own insurance," he suggests.

Oversized accommodation

blue home with walkway through lawn
Romakoma / Shutterstock

When your children leave the family at home, you can suddenly see that you have much more space you need.

"Now it may be time to think about the space you live in," said Tim Schmidt , an expert in personal finance and founder of Irainsiting . "With fewer occupants, you could Consider reducing the workforce , which can lead to a reduction in costs in various fields, mortgage or rent at maintenance costs. In addition, it can be very liberating to have a more manageable space. ""

In relation: 6 times you should never give your adult children money .

Impulse purchases

woman calling credit card company
Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock

Another current financial error that people make when their children move is that they are starting to spend more freely. However, Schmidt says that it is important to think carefully about how you want to manage your finances before falling into an excessive or impulsive expenditure model.

"Although it is tempting to indulge a little more now than you have additional funds, beware of the inflation of the lifestyle," explains Schmidt Better life . "It is common for empty nest workers to start spending more simply because they can. Do not forget, this is a golden opportunity to increase your Pension saving . ""

Everything you have subsidized for your children

Worried man about budget and home finances

While your child lives under your roof, you are more likely to cover certain daily expenses, such as clothing, toiletries and other personal care items. However, once your child has left the nest, this is the right time to reassess these financial contributions.

Grigoriev says that this also generally gets student loans: "If you help your children in their student loans, chat with them if they are now independent enough to take up these payments themselves."

You can then redirect this budget to your own needs or savings.

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