≡ Open heart, little girl, Mu Pornwa-Nichaphat》 Her Beauty

"Praewa-Nichaphat", the young lady Mu, asked to focus on money, laying love, but not closing the heart, not daring to choose by herself.

After breaking up with a young man outside the celebrity and singer "Praewa-Nichaphat Chatchai Phonrat ", which this year is 28 years old and then came out to interview that That cannot be continued because of the future not the same Each person tried to close their eyes on each side. Adjust each other to the best. Didn't really survive. "If assuming he has someone else, I have other people, it should be less hurt. But this is not enough. It hurts the most. Ask if there is a chance to return Is a future Now we can do it. We can step out. After this, I will not go back and regret it again. Was afraid of love Now I want to be alone. Can be alone Still do not want anyone to become a girlfriend. At this time, we are with ourselves and very happy. "

The reason why he met this boyfriend was because of Mu and Lakshmi. Until now, I can say that I don't want it. Don't choose by yourself Please help friends to help. But not to say this, there will be no young men flirting at all There are still some DM young men flirting as well. But if seriously, begging friends to help scan first

If asking what love this time teaches

"Come back to love yourself. Teach to learn many things Like before, thinking that breaking up Because he has the most hurt Or we can't get along with the most hurt But now we can get along But we look at the future differently So I know that there are many forms of love. Can be hurt in multiple layers It hurts more than we think. "

When requesting, still not happy with love Now the person turned to ask for money only. This year, I would like to take care of myself. And the activities that are currently being used to spend money as well

And when single, the person referred back to the fullest Would like to salad a picture of a sweet girl as a sexy girl in a bikini dress A lot of people Causing him to be hurt, why not press the job with a lot of normal pictures like this

When posting like this It's not that there will be a DM boy to flirt. The swimsuit shop is full. Regardless, please support the girl. Please bang both work and love.

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