The 10 worst things to bring to a tailgate, say the experts

Organize a party to remember - for all the right reasons.

That you head to the stadium to watch The big game or prepare to see your Favorite interpreter in concert , a tailgate can help start the party. This pre -match event - generally held in the parking lot outside the place - is an excellent way to bring your friends together, spread with a tasty meals, play a few games and bind to your shared excitement for the festivities.

Although tailgate festivals are generally occasional events, this does not mean that you should throw away the whole decorum by the window. Experts say that if you are in charge of organizing a tailoring event or attending a Potluck style party, there are still certain rules on what you should and should not bring. Wondering what to get from your shopping list to ensure that your party planning is going on without hitching? Read more to learn the 10 worst things to bring to a tailgate event, according to experts and label chiefs.

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Homemade alcoholic concoctions

red solo cup, american culture

Bringing a homemade dish to share with your friends in a tailgate is a great way to contribute to the party. Bring a alcohol bottle , on the other hand, is a disaster that awaits to occur.

Sophie Hammond , a label expert at Everyday courtesy , said that homemade alcoholic drinks can be "unpredictable in strength and can cause overconsumption". They can also violate the stadium rules, which could make you all the parking lot before kick -off.

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Foods that base or lose texture in the heat

A rainbow colored ice cream cone has dropped upside down on the sidewalk on a summer day

Then you will want to think carefully about your menu. Brian Theis , a nyc recipe developer , The personality of the television and the author of the kitchen book, recommends avoiding food likely to melt, spoil or change unexpectedly without refrigeration or frost. In particular, he calls ice, chocolate, certain cheeses and soft fruits such as peaches and bananas like bad adjustments for the occasion.

"There are other dessert options - along a book cake with firmer fruits such as apples or oranges as a garnish. Brownies can be a less" delty "way to get your chocolate chocolate "Explains Theis. If in doubt, stay simple with certain PB & J sandwiches, cookies and pre-coutees, he suggests.

Strong music speakers

Group Of Sports Fans Tailgating In Stadium Car Park

Many people bring speakers to their heel events, but given the tight districts of the parking lot, you may find your songs in competition with those of the next car. Instead of exploding the increasingly high volume to drown, Hammond recommends kissing a community atmosphere by keeping your own weak music or letting other revelers define the playlist.

"Respect the space of others and keep the volume at a considerate level," explains Hammond.

All foods that use Mayo as the main ingredient

potato salad
Shutterstock / Foodio

You should also categorically avoid food in which the main ingredient is Mayo, as they can quickly spoil.

"The potato salad, pasta salad, chicken salads all seem like easy choices, but they really have to be kept cold so as not to go wrong and poison people," explains Theis. "Ditto with directed eggs - don't do it. Better life.

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Decoration or outfit of politically loaded outfit

Bean bags on American flag Cornhole board

Dress to support your team? Excellent idea at a tailgate. Dressing to make a political declaration? Maybe not so much, said Hammond. The label expert recommends against an outfit or a politically loaded load set, which, according to her, can be arrogant or divisor during an event which is supposed to be inclusive and festive.

"A tailgate is a moment for fun, not the debates," notes Hammond.

A barrel of beer

Man holding keg of beer tailgate party

If you associate the heel with a cold infusion, you are not alone - Beer is a common element during the heel events. However, many university campuses and even NFL stages have strict rules against excessive alcohol consumption and seek to limit the amount of alcohol that visitors consume.

Theis says that bringing it a beer barrel is simply "too much" and that if you plan to drink, you should make unique drinks in recyclable bottles or plastic cans. Although it recommends bringing twice as many drinks and non -alcoholic waters as beers and other alcohols, he adds that you should think twice in sweet soda. "He can become messy, sticky and attract pests," warns Theis.

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Surprised meat cuts

Friends grilling and tailgating
Sean Locke / Shutterstock photograph

A little light grill is a great way to feed your partymates, but Theis says that many Hayons go too far in their enthusiasm.

"Huge roasts, breasts, whole fish, I look at you," he said, recommending against everything that takes too long to grill or that will require a lot of efforts to cut portions to serve or eat. "Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken breasts (all carefully kept cold in transit) are the way to follow here. If you can serve it in a sandwich, so much the better. And bring a meat thermometer to ensure you From what you grill is baked safely and completely, "urges the chef.

Glass containers

cooler with beer bottles / Shutterstock

Glass containers are another element that is better left home, especially if you want to avoid accidents or injuries. This means that you should leave all the glass bowls, bottles, cups and food storage containers. "They can break easily, putting a safety risk," said Hammond.

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Fried chicken

southern fried chicken, deep fried chicken on place
Sockagphoto / Shutterstock

During a tailgate or any other outdoor event, it is advantageous to consider cleanliness. You should assume that you will not have anywhere to wash your hands and decide the menu accordingly. Fried chicken is a perfect example of a disorderly meal that can be more difficult than it is worth.

"Think twice before following this path," said Theis. "Your Sani-Wipes could come to the rescue here, but the fat also rises on everything else, like clothes. According to my experience, it's just not worth it. Try to cook or roast your chicken chicken tailgate instead. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Pre-accommodation salad

hand pouring a cream-based salad dressing onto a salad in a white bowl
Shutterstock / Chris Laykk

Adding vegetables to your heeling plate is a great idea, but they suggest skipping green salads, especially if they are pre-dressing. "Mold, soggy, oily. It seems delicious, right?" he says.

Instead, opt for a pre-coupe vegetable tray with separate dip or grill vegetable kebabs on a skewer.

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