Vicious and implacable "attacks of" vicious and relentless "
They can be cute, but aquatic mammals have left some people with horrible injuries.

When people think of Potentially dangerous animals By waiting for them in the water, it is sure to say that the fear of a otter attack is generally not high on the list. If anything, you probably imagine an adorable, fur and aquatic mammal which spends its time breaking the crustaceans open on its belly or floating on its back to hold hands With one of his friends. But now, a bizarre channel of "vicious and implacable" otter attacks turns the cuddly reputation of Otters on its head. Read the rest to see why these meetings are increasing and how you can protect yourself.
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A otter in California was aggressive towards surfers - and even the theft of their boards.

Most surfers tend to worry about being cut during a ride or even the occasional shark while grabbing waves. But in Santa Cruz, California, a special series of incidents with a local otter has certain authorities Concerned about public security .
Several surfers have reported obstacles with Otter 841, a five -year -old woman who broke natural standards by approaching people in the water and biting their surf boards, The New York Times reports. The authorities say that she was born and grew up in the Aquarium of Monterey Bay, where her guards tried to avoid affecting her healthy natural fear of humans before she was released in nature. But unfortunately, several reports clearly indicated that she was anything but shy.
In an incident this summer, a surfer said that she was approaching him and bites herself with her ankle before getting on her board and starting to bite large pieces while he was looking at far away The temperature . The previous month, another surfer reported that Otter 841 had jumped on his board and rolled a wave after abandoning him.
Although no one has been injured so far, there are still many reasons for concern. Apparently adorable mammals "have sharp teeth and jaws strong enough to crush the clams", " Gena Bentall , director and principal scientist of the Sea Otter Savvy preservation organization, said The temperature .
Officials have also become particularly cautious because Otter 841 has become a feeling of social media. "Due to the increase in public security risks, a CDFW team [California Department of Fish and Wildlife] and the Monterey Bay aquarium trained in the capture and manipulation of Sea Otters have been deployed to try to capture it and remedy it, "said a spokesperson for the CDFW said in a statement by The temperature .
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A Montana woman was also seriously injured by a river otter in August.

It is not only the ocean where Frightening incidents have occurred . August 3, Jen Royce Floated on the Jefferson river near Bozeman, Montana in an inner tube when a otter approached and attacked it, as well as his two friends.
"I saw a otter just behind my friend before he attacks him," wrote Royce in an article on Facebook on the incident, by The New York Post . "I didn't even have the chance to get the words out" there is a otter behind you before she attacks her. ""
She said that the animal was "vicious and relentless" during the terrifying test, who made the three injured women. "It bites my face in several places, my two ears, my arms, my hands, my legs, my thighs and my ankle," she wrote in the post. "My friends died on my hands and their funds.
Joyce said that the extent of her injuries included "the puncture wounds on my left ankle, both legs, the back of my right thigh, both arms, both hands and all fingers", adding that she had "lost almost half of my right ear." Finally, the group found help And was transported among helicopter to a neighboring hospital for emergency treatment, reports ABC News.
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A rabid otter seriously injured a man from Florida and a dog recently.

On September 20, a Florida resident Joseph Scaglione also had A painful experience While nourishing ducks and geese behind his house in the county of Palm Beach. After realizing that the birds had suddenly dispersed, he noticed a "brown head thinking on the bank of the pond" behind his property, reports WSVN affiliated with local Fox.
Scaglione says that he then started back slowly to his door but was attacked by the animal as he was going to close. The surprise dropped him to the ground, where the otter bit him 41 times on his hands, legs and arms before he could throw the attacker and go safe.
Shortly after, a couple walking with their baby and her pet was faced with the nearby animal. The otter began to attack the canine before neighboring residents capture the animal by placing a plastic recycling tank on it, reports WSVN.
Local animal control officials then tested the otter and confirmed that it was rabid. Fortunately, Scaglione has since undergone treatment for rabies and recovered from his injuries, telling the media that he has already returned to food and ducks.
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The authorities warn that Otter attacks are "rare" but always possible, especially when they are stressed.

The recent series of incidents goes against the normally cuddly and friendly reputation that otters tend to enjoy with the public. But managers warn that animals may have a serious risk in some cases. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"While the otters attacks are rare, the otters can protect themselves and their young people, in particular at close distances," said the authorities of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) in a statement according to the attack August. "They give birth to their young people in April and can then be seen with their young people in the water during the summer. They can also protect food resources, especially when these resources are rare."
The agency advises anyone who benefits the nature of "keeping a large distance, giving all wilderness animals of space", in particular during the dryness conditions which can reduce water levels and bring people closer to fauna invigorating. "Being aware and keeping your distance can help avoid dangerous encounters, reducing stress for wildlife and promoting healthy animal behavior," said Montana FWP in its press release.
And those who find themselves in danger should never forget one thing: "If you are attacked by a otter, retaliate, keep yourself away from the water and consult a doctor," said the agency.
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