The color car you need to drive, depending on your zodiac sign

Your journey is an extension of your personality, say astrologers.

Choose the brand and the model of Your vehicle May seem to be the biggest decision, but the color of your car could actually be the most revealing thing about you. Do you stand in black or basic white? Or are you in remarkable colors such as powdered blue or bright yellow? The answer could be written in the stars. Continue to read to hear professional astrologers on the color car that you need to drive, depending on your zodiac sign - and what is said of your personality.

In relation: The color you need to paint your home, depending on your zodiac sign .

Aries: Red

Red Car

Aries are pioneers who love to show off , they therefore need a car color that will correspond to this energy. The red is daring and means that they are in charge.

"For a ram, their power color is red and they would be definitely styling in a cherry red car," said Stina Garbis , astrologer and owner of Psychic stina , which adds that this color goes hand in hand with their ardent personalities.

Taurus: White

White Car
Shmyr / Shutterstock

The bullfights are terrestrial signs , so they certainly do not need something more exaggerated or flashy. They are also led by Venus, the planet of beauty, which means that they like to have things in their lives which are aesthetically pleasant.

"In this spirit, Taurus will choose a simple but elegant color car", notes Lauren Degolia ,, clarity consultant and astrologer. She says White is the clear choice; It is classic and elegant and will draw no unnecessary attention.

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Gemini: blue

Blue Car
Lvivjanochka photo / Shutterstock

As one of Most popular zodiac signs , it is not surprising that Gemini gravitate towards the most common favorite color In the world - Blue.

These air panels are effervescent and love to speak. They are led by Mercury, the planet of communication, which is why Degolia says that blue is the perfect car color to "start or cause a conversation".

Cancer: Gray

Gray Car
Canadianphotographer56 / Shutterstock

Cancers are always Take care of people . Their priority is therefore to find a reliable vehicle, so color is not the first thing in mind.

Most cars come in gray, and it is a proven shade that these old -fashioned panels will love. "They would have a car whose color is rich but subtle," says Garbis Better life.

In relation: The color you need to paint your front door, depending on your zodiac sign .

Leo: yellow

Yellow Car
Haggardous50000 / Shutterstock

Degolia compares Leo to buy a car at the Furious Film franchise. They need something that can follow their great personalities , and a shiny and outdoor color like yellow is perfect.

"The leos are governed by the sun, which automatically implies that they are there to shine," adds Degolia. In addition, they love all kinds, and yellow is forced to make sure that all eyes are on them.

Virgin: green

View of a dark green SUV driving on the road
Haggardous50000 / Shutterstock

Like the bull, the virgin values practice and stability. "They like sophistication, beauty and nature, and it would be reflected in their dark green car," explains Garbis.

These signs do not necessarily need to stand out, but they will appreciate having a less common car color than the others. And you can be sure These perfectionists will have their vehicle in the air for as long as they have it.

In relation: The best indoor plant for your zodiac sign, according to an astrologer .

Libra: powder blue

Light Blue Car
White Véctor / Shutterstock

The balance is also led by Venus, which governs aesthetics and romance. This is the main reason why they are considered most sophisticated zodiac sign .

They will be bored with an ordinary car color, which is why Garbis suggests that the Robin Léger egg blue. She adds that this shade will recall the friendly balances of the sky on a clear and sunny day.

Scorpion: black

Black Car
Cla78 / Shutterstock

Scorpions are known for their mysterious nature . They remain more often than not, so a black car will help them blend on the road. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Black represents the bad humor that could reflect their personality or physical attributes," explains Degolia. Although they have no problem going for a more expensive model, they will certainly stick to a universal color.

Read this then: The best colors to attract good luck, according to an astrologer .

Sagittarius: gold

Gold SUV car driving along on high speed highway
Elrezvan / Shutterstock

Like Aries and Leo, Sagittarius has no problem standing out. Any car color that sparkles is a match for them, but Degolia suggests gold to really let their personality shine.

"Jupiter governs this fiery sign of fire and brings all the pleasure and optimism," she says. In addition, Sag is daring and adventurous , you can therefore bet that their journey will be something exciting to drive.

Capricorn: Taupe

Brown Hyundai Santa Fe car moving on the street
Yuriyvlasenko / Istock

Another sign of the earth, Capricorn Promotes practice On style. Known for their traditional nature, they are not likely to collapse on a car color - as long as it gets them where they must be on time.

This is why Garbis recommends a tanned or taupe color car, describing these shades as "simple and pragmatic". And like the Virgin, they will be very proud to keep their car in the point.

In relation: The sport you should look at, depending on your zodiac sign .

Aquarius: Aquamarine

Aquamarine Car
Dmitry Dven / Shutterstock

Free of mind and a unrecentric , these signs aim to stand out from the crowd. "The Aquarius would be styling in a soft-colored car-colored car which is also different and unique but charming," explains Garbis.

And because aquarians are the humanitarian workers of the zodiac, you can expect them to buy a vintage vehicle as opposed to something new.

Fish: Money

A close-up, front side-view of a silver car in a parking lot
Aleksandr Kondratov / Shutterstock

As a water panel represented by fish, fish are sensitive people who tend to obtain Lost in their reveries as a way to escape reality.

They feel the most comfortable near the water, which is why Garbis recommends a silver car, similar to the silver scales of the fish. Do not be surprised if there is a beach chair or a surfboard in the trunk.

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