The brilliant green comet will be closest to the earth tomorrow - how to see her before he left

The object has only been discovered very recently and will not be back for more than 400 years.

Witness of rare events takes on a whole new meaning with regard to the night sky. Although it may be worth watching for a given evening, especially during annual events like Meteor showers —The chance of reaching something that may not be visible again during our life is generally sufficient to motivate people to go out and seek. And if you hope to find a little more stars before the hot summer time, you may want to erase your schedule. This is because a brilliant green comet will be visible when she reaches her point closest to the earth tomorrow. Read the rest to find out how you can see it for yourself before he left.

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Scientists recently discovered a new comet in our solar system.

A couple using binoculars and a telescope to stargaze
Istock / M-Gucci

Even if it is our little corner of the universe, the immensity of our solar system always makes surprisingly difficult to stay at the top of everything that is happening. And it is not only to know more about our neighboring planets and the moon with missions to their areas: scientists have also discovered comet Nishimura, which is Currently visible in the night sky .

THE passage has become something of a fascination since he was seen for the first time by the amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura While taking photos of the night sky on August 10. And while some scientists initially questioned his ability to survive his approach to the sun, he was up to the expectations of show For stargazers around the world. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"People are quite excited because bare eyes are not so unusual, but not very common," Quanzhi Ye , a researcher from the University of Maryland who studies comets and asteroids, said The Washington Post . He added that the short term of visibility discovery is "as getting a short -term Christmas present".

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Count Nishimura will get closest to the earth during her long trip tomorrow.

Couple stargazing together with a astronomical telescope while being on a romantic date
Istock / Mixetto

Our last visitor who passes also caused a little excitement due to the rare of his passage from the earth. Scientists have estimated that comet Nishimura probably has a Orbit from 430 to 440 years , making this fly-by something of a first vision, reports CNN.

This is because "the last time he moved near the sun (and could have approached the earth), it was around the year 1590, before the invention of the" "telescope" Paul Chodas , PHD, director of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies from NASA to Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, told CNN in an email. "We do not know if it has become brilliant enough to be seen with the naked eye at the time."

The comet will take another step on September 12 when she reaches her closest point with the earth in her trip to the center of the solar system. It should become even more brilliant along the way, reaching at least roughly the same shine as the Star North - and even if it does not stand out like other close visitors, it will probably be still impressive.

"It will be exciting. It will be quite brilliant. But probably not at the level that it is a comet of the century," you said The post office .

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You will not have long to see this sporadic visitor.

The silhouette of someone standing by the ocean and looking up at the moon and planets in the night sky at dusk
Istock / M-Gucci

However, you may not want to leave by making plans to search for comet Nishimura. Although the object probably becomes the most brilliant when it reaches its point closest to the center of the solar system on September 18, its path will also make it more difficult to spot.

"Every day this week, the comet is a little closer to the sun, the temporal window shrinks and the comet is still getting closer to the horizon," Chodas told CNN. "It will not be an easy comet to see, unless you have already observed comets."

The conditions will also become more difficult as the comet passes the land and will probably be more visible from the southern hemisphere. "In theory, it could be accessible in the evening sky in a few days after that, but it will always be quite close to the sun in the sky and will be buried in a brilliant twilight," Alan Hale , co-discovery of the comet Hale-Bopp and founder and president of the Earthrise Institute, told CNN. "Unless it becomes a little brighter than expected, it will probably not be visible."

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Here's how you can have the best view of the comet Nishimura.

A family camping in a tent while looking up at the Milky Way and night sky
Istock / Anatoliy_Gleb

The comet Ephemeral vision opportunity Even more importantly makes you prepare for success while looking for it in the night sky. Your best chances will involve getting up early enough, using the time and a half before sunrise in Stargaze, Vishnu Reddy , PhD, a planetary scientist from the University of Arizona, said The New York Times .

In addition to withdrawing from lights from the luminous city, it is also preferable to obtain a clear view of the eastern horizon. Reddy says that finding a place overlooking the ocean, above a mountain, or even on a high-rise building can be useful.

Reddy then suggests looking for Venus just above the horizon once you have found a visualization place. The comet Nishimura will appear at the bottom left of the planet as a sequence in the sky. The object will not appear green with naked eyes as it does on the photographs, but you can improve your view by bringing a pair of binoculars. And even if it may not be a "giant comet", Reddy adds that you can enjoy knowing that he will not be back on earth before around the year 2458.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Science
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