The new green comet will be clearly visible at night - here's how to see it

NASA scientists say it is "a good bet" that the recently discovered object will make a good show.

The most important astronomical events arrive with a lot of notice. The precise movement of our planet around the sun - and even many smaller objects in our solar system - makes it easy to plan A solar eclipse , a large meteor shower or a special lunar event like a "supermoon". But the immensity of the universe means that we can still sometimes obtain special surprises from time to time. And now scientists say that a new green comet will soon be clearly visible in the night sky without telescope. Read the rest to find out how you can locate it for yourself.

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A recently discovered comet will soon pass and will become visible in the night sky.

A father and daughter stargazing at dusk while using a telescope
Istock / M-Gucci

Even if it might have the impression that our corner of the galaxy is fairly well translated, new discoveries can quickly remind us that there are still a lot of surprises in the cosmos. The latest example of this was the discovery of comet Nishimura, who should potentially put spectacle in the night sky , according to NASA. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Unlike other notable comets who have been in books for centuries, amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura Only the solar system traveler for the first time around August 10 while photographing the night sky. The object - which is also known as the less memory of the comet C / 2023 p1 - has germinated a green tail and is currently visible by telescope, by NASA. But his journey to the sun shines more brilliantly, which means that he could become visible to the naked eye in mid-September.

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There is a chance that the comet can go out - but NASA is always optimistic that it will put a show.

A family of four sitting in a field and stargazing
Shutterstock / Bilanol

Scientists have run to find out more about the newly discovered comet as it rushes towards the Center of the Solar System , after spending the earth orbit there are days ago and approaching the orbit of Venus by the weekend, according to the Earth Sky astronomy site. But while its path projected near the sun in the orbit of mercury will make it more visible, the intense heat could also cause the rupture of its nucleus before obtaining a good view.

Despite the chances, NASA always believes that the comet could soon be seen in the naked eye.

"Given the unpredictability of the comets, no one can say with certainty, but that currently seems to be a good bet," wrote the space agency in its blog article.

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Even if it survives, it can also be the only time when the earth will see the comet.

Couple stargazing together
Istock / Mixetto

Despite the bursting of the scene and keeping scientists on their guard on his ability to survive his next solar flight, there is a debate if it is a unique visit to comet Nishimura.

Unlike the vast majority of other familiar comets coming from the Oort cloud, some maintain that data on The path of the object Show that it has a hyperbolic orbit, according to Forbes . This means that it can be visited in deep space and has too much energy to stay in our solar system for a return trip.

On the other hand, NASA scientists speculate that the comet could be more local origin . However, this means that it would also have a longer orbital period for a few hundred years or more - and makes it the only opportunity to see it during this life.

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Here's how you can, hope, have an overview of the comet Nishimura by yourself.

A young girl looking at the night sky with a telescope
Shutterstock / Astrostar

If everything is going well, it should become easier to spot the comet in the coming weeks with a small telescope, according to Earth Sky. But if the object survives its fly near the sun, it should become easily visible with binoculars in the early morning in early September. Scientists believe that he will become even brighter from the morning of September 11 to be seen in the naked eye.

The most ideal visualization will probably occur during the hours before the dawn of September 18, when the object reaches its perihelion - or its point closest to the sun. According to the NASA blog, it is because the trajectory of the object is angularly near the star of our solar system, shortening the window in which it is visible.

If he survives, the comet Nishimura will return to the sections of space after having frolic our sun, becoming lower in mid-October, according to Earth Sky. So, if you hope to see it for yourself, define an early alarm and head outside before sunrise for this single visitor's visitor.

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Tags: News / Science
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