≡ Beauty Trick: Cover your face with aluminum foil and see the difference》 Her Beauty

You can use aluminum foil as a firming face mask. See how.

Aluminum foil is an indispensable item in any house, as it has several uses - besides covering baking sheets and mischief, it can help in cleaning grids, scissors sharpening and ironing. What many do not know is that aluminum role also has numerous uses in the beauty world. For example, you can use this material to dye and discolor your hair and, with some preparation, it can also be transformed into a face mask.

How to make an aluminum foil face mask

Facial masks are an integral part of many people's skincare routine, and in recent years the beauty industry has further perfected the compositions of this product. Today, there are options for facial masks to help with various issues - lighten stains, lower wrinkles and expression lines, reduce the size of the pores and moisturize the skin are some of them.

However, not everyone has facial masks at home when they need it, so they can resort to homemade ingredients that can be easily found. One item that most of us have at home and can be transformed into a refreshing mask, for example, is the aluminum foil.

According to Ramy Gafni, professional makeup artist and author of the book “How to Pretend Real Beauty: Office tricks to master her makeup,” you can use frozen foil as a firming face mask.

“Cut out the eyes and the nose of a sheet of aluminum foil,” he said. “Put the sheet in the freezer and, once frozen, press it on the face for about 10 minutes. The cold sheet will close the pores, reduce the swelling and leave you with a firmer complexion. It also works as a great hangover assistant. ”

You can also wear an old mask as a mold or simply cut out some strips of the aluminum foil the size of your face and put them in the freezer before bed. The next morning, take the aluminum foil that spent the night in the freezer and puts it on your face.

Other homemade facial masks

As we mentioned, in addition to aluminum foil there are other homemade products and ingredients that can be incorporated into your beauty routine and used as a face mask. Next, check out some ingredient mask recipes you probably have at home.

- Mascavo sugar + coconut oil : Mix two tablespoons of each ingredient and apply to the face with light circular motions. Let it act for five minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can exfoliate and increase your skin hydration.

- Honey + nutmeg + milk: Mix two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of nutmeg and two teaspoons of milk to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the face and let it act for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pass a facial moisturizer. This mask exfoliates and can help reduce acne due to the antibacterial properties of the ingredients.

- Avocado + Honey + Integral Yogurt: Mix half a mature avocado kneaded to a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of whole yogurt. Apply the mixture to the face and let it act for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. This mask can exfoliate, reduce irritation and redness and increase hydration.

Regardless of the ingredients of your homemade face mask, it is recommended that you take a test before covering your face to understand if your skin can react badly to any of them. Each skin is unique, so after mixing the ingredients, apply a small amount of the mask to the skin behind the ear and rinse after 15 minutes. If there is no irritation or redness within 24 hours, the mask is safe for use.

Categories: Beauty
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