6 signs that you lose a friend, the therapists say

You must consider their behavior and changing needs, as well as yours.

Even if they are not linked to us by blood, friends are often our most Confidents of trust , travel friends and "longtime partners" for a long time ". Some friendships extend over decades, from primary school or earlier, while others are new friends encountered by work or church. But no matter how long you have known a friend, people Come and come in life , even when we don't want them to do it. If you feel that a friend keeps you away or losing contact, experts say that there are some revealing signs that you can watch.

"The maintenance of relationships with friends is an essential part of life", " Courtney Hubscher , MS, LMHC, NCC, Cognitivo-behavioral therapy , tell Better life . "Although there are always moments when it is difficult to stay in touch, recognizing the subtle signs that you gradually lose contact with a friend can help prevent an unhealthy disconnection."

Sangmeister abbey , LPC, approved clinical supervisor (ACS), entrepreneur, psychotherapist and Burnout coach , note that there are situations where it is normal to lose contact with a friend sometimes - and that does not always require an uncomfortable conversation to "break". However, if you feel like you are so close to a friend and ask yourself why the therapists say that you have to consider their recent behavior, as well as yours. Read the rest for six signs that a friendship is moving away.

In relation: 6 Friends of friendship that you should never ignore, say the therapists .

You say that you will meet - but you never follow

Shutterstock / Rido

We were all there: you meet an acquaintance, and while you make up for it briefly, you say that you should have a coffee one day. Then, of course, it never happens. But although it is typical for the people we don't know too, it can be problematic if it is a friend you see regularly.

"You can lose contact with a friend if you talk about it frequently, but never do it," Carrie ,, life coach In the Fresh Starts register, said. "People will take time if they want to be together (not only with romantic partners). Friendships change and come in seasons, and it's ok. But if you want to stay connected with someone and they don't Do not take the time to see you, the friendships can change. "

Rose adds a warning, noting that you must be aware of what is happening in the life of the other.

"Be respectful-maybe they really want, but live something (divorce, change of employment, movement, etc.) that makes the task particularly difficult," she said.

Hubscher also lists the difficulty of making plans as a sign that something is wrong - and you should recognize your own feelings to come together.

"When friends start to lose contact with each other, it often becomes more and more difficult to make plans together," she explains. "If you don't want to do everything possible to see them, or if they seem reluctant to make plans with you, this can be a sign that the connection fades."

You do not share the events of life.

colleagues bringing in cake to celebrate a birthday
Zigic Drazen / Shutterstock

Nearby friends are some of our greatest supporters in life, which means that we want to share great news when it takes place. So, if you are not inclined to reach out to your new promotion, or if you have not received a text on their recent commitment - when you would usually do - it is a sign that something is wrong .

"When you or your friend no longer share important life events with each other, it shows that friendship is not a priority for you," Matthew Schubert , mental health advisor and operator of Well-being of the state of gems , tell Better life . "It can be events such as your birthday, the birthday of a child, losses of close beings, new jobs, changes in housing and other events that you would normally seek for support or encouragement from a close friend. "

As Olivia Dreizen Howell , certified life coach, clinical hypnotherapist and founder of Fresh departure register , underlines, if you TO DO Share these moments with them, especially those who should be celebrated - and they are not there for you, it's another red flag.

"If they find it difficult to support you through these moments, it can be a sign that your friends lose contact with you and your friendship," she explains. "Although it can sting a lot, remember that it is often not for you, and sometimes they need space to understand why they have celebration problems with you."

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You are alone.

woman feels left out from group
Silverkblackstock / Shutterstock

According to clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly , PHD, author of Joy of fear , you should take stock of your feelings regarding a friendship - and if you feel alone or isolated, it could mean that you lack connection.

"Loneliness is often a signal that you lose contact with a friend. If you feel alone, take a break to notice without judgment if you have not invested in your important friendships," says Manly.

This feeling of loneliness could also be perpetuated by the belief that you are "left out".

"Note that if you feel excluded from the life of a friend or a social circle," explains Manly. "In some cases, we tend to lose contact with friends because we feel consciously or unconsciously.

Communication is difficult.

two friends talking over coffee
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

Another large part of having a friend is the ability to reach out and discuss. But if you lose the contact, talk to them (whether on the phone, by SMS or in person) may have the impression that it is not as simple as it was.

"If you feel that your conversations do not have the natural flow and connection that once characterized your friendship, it is a sign that something could be bad," said Schubert.

These conversations can also be difficult because they are no longer authentic.

"If your conversations revolve around trivial subjects and need more depth, you could be more emotionally connected than before," Daniel Rinaldi ,, Therapist and life coach With the fresh starting register, said. "Significant conversations are a characteristic of solid friendships."

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There is no communication at all.

Portrait of a young man on the phone indoors

Although you can be able to go to a friend who has changed how and when they talk to you, it can be more difficult if you don't get a response. And according to experts, your friend can send you a clear sign if they ignore you.

"The main sign [you lose contact] is probably when you or your friend does not respond to text messages," explains Sangmeister. "Yes, life is busy, but when these texts and answers take more time than a few days, it may be time to reassess and prioritize these texts to these significant friends."

David Tzall , Psyd, approved psychologist , tell Best Life That you should take stock of how the change was drastic - and which makes the effort.

"If your communication frequency has decreased considerably, such as occasional daily interactions, this could indicate an increasing distance," explains Tzall. "If the level of contact is not equal and you are always the only one to reach out, it could be a sign that the other person becomes less committed."

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You notice a change in values.

Concerned young woman talks with friend in coffee shop

It could take a little more time to notice it, but the evolution of interests and values could also lead a friend to reach less. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"If you find that your opinions on important subjects are starting to diverge, this can cause a flaw in the relationship and sometimes be a catalyst to lose contact or separate," explains Hubscher. "When friends enter a different step in life that is no longer relatable to each other, it can also be a sign that you lose contact. Stay strong and healthy."

Manly also quotes life circumstances - such as the birth of a child or a big blow - as a potential reason for a decrease in communication.

"Take the time to notice if an appreciated friendship has changed due to external factors," she said. "Although you can have the impression that your friend needs space during life changes, these are often the moments when our friends need us most."

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