4 tips to reinvent your personal style as you get older, say the stylists

With the right strategy, you can still make your best wardrobe.

Personal style is an inconsistent thing. One day, you feel like you have nailed it: each piece Your wardrobe Feels faithful to you and you are completely comfortable in your own skin. Then you have nothing to wear and are constantly distracted by others that seem to have things so much more together. It happens to everyone, but you don't need to sit for a long time in these periods without inspiration. With the right strategy, it is possible to make your wardrobe embellish. Here we asked stylists to reinvent your personal style as you get older. Read the rest for their step by step method to assess your current wardrobe and decide where to take it afterwards.

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Evaluate the way your personality has changed.

smiling mature woman looking outside window. Thoughtful old woman looking away through window. Senior beautiful woman sitting at home with pensive expression.

Your personal style is derived from your personality - so when you reinvent your wardrobe, you should also consider the ways you have changed as a person.

"If you have softened your personality over time, let your wardrobe reflect this with materials and colors soft to the touch that flatter your appearance that are also softer," suggests Stylist and image consultant Joseph Rosenfeld . "Or, if you are embraced over time, move your personal style to project the confidence you feel by increasing the contrast of colors in your sets, kissing the colors with jewelry tones and wearing as robust clothing styles that your personality. "

This will help you feel more like you and allow people around you to see your real colors. This also does not require launch your current wardrobe and start fresh. Even the way you stylize things - by making your monochrome or maximalist, windy or structured outfits - provides a ton of impact.

If you have not thought of how your personality has moved recently, take a pen and paper and note five adjectives that you aspire to be and five that you think that others would use to describe you now. This should give you a good idea where to start.

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Find themes in your favorite articles.

Brown and tan sweaters and coats hanging in closet
Naletova Elena / Shutterstock

Once you have done this self-assessment, it's time to audit your existing wardrobe.

"Try things and see how much they adapt to your body and flatter your personality," says Rosenfeld. Separate the articles you like and see what they have in common. "This could include the note of a range of textures or colors, or to note that you are attracted by certain fabrics or patterns, or that you are attracted by the way certain clothes adapt to your body."

You will probably notice similar themes in your favorite accessories: what colors, shapes, sizes and materials do you like the most? You can consider these take -out dishes when you develop your style.

If you have trouble assessing your own articles, ask a friend to join you for your audit. Or consider the way foreigners react to your pieces.

"Think of the compliments you receive, when you receive them and the specific things that people say," said Rosenfeld. "Write them so that you can look at these compliments on paper. This list, even if it's an element, is where to start."

In relation: 7 ways to dress over 60 years old, say the stylists .

Consider your current lifestyle.

Woman Enjoying a Walk in Nature
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

Your wardrobe should not be ambitious - it must be filled with parts you really use during your daily life. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"I always tell my clients that they must remain faithful to themselves," said Melissa Hernandez-Erickson , lead owner and stylist at MH style advice . "Some things that I take into consideration are their lifestyle, their hobbies and their work title."

If you are retired, you may need more clothes you can wear to feel polite during your morning walk; If you are a C-Suite framework, you will need more business outfits.

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Invest in versatile parts.

A woman with gray hair takes a shirt out of a box while sitting on her couch
Floor image / trigger

Reinventing your personal style can involve the purchase of new parts. And when you do it, pay particular attention to their versatility.

"When I find clothes and accessories for my customers, I am always looking for parts that can be combined in several ways," said Beease Scarlett ,, Personal wardrobe stylist and image consultant. "Anyone can have fewer clothes and more outfits than it has done now if they don't buy items that can be worn in several combinations."

If you often have the impression of having nothing to wear, it could be because you miss staples.

"Classics like a denim jacket, a Beautiful pair of jeans , a white shirt with clean and elegant buttons, a pair of sneakers or classic moccasins, beautiful pants in tanning or black, quality t-shirts and things that can be versatile in your cupboard will be essential, "said personal stylist Kendra Sharpe . "From there, I add accessories such as handbags, sunglasses and superposition pieces like sweaters and jackets."

With these bases, you will be able to mix and match all the ways that seem faithful to your new and improved personal style.

Categories: Style
Tags: aging / Over 50 /
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