Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift had a business, said Debbie Reynolds
She wrote that the co-stars of A Place in the Sun were more than friends.

They were longtime friends and played in three films together, but some believe that Elizabeth Taylor And Montgomery Clift's The relationship went further than that. Their intense friendship was written in books and articles, but it was not only historians and experts in pop culture that had something to say about the late actors. Debbie Reynolds , who was close to Cleopatra Star, wrote that she believed that Taylor and Clift, who were also known to date, had an intimate and romantic relationship at the same time.
Read the rest to see why Reynolds was convinced of this and to find out more about Taylor and Clift's friendship.
In relation: Elizabeth Taylor's affair with this co-star "ruined his career".
Reynolds and Taylor were close, despite a betrayal.

Taylor and Reynolds became friends when they both started Hollywood as a teenager. Reynolds continued to be the Matron of Honor in Taylor's marriage in 1957 to Mike Todd . Reynolds husband, Eddie Fisher , was the best man.
But, soon, their relationship has changed - drastically. After Todd's death in 1958, Taylor and Fisher started a matter. Fisher became Taylor's fourth husband in 1959.
Years later, Taylor and Reynolds have repaired their relationship. "We decided that, being brilliant girls, we survived the problems that existed", " Reynolds said NPR in 2013. "And we sent ourselves a note saying, let's continue our life, and let's go on the happy side. And then at the end of his life [Taylor is dead in 2011], we were together. I don't mean daily lunch. You know, I'm not a lunch girl, and either Elizabeth. But when it comes to friends, we were. "
Reynolds wrote that she had seen Taylor and Clift kissing.

In his 2013 book, Unbearable: a memoir , Reynolds wrote that Taylor and Clift were "intimate" and that she saw them kissing.
Reynolds wrote ( via Weekly entertainment ) That during a party at Taylor in 1956, she watched Taylor and Clift "laughed and glea while coming out in the water in front of us all". She continued: "Even if Monty had little friends as well as friends, it was obvious that Elizabeth had been intimate. Elizabeth could seduce any man, gay or hetero."
At the time, Taylor and Clift worked on their second film together, 1957 County of Raintree . They also have co-vere A place in the sun (1951) and Suddenly, last summer (1959). They planned to play together in a fourth film, Reflection in a golden eye (1967), but Clift died of a heart attack before the start of filming. He was 45 years old.
When this party took place, Taylor was married to his second husband, Michael Wilding . Clift, who has never got married, would have now been gay or bisexual, but he had not come out during his lifetime.
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A book claims that Taylor wanted more clift.

In the book Elizabeth And Monty: the unprecedented story of their intimate friendship , author Charles Casillo say that Taylor was very attracted to Clift When they met for the first time. Casillo said People that their dance scene in A place in the sun was so sensual that their co-star Shelley Winters "In fact, there was an in progress affair." Casillo added: "It's almost as if you saw them falling in love during this dance."
Casillo said Taylor and Clift had been spotted kissing Limousines back. "Monty could not resolve to tell him that he was gay," said the writer. Taylor, explained Casillo, tried to seduce Clift, but that did not work. "It was intriguing with her because men were interested in her for her physique," he said People .
Finally, Casillo said, Clift told Taylor that he was gay and they became good friends. She "even started trying to think of other homosexuals with whom she could repair it," wrote the biographer.
Taylor saved Clift's life after a car accident.

The party that Reynolds mentions in his book is also significant, because it is by leaving that Clift was involved in a serious car accident that had a lasting effect on its appearance. Reynolds shared a graphic description of Taylor Finding Clift after the accident in his book. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Elizabeth stuck her hand in her mouth, felt the bottom of her throat where some of his teeth were staying after being eliminated and withdrew them to prevent him from choking," she wrote . "He could have died if she hadn't come to her aid."
Likewise, Casillo said People ", Everyone on the stage said she had saved her life," he said. Otherwise, "he would have died there."
In relation: Elizabeth Taylor says that the late husband told her to "return" during an imminent death experience .
She approached her sexuality for years later.
In 2000, Taylor received the Glaad Vanguard price For its support for the LGBTQ community and its activism at the start of the AIDS epidemic. In her speech, she said that she had worked with gay men, including Clift, James Dean , and her good friend Rock Hudson . "I never thought of them with whom they slept, they were only the people I loved," said the star.
Characteristics of the Taylor website An essay on his friendship with Clift . "It is undeniable that magic on the screen felt between Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift translates into a life of friendship," he said. "There are countless ways to interpret love; for Elizabeth, it looked like an unshakable dedication to those she called friends."

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