Miranda Lambert faces the boycott after having ashamed fans in mid-terrain

The singer called the fans taking photos during a recent Las Vegas show.

If you decide to take pictures of yourself and your friends during a concert, let it be a warning: you can be called by the artist on stage. During a recent date of Country Star Miranda Lambert The residence in Las Vegas, she stopped in the middle of a song, because of a group of spectators who took a photo in front of the stage distracted her. After calling them, the musician restarted his song. But, now that the annoying videos circulate online, Lambert faces counter coupling, including ticket buyers for the next shows declaring that they have already returned their tickets for reimbursements.

Read the rest to discover what Lambert said to the fans, how one of them responded after the fact and what the criticisms say online.

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Lambert called a "selfie".

Miranda Lambert at the 2018 Academy of Country Music Awards
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

As we can see in the videos of the concert published online, Lambert stopped a performance of his 2016 song "Tin Man" to address a group in the audience.

"These girls are worried about their selfie and do not listen to the song. It makes me sing a little. I don't like that at all," said the 39 -year -old singer. "We are here to hear country music tonight. I'm singing fucking country music. Are we going to start again?"

After her point of view, she started the song again from the start.

One of the fans in question has published the blows on social networks.

Adela Calin was one of the participants in Lambert of the participant in concerts, and she Published two photos Taken at that time on Instagram. In the photos, she and her friends are close to the scene with her back against Lambert, who sings in the background.

"These are the 2 photos we were talking about when Miranda Lambert stopped her concert and told us not to take selfies," wrote Calin, adding an emoji shocked.

Calin also told NBC News that she and her friends were trying to Take the photos quickly .

"It was 30 seconds at most," said Calin, who, according to NBC News, is an influencer in social media. "We took the photo quickly and we were going to sit down." She also said they had tried to get a photo at another time during the show, but the lighting was not good enough.

Calin continued: "I felt like I was back at school with the professor who rumbled to have done something wrong and have told me to sit in my place ... I have the impression that she was determined to make us look like young, immature and vain. But we were just adult women in the thirties at 60 trying to take a photo. "

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Some fans have left the show in protest.

A tiktok user video @rednedneckinvegas watch This Lambert called Calin and his group. Then the person who takes the video says that he leaves. "Let's go, come on, you don't do that to the fans," they say.

Responding to a commentator on his Instagram who wrote: "Please tell me you came out," said Calin, "2 of my friends did it."

Lambert gets heat on social networks.

Miranda Lambert at the 2019 Academy of Country Music Awards
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Instagram de Calin is full of commentators supporting her and criticizing Lambert. The singer "House who built me" did not talk about what happened, but His Instagram is full of comments On this subject, including some of people who say they no longer support it. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"I have just received a refund on my tickets! Won't be seen after embarrassed these girls for no reason," wrote an Instagram user. Another posted: "Imagine being right that you stop a show to embarrass a group of women taking a group photo."

Someone else said, "Lost a fan after seeing how you called these girls for taking selfies during a concert." Another person wrote: "Remember that people who take selfies at your concert pay your bills."

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Other fans defended him.

In the midst of the reaction, people also defended Lambert for denouncing what they considered a bad concert label. Tiktok user @alirosecounry published a video From the concert that shows Calin and his group taking their photo. They wrote on taking photos: "It started several minutes before Miranda stops the show. And then continued with more people and flash in" Tin Man ", who was distracting for everyone around They during one of the most powerful moments ... Everyone around they were happy that Miranda addressed this. "

Someone else Published a concert video In Twitter and writes: "Different view of the moment of trigger the show Miranda Lambert during his show at the Bakkt Theater of Planet Hollywood on Saturday. Six women, taking several selfies, with a flash section, VIP, I come back on stage. frustration. "

A fan tweeted , "I am 100% team @MirandalaMbert calling selfie girls. If you are distorted on this subject, stay at home and take selfies while you listen to it on Spotify! I saw your guy during shows and It's bad. You are here to publish on your social, not appreciate live music. "

Another person wrote , "Miranda Lambert is right, and she should say it! Too many" fans "supposed to go to the concerts just for their Instagram [Expletive]."

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