127 questions to ask your partner on love, life and privacy

These conversation starters will tell you so much that you should know.

Do you miss any questions to ask your partner? When you were for a long time , it is easy to slip into a daily routine and forget to do your part to stay connected. It is not because someone does not see the need to communicate more often than it wants, and the last thing you want is to be blinded by a fight when you thought everything was fine.

In addition, according to couple consultant and coach Lesli doares , women, in particular, tend to "be silent radio after years of attempted relationships to improve the relationship. If they are no longer talking about it, and a specific solution has not been implemented, it can be Plan its exit . "But men - as our society often seems to forget - also have feelings, and many husbands prefer to put your emotions to put your emotions to tell your spouse that something is wrong.

Now no one suggests that you have a big conversation relationship every day - it would be exhausting. But it is important to maintain a healthy back and forth, because there is always Something to discover About your partner. You also do not have to undertake these unprepared conversations, read for a practical guide of the most important and revealing questions that you can ask your love.

Read this then: 21 questions for a new relationship .

Deep questions to ask your partner

close up of man and woman sitting at a cafe drinking coffee
Fizkes / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite memory when we started going out together?
  2. Have you ever cheated on one of your former partners?
  3. How did you first understand that we were on the same wavelength regarding the way in which we wanted to progress the relationship?
  4. What does a good friend look like?
  5. How can I be better for you?
  6. How have you changed in the past year? In the last decade?
  7. Do you never want us to have been raised differently?
  8. When will you go back the last time you cried?
  9. What is your greatest insecurity?
  10. What limits are the most important to you?
  11. How would you compare our relationship to your parents' relationship?
  12. Is there something you try you want to leave your chest?
  13. What do you think are the most important elements of success in a long -term relationship?
  14. What is the advice you want to give to your young person?
  15. Do you want to stay with me if you were discovering that I was not able to wear children?
  16. True or false: my partner appreciates the things I do in this relationship.
  17. What negative dynamic was present during your last relationship?
  18. Are there mental health problems or dependency difficulties in your family?
  19. Have you ever been uncomfortable with the way I get dressed?

Read this then: 271 questions to ask your boyfriend before becoming serious . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Juicy questions to ask your spouse

Happy couple talking in the morning
Dmytro zinkevych / closure
  1. What physical characteristic fantasy the most?
  2. Who is your crush of celebrity?
  3. What are the things we can do outside the room to keep the spark alive?
  4. Do you have fantasies you want to try?
  5. What is an instant excitement for you?
  6. If you were going to watch a naughty video right now, what conditions would you search?
  7. Ideally, how often would you like we are intimate?
  8. What is your favorite physical contact form?
  9. What do you think of toys?
  10. What is your favorite sex scene from a film?
  11. Would you ever consider bringing a third person to the room?
  12. What do you think of open relationships?
  13. How often do you like to masturbate?
  14. What have you never been interested in exploring, even if people say that it can help improve your sex life?
  15. Where would you like to be intimate outside the room?
  16. Do you want to create a sex tape?
  17. What is your favorite song to listen to when setting up?

Questions about the past

middle aged couple discussing 'questions to ask your partner' on a couch
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  2. What did you think of our first kiss?
  3. What was the most embarrassing moment you remember when we started to go out together?
  4. What is the most important thing you have learned about relationships after a break?
  5. How did your last relationship ended and in what ways did you contribute to the break?
  6. Have you asked to ask me or not?
  7. What was your first impression of me?
  8. What was your favorite matter at school?
  9. How long would you like to say that it took to know me at a deeper level?
  10. How old was you when you entered your first serious relationship?
  11. Do you think it took us more time to develop an emotional connection or a sexual link?
  12. Do you think it is important to know with how many people your current partner has been intimate?
  13. How have your relationships with friends and family changed over the years?
  14. How did I change over the years?
  15. What is your greatest regret concerning our relationship?
  16. What were we doing something you want to be able to add to our routine?

    Read this then: 228 questions to ask a girl during your next appointment .

Serious questions about the future

couple having a serious conversation in public
Fizkes / Shutterstock
  1. What do you think we have to start prioritizing to maintain a healthy relationship?
  2. How much money do we want to book for luxuries such as meeting nights and travel?
  3. Would you be ready to engage in a long distance relationship if it meant that one of us could continue our dream job?
  4. How do you think you would react if my physical appearance suddenly or radically changed in the future?
  5. What are your opinions on divorce?
  6. What would be your ideal wedding budget?
  7. In which area of your life do you think you can use a coach or a mentor?
  8. Do you already have doubts about us?
  9. Where do you see your retirement?
  10. What do you think of bringing our elderly parents to life with us if they can't live alone?
  11. How many animals would you be ready to take care?
  12. How long are you comfortable to get started?
  13. Would you ever consider sleeping in separate rooms?
  14. Are marriage and children going to peer for you?
  15. Is the possession of a house important for you or do you rent?
  16. Are we going to move in with the wedding plan?
  17. Have you ever imagined having grandchildren?
  18. Do you think our parental styles will line up?
  19. How do you meet your need alone when we live together?
  20. How do you imagine a day in the life of us married to children?
  21. What would be a break for you in the future?

Random questions to ask your partner

couple sitting on the floor talking
Seventy-five / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite film of all time?
  2. What is your strangest guilty pleasure?
  3. Describe our first appointment.
  4. If you could know one thing about your future, what would it be?
  5. Do you think ghosts?
  6. Do you have a least favorite parent?
  7. Finish this declaration: I will make more efforts for ...
  8. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  9. What is a show you want us to rewatch?
  10. What is the best part of your average day?
  11. Describe my perfect day.
  12. What have you procrastinate something about?
  13. If you could solve a problem, what would it be?
  14. Name three things that we have in common and three differences.
  15. What did you always want to tell me but I couldn't?
  16. What is your model in life and who is your model in love?
  17. What is the best gift you have ever received?
  18. What would you like to try but are you afraid too much?
  19. If we were randomly offered a million dollars, how would you like to spend it?

Read this then: 236 important questions to ask your girlfriend .

Relationship questions about love

couple snuggling behind the window at a cafe
Popovartem.com / Shutterstock
  1. What does emotional intimacy look like you?
  2. What is your favorite way to express love?
  3. How can I love you better?
  4. When do you feel the most loved by me?
  5. What is your favorite type of text to receive from me?
  6. Have you experienced love at first sight during our meeting?
  7. What is your favorite thing in our relationship?
  8. What is your favorite way to spend quality time together?
  9. What is your language of love?
  10. What do you think makes us so compatible?
  11. What is your definition of a spouse?
  12. What can I do to make you feel more respected?
  13. Are you happy with me?
  14. How do you think our relationship is going on?
  15. What is your happiest memory of us together?
  16. Do you feel like spending enough time together?
  17. How can I better show my appreciation for you?
  18. Do you think I'm a good caregiver?

Fun questions to ask your partner

couple having fun while going through a list of 'questions to ask your partner'
George Rudy / Shutterstock
  1. What do you want to do for our next meeting?
  2. For which person would you like a "sexual pass"?
  3. Describe your dream vacation.
  4. What was your greatest achievement in life?
  5. What do you think is your biggest talent?
  6. What is an activity that makes you feel alive?
  7. What do you think is my strangest habit?
  8. What would you have for title?
  9. What am I best to cook?
  10. What were one of your best moments at work?
  11. If you could really keep a new year resolution, what would it be?
  12. What were the best holidays we ever had?
  13. What are the ten things you bring with you on a desert island?
  14. Which of your black animals do I still violate?
  15. What is the best advice you have ever given to meet?
  16. If you could organize a dinner with five influential or famous people (dead or living), who would be?
  17. What is the next thing you want to push your bucket list?


This is all for our list of questions to ask your partner, but be sure to check soon with us for more advice. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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