≡ Musdalifah comic grieving! His son just died! 》 Her Beauty

One of the newborn Musdalifah Basri's twins has died. What is the full news like? Scroll directly down!

Musdalifah Basri or familiarly called Musdalifah is a single comedian alias Stand-up comedian who started his career since 2014. He won 3rd place at the 2015 Stand Up Comedy Academy event and a favorite champion at Street Comedy V in the same year. She is also quite active in making funny content on social media with her husband, Dian Nurdiana. Some of the content that had been viral was when singing songs for his son, Daffa.

Although often making funny and entertaining content, but it seems recently the musdalifah experienced sadness. Because one of his newborn twins has died. What is the full news like and how is the condition now? Instead of being curious, just read the news as complete as below.

1. Pregnant twins

After having a child named Daffa Rafeyfa Asadel on February 12, 2021 ago. Daffa's presence added happiness in the Musdalifah and her husband. After Daffa turned 2 years old, it seemed that Musdalifah and her husband were ready to add a baby.

Sure enough, in early 2023, Musdalifah and husband through an Instagram account showed the results of ultrasound and test pack. In this post, clearly seen a picture of a pregnancy sac totaling two with the words " Twin Pregnant " on a pregnancy examination paper. In addition, Musdalifah also wrote caption, "Alhamdulillah, 2023 began with happiness. Pray, guys. "

2. Announce Grief News

After containing twin fetuses for 29 weeks, Musdalifah is advised to undergo surgery cesarean Because it has been very often experiencing contractions and less amniotic fluid. As a result Musdalifah underwent surgery and succeeded in giving birth to two twin sons on June 9, 2023 named Devin Afta Asadel and Devan Afla Asadel.

But his brother, Devin had died the day after birth, on June 10, 2023 and his younger brother, Devan was being treated in Nicu. It seems that premature conditions cause their twin sons to experience tile times. In addition, on June 16, 2023, Musdalifah explained the condition of his description through Instagram.

Musdalifah wrote caption , "Our sons who were born on Friday, June 9, 2023. At 22.39. We named: Devin Afta Asadel (brother) and Devan Afla Asadel (younger brother). Qodarullah, Kaka Devin passed away to Rahmatullah on Saturday, June 10, 2023. At 05.47. And now Devan's sister is struggling in the Nicu room. "

"Please be sincere to pray for our sons. Hopefully Kaka Devin will be placed and determined in the paradise of Allah SWT. And Devan's sister who was struggling, given the strength to go through everything, given health and long life in order to gather with us. Amen O Allah, "concluded Musdalifah.

3. reap support

News of the death of one of the Musdalifah twin sons immediately reaped the reaction and support of netizens. Through Instagram social media, many give prayers and enthusiasm for the Musdalifah and Dian family. One of them is artist Arie Kriting who commented, "Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun. tough ki nah. God willing, heaven for Devin's brother. "

Dinda Hauw also gave a touching comment, "Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun ... also mourning, and the spirit of Tulassss ... God willing, the brother becomes a savings in heaven for his parents and the younger brother will recover soon ... Aamiinn O Allah."

In addition, there are also netizens who share similar stories, namely losing a baby when just born into the world. The netizen wrote, "2 years ago experienced this, because he was treated a week and was told the doctor possibly, when he was born, he exhaled his last breath, only the word innalillahi wainnaihi rojiun, sorry and thank you that I said to the princess n my son (until numb, can't cry). "

4. Medical view

Seeing the medical conditions experienced by Musdalifah for his twin baby, it turns out that it contains twins increases the risk of premature birth. Even more than half the population of women who contain twins experience premature birth or before the age of 37 weeks.

Reported by Kids Health if it turns out premature babies have some health risks that are increasing when they are born earlier. This is why premature babies usually have to be treated at NICU after birth, in order to get professional medical treatment and strict supervision related to the body of organs.

In addition, twins also increases other risks such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, to fetal growth problems. Therefore, the pregnancy of twins requires a tighter level of supervision and also the intensity of controls to more frequent doctors.

5. The meaning of the name of the Musdalifah twins

Although it never reveals the meaning of the name of the second child and the three, but if reported from various sources, the meaning of the name of the Musdalifah twins has a very good meaning.

To the late baby who died, Devin Afta Asadel has a very good meaning. Devin is taken from the Irish language which means a small deer child. Then the name AFTA means trusted, and Asadel means rich or prosperous. While twins who are still struggling in Nicu named Devan Afla Asadel. Devan means poet, afla means smart, and asadel means rich or prosperous.

6. Latest conditions Devan

In the latest posting of Musdalifah on June 24, 2023 regarding "the condition of the husband/wife after fighting", there was one netizen who asked about the news of Devan, the baby Musdalifah who was currently struggling in Nicu. The netizen wrote, "How are Dedek Devan?"

"Alhamdulillah, the bund is stable, pray that I can quickly come home from Nicu," Musdalifah answered. Then the Musdalifah's answer was immediately crowded and highlighted by netizens. Many commented positively and encourage the Musdalifah family.

One of the netizens revealed, "Alhamdulillah, Aamiin ,, my son was born May 17 and Qodarullah entered Nicu, Alhamdulillah now with us, Dedek Devan quickly returned and gathered with MBK Musda and Husband, Aamiin."

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: / Indonesian artist / / / Dinda Hauw / / / / / /
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