9 perfumes that repel snakes, according to experts

Some basic odors could help you keep the reptiles from your property away.

Keep the snakes of your property and out of your house is always a proactive company. Take action for Keep your lawn in order And avoid specific decorations can go very far. And you can often keep snakes out of your home by eliminating rodent problems and ensuring that you do not give repostiles easy entry with holes or cracks in your foundation. But if you are looking to make an additional effort, you may be able to integrate the smells that snakes hate the most.

"Although snakes do not have a traditional sense of smell like mammals, they detect chemicals in the environment through a process called chemoreception", explains A.H. David , a serpent and founder expert of Control of weekly pests . "They use their language to sample particles in the air, which they then analyze with an organ in their mouth called Jacobson organ (also known as the vomeronasal organ)."

Of course, it is important to remember that nobody wants to invest in literal snake oil: experts warn that many items sold in quincaillies sold as "snake repulsive" rarely effective . However, there are still natural options that are probably already in your home that could give impressive results. Read the rest to discover the smells that snakes hate.

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9 smells that snakes hate

1. Cinnamon and pod

cinnamon sticks

For humans, the smell of cinnamon or nail of fresh cloves is generally a sign that a delicious well cooked is on the way. But according to experts, snakes have the opposite reaction to common spices.

"The truth is that snakes have a strong smell, they use to find accessible sources of food," said Sholom Rosenbloom , the owner of Rosenbloom pest control . "You can take advantage of this line using perfumes that they do not like, like cinnamon and clove oil. These are the only perfumes recommended by the animal and vegetable health inspection service to postpone the Snakes. "

"Studies have been carried out on the brown tree snake, and it has been shown that cinnamon oil and clove oil are effective in repelling this species," he adds. "But if you plan to use cinnamon or clove oil to repel snakes, just use it in an area that cannot be accessible by pets."

2. Vinegar

Vinegar cleaning product

Not only can vinegar do a double duty like a fantastic natural cleaner , but experts say it also works as a snake deterrence.

"When it comes to repeling snakes, vinegar is the best option. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that vinegar is an acid substance," said Jennifer Mecham , a serpent and writer expert for Blog reptiles . "Snakes are very sensitive to acidic substances, and they will avoid everything that is even slightly acidic. Pour it on the ground can sometimes slide them."

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3. Citrus

Different citrus fruits with leaves as background
New Africa / Shutterstock

Speaking of snakes hating the smell of acid substances, what corresponds to this bill more than citrus fruits? AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"One of the most commonly used snake power scents is citrus," said Mecham. "Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits contain a chemical called lemonis, which is a natural repellent.

4. Number balls


Anyone who had to protect his precious wardrobe from infestation of butterflies at night knows how effective moth balls can be. But it is not only flying pests that have a problem with the undoubted smell of these pastilles.

"The naphthalene - or the chemical in number balls - has shown repellent trends for snakes," Roger Dickens , a technical wildlife service manager with EHRLICH pest control , recount Better life . "He vaporizes and dissipates very quickly, so regular reapplications are necessary."

Besides, Georgina Ushi Phillips , DVM, veterinary and writer advisor for The reptile room , said to be cautious when manipulating the naphthene "because it can be toxic to humans and pets if it is ingested." She also notes that this is the main ingredient in many products altering snakes like Snake-Away.

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Some people see garlic as a key ingredient in the kitchen. Others see it more like a lifestyle. But whatever your level of passion for the essential allium, it is certainly higher than what a serpent thinks.

"Garlic is a natural snake repellent because snakes don't like the smell," said Mecham. "But what few people do is that it is also good to keep them away because it is a natural insecticide."

"This will kill all insects in the region, including insects that snakes eat," she explains. "It will make your property attractive for snakes and make them less likely to find food."

Phillips suggests crushing the garlic cloves and spreading them around the perimeter of your property or garden.

6. Smoking

smog fog or smoke

Besides the small piece that could infiltrate out of the fireplace, having too much smoke in the air can make it difficult to breathe. It turns out that it is no different for snakes.

"Smoke is another excellent scent of snake repair, and any strong smell will keep snakes away," says Mecham.

Of course, humans do not want to breathe too much smoke, but it can be effective if you are looking to coach a snake in a hiding place and come back outside.

"Place a piece of covers or a smoke bomb in the areas you are afraid could host a snake and see if it does not send them packaging," she advises, adding that it can also be useful for Campsites.

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7. Peppermint oil

peppermint oil

Essential oils can be an easy way to get a little aromatherapy in your space. But although you can find them relaxing, an oil, in particular, can help keep snakes remotely.

"Peppermint oil is an effective natural snake repellent. It works by masking the perfumes they use to navigate and hunt, which makes them difficult to find prey," explains Mecham. "They do not also like strong smells and mints of peppermint itself. It can therefore be a natural and effective way to keep snakes far from your home, your courtyard, your garden or your land of camping."

8. Basilic

Bundle of Basil
Billions of photos / shutterstock

"Snakes cannot bear the smell of basil," GRANGER MCCOLLLOUGH , the founder and CEO of Direct elite patio , previously told Better life .

Of course, you can plant basil inside or outside, depending on where your snake problem is, or you can use an essential oil scented with basil. According Lake Norman pest control , the smell of basil also repels flies and mosquitoes.

9. Marigolds

Marigolds Outside
Funfamilyru / Shutterstock

Mice are a very well known insecticide , but the strong scent of the flower also diverts snakes.

"Marigolds release alpha-terthienyle, which most snakes find very unpleasant," said Phillips. "Remember to plant worries around all the entries in your home or your court to keep snakes away from key areas."

According to New York botanical garden , The Marigold (Tagettes Tenuifolia tags) has a "soft lemon perfume" which is particularly officiating to snakes. However, they note that this smell can also be too strong for humans; If this is the case, they recommend Marigolds' "GEM series", which "has a welcoming perfume".

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