≡ Celebrities who got older beautifully》 Her Beauty

Many people are lucky to continue to squander beauty even when getting older. See here pictures of some celebrities who have aged beautifully.

If we all are lucky, we will grow old. This process is as natural as mystical, leading us to new strata and deepening the experiences of life. Many of us, including celebrities, manage to walk the path of aging and remain beautiful-and sometimes even become even more beautiful during this phase. In this article, meet some famous people who have been impeccable, some already retired.

Lúcia Veríssimo - 64 years

About to turn 65, Lúcia Veríssimo is an actress and director who has been far from the small screen since 2013, when she lived a character in the soap opera “Love to Life”. She had several guest appearances on TV, highlighting “The Savior of the Fatherland”, soap opera aired in 1989, in which Lucia played Barbara Souza Telles, lover of Deputy Severo Blanco. Today, she lives in Portugal with her wife, a São Paulo TV producer named Tay Saad.

Maitê Proença - 65 years

Actress and presenter with about 50 years of career, Maitê Proença was born in 1958, having turned 65 in January 2023. She debuted as a television actress at the soap opera “Money” in 1979, and lived her first protagonist in the work “The Three Marias”, from Rede Globo. More recently, in 2022, she played the play “The Worst of Me”, a monologue, and still keeps a YouTube channel where she publishes videos about various iconic women with the hashtag #mulherde Fiber.

Luís Melo - 65 years

Luís Melo graduated in theater and began his artist career in the late 1960s. He is well known for his character Batista, from “The Carnation and the Rosa”, a soap opera by Globo in 2022,. From that soap opera, he participated in dozens of works on Rede Globo, until 2017, when he played Gustavo Nogueira in “The Other Side of Paradise”. In 2022, he acted in “Casa Izabel”, a film directed by Gil Baroni.

Solange Couto - 66 years

Solange Couto, who was consecrated on Brazilian television in 2001, by playing Dona Jura in the soap opera “O Clone”, will turn 67 on July 1, and remains beautiful as always. The actress is still active and has been working with direction and production of series displayed in streaming .

Vera Fischer - 71 years

The muse of natural beauty from a young age to the older age, Vera Fischer is 71 today, and is still full of life. The artist, who became one of Brazil's greatest sexual symbols in the 1970s, began her career as an actress after being elected Miss Brazil in 1969. Nowadays, she remains radiant and shares her exercise routine on social networks, Welfare and personal questions.

“Training is for life! It is very important to do appropriate exercise and the assessments that allow me to train in an assertive way. The proposal is to guarantee my well -being and move better and better. I'm 71 years old, I'm an actress and I've used this body a lot, especially in the theater. I still use it, right? ”He said in a recent post.

Vera Gimenez - 74 years

Known for iconic papers on Brazilian television, such as Tatiana, in the soap opera “Time of Living”, Zélia, in “Love with Love Pay”, Carla, in “Climbing”, and Lucélia “in Cristal”, actress Vera Gimenez has 74 years and remains beautiful. It is an example of overcoming, as it had to fight for years against cancer in different parts of the body. The artist is seeking to return to the area of psychology, in which he graduated almost four decades ago.

Gilberto Gil - 80 years

A musician who could not be left out of the list, Gilberto Gil is already octogenarian and will soon turn 81 (June 26). The artist is one of the main singers in Brazil, having released fifty albums during his career.

Categories: Training
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