The most powerful zodiac sign, according to astrologers

These signs are influential, daring and willing to do what it takes to achieve their goals.

When you think of a powerful person, you probably have an image of someone suffering from influence, someone who is not afraid of confrontation and someone who generally gets what they want . They can be the friend you call in a pinch because you know that they will have a solution for you, or the person who is likely to take matters into hand during any social event. This daring Can actually have something to do with the stars, because astrologers say that there are some signs of the zodiac which are the most influential and the most dominant. Read the continuation for the seven signs which, according to them, are the most powerful.

Read this then: The most outgoing zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


analytical woman with colleague
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Practical virgin appreciate the order In life, which is why these people are among the most impressive and most motivated.

"The Virgin is often considered a powerful zodiac sign because of her analysis, focused on details, perfectionism, high standards, critical thinking and practitioner efficiency", " Emily Newman , A Spiritual healer, advisor and astrologer , recount Better life . "[Virgos] take their obligations seriously and are ready to make the necessary efforts to achieve their objectives."

Virgos is not going to initiative and leading the team, helping you feel confident in their ability to do so.


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Sagittarius follows Virgo in terms of power, because these people always seek to explore new paths and improve.

According to Newman, the Sagittarius maintains a philosophical attitude which is "frequently linked to power".

"The optimism, enthusiasm and versatility of sagittarius allow individuals under this sign not only to burst new trails, but also to seek continuous growth in all aspects of life", " Bella Nguen , astrology columnist at Indielogy magazine , said.

Sagittarians then use this reader to propel them forward, as "cosmic explorers" ,,,, Rachel Clare , A Astrologer at mystics , adds. "Their power comes from their adventurous spirit and a vast knowledge. ""

Read this then: The most positive zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


driven woman working at desk
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"Capricorns deserve a place among the most powerful signs due to their unshakable ambition , practice and strong work ethics, " Raquel Rodriguez , astrologer and founder of Your zodiac explain. "They have a keen sense of responsibility and an ability to set long -term objectives and pursue them with determination."

Rodriguez also notes "the disciplined approach to Capricorn, adding that" their persistence, their patience and their ability to navigate obstacles contribute to their perception of power ".


man celebrating success
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The voluntary bull also ranks as one of the most influential signs, according to astrologers.

"The people of the Taurus are considered powerful because of their motivation, their stability and their unwavering reliability," said Newman. "They are well known for their strong work ethics and Practical perspectives On life, which can lead to huge achievements. ""

Nguen also has bullfights on his list, quoting their determination and dedication to any objective that they have set themselves.

Read this then: The most useful zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


woman leading group in conference room
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Leo is notoriously powerful, because this sign is represented by the king of the jungle, the lion.

"Léos are natural leaders who draw attention and radiate charisma," explains Clare. "Their power lies mainly in their ability to inspire and raise others."

Newman adds that Leo maintains an air of trust, charm and natural ability to require attention , "All that we associate with powerful individuals.

"Leo thrives under the spotlight and often excellent in leadership, inspiring others with enthusiasm and determination," said Newman.


confident determined man ready to workouot
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

Scorpions are natural born leaders known for their "ardent and passionate" personalities, according to Newman. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Nguen explains that the Scorpion is both "captivating and formidable", capable of overcoming any challenge. However, this water panel is unique in that they do not fear their feelings.

"Their deep emotional perception and strong intuition Give them a distinctive advantage over others, allowing them to navigate the complexity of life with finesse, "she said.

These are the people you want by your side in a delicate situation, adds Nguen. "Scorpions become introspective while sailing even in the worst scenarios. This characteristic helps them create better plans over time."

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motivated woman doing affirmations in the mirror
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Although it is a tight competition, the first sign of the zodiac was released in terms of more powerful. According to Clare, being those who "launch" the astrological cycle gives Aries a "feeling of power and an eternal spirit".

Similar to the others on this list, the ram demonstrates the reader and the verve and is not afraid to try a chance, but they also have something unique .

"What distinguishes people from their ardent companions is their cardinal modality and their symbol, the RAM," explains Clare. "Aries, with your determination and fierce desire to take risks, loads without fear, engaging measures."

Rodriguez also underlines these pioneers as some of the most powerful people, noting their assertion and "relentless motivation for success".

Categories: Relationships
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