9 surprising things that can cause hair loss, say the experts

Could one of them be behind your lightening hair?

Lose your hair Can be painful, especially when the cause is unknown. And while experts say that hair loss is often the result of genetics and aging, there are some more surprising explanations for loss of your hair or thinning. The good news? Some of these causes are reversible with the right interventions - you just need to know what to do. Read the rest to know what nine surprising things can cause hair loss and how to reverse the course.

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Vitamins deficiencies

dietitian consulting with patient
Kitzcorner / Shutterstock

If you have noticed an unexplained hair loss, experts say you may have to turn your attention to your diet. In effect

"A balanced diet is crucial for healthy hair growth," said Zein Obagi , MD, an expert respected in dermatology and skin care Gya Labs . "Certain nutritional gaps, such as inadequate iron, zinc, biotin or protein intake, can have an impact and reduce the risk of hair loss," he said Better life .

Although most people should be able to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet, restrictive power plans can compromise your contribution, said Yoram Harth , MD, a certified dermatologist from the board of directors and medical director of Mdhair . "An extreme diet or accidents can deprive the body of essential nutrients, including those crucial to maintain healthy hair growth," he warns.

Read this then: How to embrace the holding of your hair long after 50 .

Heavy metal poisoning


In rare cases, hair loss may indicate a serious underlying condition, says Kelly Johnson-Arbor , MD, doctor in medical toxicology and acting executive director at National Capital Poison Center . In particular, it can sometimes suggest a heavy metal poisoning or exposure to toxic heavy metals. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Johnson-Arbor tells Better life That thallium and arsenic poisoning are the two types most likely to cause hair loss. "In the human body, these heavy metals interfere with metabolism and normal cellular function, disturbing hair growth and other organ functions , "she explains." Hair loss associated with the poisoning of heavy metals is often of a diffuse nature and is generally accompanied by other signs and symptoms, including confusion, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet and gastro- disturbances intestinal, "adds the toxicologist.

Skin filling injections

Man Receiving Botox Injection Anti-Aging

Skin filling injections, used to treat wrinkles and create a younger appearance, can also cause hair loss, warns Johnson-Arbor.

"When the loads are injected into the subcutaneous tissues, the small volume of injected fluid can cause pressure on the blood vessels, blocking the blood flow to the nearby hair follicles," she explains. "This is most often noted after the filling injection in the front area. This type of hair loss is frequently resolved over a period of several months."

Hyaluronic acid and Botulinum toxin injections (Botox) Two popular types can cause hair loss in rare cases. However, Johnson-Arbor notes that Botox is also sometimes used to treat Hair loss, "as she relaxes the scalp muscles and leads to a potentially improved blood flow towards the scalp."

Emotional or physical stress

woman covering her face while stressed
Shutterstock / Maria Suru

Obagi stresses that emotional and physical stress can also disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, causing hair loss or hair lightening. "When a person experiences an important life event, undergoes emotional distress or undergoes physical trauma, his body can divert energy from hair growth, resulting in temporary hair loss or telogen effluvium," said -he. However, the dermatologist notes that this type of hair loss is often reversible once Stress is managed Effectively.

Autoimmune conditions

An elderly woman contemplates as she looks in the mirror and admires her new head shave.

If you notice an unexplained hair loss, it is important to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. They may want to filter you for certain autoimmune conditions, among others.

"Autoimmune conditions, such as AREATA alopecia, can cause hair loss by mistakenly attacking the hair follicles," explains Obagi. "This results in the interruption of the hair growth cycle and subsequent hair loss. Treatment of the underlying autoimmune state and the search for appropriate medical intervention can help manage hair loss in Such cases, "he adds.

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Side effects of drugs


Your medications may also be to blame for your hair loss, says Obagi. If you suspect drugs as a cause of hair loss, he recommends consulting a healthcare professional to explore other options or mitigate the effects.

"Hair loss can be an involuntary side effect of certain drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, beta-blockers or hormonal treatments," explains Obagi. "These drugs can disrupt the hair growth cycle or induce telogen effluvium."

Some hairstyles

Woman putting her hair in a ponytail

The way you styling your hair can also determine if you can keep it, say the experts. "Some hairstyles that exert excessive tension on hair follicles, such as tight horse tails, braids or extensions, can cause traction alopecia," explains Obagi. "The constant traction can weaken the strands of hair, making them break or fall," he adds. By opting for darker hairstyles and avoiding excessive heat, you can help prevent this form of hair loss, says the dermatologist.

Dry shampoos and chemical treatments

woman using hairspray on her hair
Shutterstock / Zigres

Some hair products can also contribute to hair loss, warn experts. In particular, some dermatologists have warned of the frequent use of Dry shampoos , because these can lead to an accumulation of bacteria on the scalp, causing inflammation. Some people will continue to develop pimples or cysts on their vintages in these inflamed areas, ultimately causing dry areas and crusts. This can drop the hair in patches, say dermatologists Initiated .

Chemical treatments, including chemical hair smokers, have also proven to cause hair loss. In fact, a 2022 study found that in addition to their association with hair loss and inflammation of the scalp, these types of treatments were also linked to an increased incidence of eczema, pain, burns, changes in the color of hair, etc.

Hormonal changes

pregnant woman sitting and consulting doctor
Syda Productions / Shutterstock

Finally, hormonal fluctuations can play an important role in hair loss, says Harth. "Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (SOPK) can cause hormonal imbalances that have an impact on the hair growth cycle," notes the dermatologist. "These changes can cause temporary hair loss or even permanent slimming of the hair."

Contact a health care provider specializing in hormonal health can help approach underlying causes and manage any associated hair change.

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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