"AMIBA brain eaters" case reported in more states, warn the managers - how to stay safe

A new case report indicates that the dangerous microorganism is in motion due to climate change.

The Covid pandemic has been more aware of us than the unexpected risks to health are a constantly evolving threat. Whether it's a food -based epidemic like Salmonella Or a particularly dangerous version of seasonal flu, knowledge of any new problem can be essential to prepare you. This is particularly true if the cause in question is relatively new in a specific area or population. And now, officials warn that more cases of a "eaten brain amibe" have been reported in more states. Read the rest to see how you can stay safe from the microscopic threat.

Read this then: A new "very contagious" skin infection spreads, warns CDC - How to stay safe .

Health managers warn that a dangerous "brain eater" microbe microbe is now spreading to new areas.

A scientist completing a study in a lab looking into a microscope while wearing full protective gear

People who live in normally cooler climates can have a building New threat to health to worry about. In a case report published in the Ohio Journal of Public Health On May 16, Ohio Public Health Association officials warn that potentially deadly amiba "brain eating" Naegleria Fowleri Beguncted to extend your home to the north while average temperatures continue to increase.

"Increased incidence of N. Fowleri In northern climates, there is only one of the many ways in which climate change threatens human health and deserves a new education in health care providers, "the authors wrote in the case report.

Infamous monocellular is found in fresh water and soil in warmer climates in places such as lakes, rivers and hot sources, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And even if the drinking water infected with the amoeba will not cause harm, it can cause a serious illness known as the primary Amebic Méningoencephalite (PAM) if it penetrates the body by the nose - often swimming.

PAM's reported cases have started to spread in more northern states over the past decade.

Family Splashing on a Lake
Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock

The CDC reports that PAM remains a relatively rare infection, with an average of three cases reported in the United States each year and a total of 157 infections From 1962 to 2022. However, the disease is almost always fatal, with only four domestic cases reported surviving the disease. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

To date, health officials have reported the most WFP cases in the southern states, according to CDC data. Florida and Texas have the most, with 37 and 39 diseases since 1962, respectively, followed by 10 in California; new in Arizona; Eight in South Carolina; Seven each in Virginia, Oklahoma and North Carolina; Six in Arkansas; five in Georgia; and four in Louisiana. But in its case report, Ohio health officials highlight that cases have been reported in more northern states since 2010, including two of which are in Kansas and Minnesota and one in Indiana.

"Ohio public health professionals should note the impact of N. Fowleri Infections in northern states, including Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota, as well as current holiday destinations for Ohioans where N. Fowleri An infection has been reported, such as Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, "the officials warned in their report.

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Symptoms may appear one to 12 days after the amoeba infection.

woman feeling headache from flu and cold holding a glass of water, health problems treatment

Due to their relative rarity, Naegleria Fowleri Infections are often wrongly diagnosed as bacterial meningitis at the start. It is also because the disease carries Similar symptoms , which usually starts one to 12 days after infection with nausea, vomiting, fever and severe frontal sickness, according to the CDC.

The disease then progresses to include a steep neck and more serious symptoms, such as convulsions, hallucinations, altered mental state and coma. Unfortunately, the rapid pace of infection generally means that patients are not even diagnosed with PAM only after their death, which generally occurs one to 18 days after the first appearance of symptoms.

NOT. Fowleri Infections are rare, but early detection can be crucial for recovery.

Patient sleeping in hospital bed.

According to the CDC, the risk of WFP is difficult to calculate due to the scarcity of the disease, since so many people engage in activities that could potentially expose them each year. "We do not know why some people are infected with the Amebae while millions of other exposed to warm recreational waters, including those who were swimming with infected people, do not do it," writes the agency on sound website. They add that even if tests have been carried out to see what concentrations of the amoeba in water could be considered risky, there is currently no method that public health managers could use to measure or apply the Safety standards.

However, Ohio health officials cite in their relationship that awareness of microorganism can lead to previous detection and diagnosis that can improve results. "Combined with an increased incidence in northern climates, unleashed and unconscious public health professionals and health care providers can exacerbate prolonged diagnostic periods and delay the treatment of time in what is ultimately a drop Quick for PAM patients, "said the report.

Even if the disease is very fatal, the CDC stresses that the most recent cases in which patients survived result from early detection and treatment. In 2013, a 12 -year -old girl was diagnosed within 30 hours of the start of her symptoms and treated with an experimental drug known as miltefosin and therapeutic hypothermia, in which the body is cooled at lower temperatures than normal temperatures. The agency notes that it "has made a complete neurological recovery and returned to school".

The report on the case of Ohio also describes a recent case in which a woman in the thirties was brought to the hospital with suspected bacterial meningitis. After her spouse told a nurse that she had swam in the fresh water four days earlier and that she had overwhelmed her head, her medical team contacted the CDC for treatment recommendations before starting a course of Miltefosin. The report indicates that the woman recovered "with a minimum of neurological damage and was able to resume a high quality of life with her family" after two weeks.

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