The woman sees the snake "slide from her hood" while driving - how to avoid the same fate

Two recent separate incidents show that reptiles can sometimes stop.

Even if they try to take care of their own business and avoid humans, snakes always have a unique way to take us by surprise. Reptiles can make their way in places where we may not expect to find them, whether it be In our backyards or get Inside our houses Looking for a meal. But as recent incidents have shown, they can go even further and present themselves in even more unusual places - including a woman who saw a snake "slip from her hood" by driving. Read the rest to see how you can avoid the same fate and keep rumors that slide out of your ride.

Read this then: Two copper bite reported while the snake season begins - where they hid .

A woman recently called the 911 to report a snake that slipped from her hood while she was driving.

driving car
Beauty studio / Shutterstock

We were all caught up in something in our car, whether it was an old snack that managed to make its way under a seat or a bug that was through the window during its way. But in a recent incident, an unlikely interruption managed to take a woman by surprise after discovering a snake Hitchhike In his vehicle, the local affiliate of Oklahoma City NBC KFOR report.

During a call to 911, a woman contributed to help after realizing that a reptile left the body of her vehicle by driving on the road. "There is a snake in my engine. It comes out of the hood," she told operators.

Police from the village police department responded to the driver in distress. "He was disputed throughout the front of my car, up there by the wipers," the citizen told the response officer in the images of Cam Body, reports Kfor.

Fortunately, the police were able to Delete and release The animal without difficulty, according to an article on Facebook of managers on May 21.

The same police officer had responded to a similar incident of a snake in a person's car a few days earlier.

Woman In Car Talking On Mobile Phone Whilst Driving. Attractive woman uses smart phone while driving.

But it was not the only recently reported snake incident in the small town of Oklahoma. A few days earlier, the same police officer was called to take care of a resident who also noticed a reptile in their vehicle .

In an article on Facebook on May 13, the village police service shared an image of the same police officer carefully holding a snake he had just removed from the car from a resident. "Although this is not a common police problem, the police responded to try to help," managed officials wrote.

The police said that the animal was unscathed in the process, jokingly adding that "after being checked for the mandates, it was released in the city barn far from the residences". Commentators on the post have also identified the reptile as a Western King Serpent who has not come.

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You can say that you may have a snake in your car in several ways.

A snake on the hood of a car
Shutterstock / Tucker heptinstall

Although it is not as common as to find a The basement of your house Or Kitchen, the latest Oklahoma incidents show that snakes are more than ready to get comfortable in the cars. And according to experts, they will often hide in vehicles For the same reasons, they find themselves in other unexpected places.

"Especially during fall and winter, snakes are looking for a warm and closed place to look for a shelter, sometimes heading in your car," John West Since Alamo Termitite & Pest Control Said previously Better life . "They can easily sneak through an open door or window - or even upwards in your engine, rolling gear or trunk if it is left open."

West says that the usual signs of the presence of a snake, such as the discount skins, can be less useful to spot one in your car, because they can take up to three months to drag above all to be behind. But you can always keep an eye on the slopes around your vehicle for a clue, there has been one nearby.

"Look for a side meat pattern in the dust near the car created by reptiles slipping through the floor, especially along the walls and under the cars," Jon Callahan ,, reptile expert and the founder of the Owtdores Nature website, previously said Better life .

Here is how to avoid collecting all the rumped scaly.

A snake coiled near the tire of a car

Although it is always shocking to see a snake emerging under your hood during the road, there is no reason to fear that they can get Inside your closed vehicle . Unlike popular belief, cars and air conditioning systems are Outdoor air seal , which makes them non -viable paths for reptiles that seek to slip, reports Altdriver. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

But although parking in your garage may seem to be an infallible way to protect yourself from any type of reptile intrusion, you must always make sure that you leave no potential entry point for snakes. Leaving your window lowered Can give them all the space in which they need to slip while looking for a warm place to hide, even if it is only a small crack.

Your garage could also attract snakes in another way if it shelters a pest or rodent problem. "Besides the heat, the other thing that snakes are looking for food," Sharon Roebuck , Owner of Eastside exterminators In Seattle, Washington, previously said Better life . "Their main source of food in the wild is rodents. So if you attract rodents to your garage, then snakes will follow soon."

You can avoid pest problems in your interior parking space by keeping it out of size or other spaces that rodents can hide, especially cardboard boxes. It is also preferable to avoid storing pet food or bird seeds, which is an attractive source of food for mice and rats.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Safety
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