93 being incredibly good that your friends will never forgive you

The truth or dare is always fun, but we all know that the bones are really what makes the game advance.

We all like a good game of Truth or Dare , but we also know this feeling of disappointment when, again and again, the group sticks to the truth. If you are lucky, you will have at least one person around whom go for the challenge , and you will want to be prepared with something valid for when they do. Below, we have drawn up a list of bone To land you next time, it's your turn. We have also included a few ways to perform the game online in case you find yourself being part of a more distant commitment. And - if you arrive until the end - you will even find a bonus section designed for revelers who are a little less daring than the others.

Read this then: 167 questions of truth or drink for adults who need pleasure .

Good bone for girls

group of girls laughing on the sidewalk
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund
  1. Let someone else go through your phone to see how many selfies appear in your photos.
  2. Recreate a famous film scene in a public place.
  3. Ask a foreigner a pork ride.
  4. Make a cart wheel in a crowded area.
  5. Success your big toe.
  6. Show all your unruted legs.
  7. Pretend to cry like a baby for a full minute.
  8. In detail, talk to the group of your first kiss.
  9. Go to a restaurant and instead of ordering immediately, start talking to the strangest dream server you've ever had.
  10. Talk in an accent of your choice for the rest of the game.
  11. Make a handle against the wall and hold it for as long as possible.
  12. Show everyone your research history on the Internet.
  13. Change clothes with someone else in the room.
  14. Call a pharmacy and ask them which laxative is the most effective.
  15. Get up and mime the strangest thing you've ever done during sex.
  16. Go up to a stranger and make them a compliment.

Good bone for boys

group of guys playing truth or dare
Shutterstock / Romantic studio
  1. Take a stroll with toilet paper hanging out of your pants during the next hour.
  2. Ask the next person you transmit to the streets what they would do with a million dollars.
  3. Eat food on the ground.
  4. Prank calls a random number and try to make the person who picks up within 60 seconds or less.
  5. Chug the spicy sauce for a minute.
  6. Sing instead of speaking for the following two laps.
  7. Dip your socks in toilet water and wear them for the rest of the game.
  8. Let someone in the group Make your biggest bane for the next hour without commenting or interrupting.
  9. Try to speak with your closed mouth.
  10. Talk to a pillow as if it were the person you crush on.
  11. Try to beat any world record of your choice.
  12. Take a bite of a lemon while maintaining an impassive face
  13. Go to a makeup store and ask employees to make you.
  14. See how many ice cubes you can integrate into your mouth at a time.
  15. Go to Facebook live and read your mom's texts.
  16. Let the group choose a random element for you to brush your teeth.

Read this then: Party games for adults (and sometimes children) .

Flirty dares to ask for your crush

couple flirting at a party
Shutterstock / NDAB Creativity
  1. Defain your crush on a thumb war.
  2. Ask your crush to offer a nice nickname so that you pass for the rest of the day.
  3. Dare your crush to lick the mayonnaise of your foot.
  4. Send your crush and ask them to send you an image.
  5. Ask your crush on how to flirt with guys / girls.
  6. Ask your crush to create a secret handshake just for both of you.
  7. Dare your crush to do with you, but not before next weekend.
  8. Ask your crush to make a sandwich.
  9. Ask your crush to leave a sexy comment on your profile photo.
  10. Tell your crush to demonstrate - on you - how they like to be cuddled.
  11. Using a washable marker, ask your crush to draw dummy tattoos on the parts of your body which, they think, seem better.
  12. Ask your crush if you can shave your chest / legs.
  13. Ask for a photo of your crush in anything but a towel.
  14. Tell your crush to write an attractive letter and send it to you by mail.
  15. Defuse your crush on eating a piece of fruit as attractive as possible.

Drinking dare for adults

group of friends making a toast with cocktails
Shutterstock / View apart
  1. Give yourself a 10-second manicure.
  2. Speak for three consecutive minutes without taking a break.
  3. Drink a huge glass of water without stopping.
  4. Remove all your clothes and stroll into the room.
  5. Let someone put a piece of adhesive tape anywhere on your body, he chooses it and tear it away.
  6. Make with your hand.
  7. SMS to someone "Hey." Whenever they answer, say "hey". Do this 10 times. The 11th time, answer with "Hi".
  8. Let everyone in the group you kiss your ear.
  9. Make 10 pumps.
  10. Recreate the face you make in the mirror when you prepare to go out.
  11. Make your best sexy trial in the room.
  12. Take a selfie with the toilet seat and post it online.
  13. Try to recreate the last Tiktok dance.
  14. Let each player break an egg on your head.
  15. Let someone put you with lipstick and wear it for the rest of the game.
  16. Create a cocktail of all the condiments of your refrigerator and take it.
  17. Facetime a friend and start to pick your nose half-conversation.

Read this then: 184 "The most likely" questions "of couples, colleagues and friends .

Good for friends

friends come up with a good dare to ask during a game
Shutterstock / Adriaticfoto
  1. Show everyone the most embarrassing photo of your phone.
  2. Answer the Instagram history of your crush.
  3. Enter a crowded area and scream "I think I have lice!"
  4. Let someone wax your back.
  5. Let everyone search your handbag (if you don't have a handbag, you can replace with pockets).
  6. Try Twerking for a full minute.
  7. Read the most scary text of your messages recorded aloud to the group.
  8. Call a person at random and tell them you love them.
  9. Walk only on your own every time you have to get up for the rest of the game.
  10. Be bandaged eyes for the rest of the game.
  11. Licked another player's foot.
  12. Show everyone the last YouTube video you watched.
  13. Make a rap on the pangolin .
  14. Write something embarrassing somewhere on your body with a permanent marker (choose a place that can be easily hidden by clothes).
  15. Ring your neighbor's door and ask to take a cup of sugar.
  16. Cross your eyes when you talk.

Best oscillation on text

group of friends playing truth or dare on their phones
Shutterstock / Xavier Lorenzo
  1. Send an SMS to your ex and ask them what was the most embarrassing thing you made during your relationship.
  2. Send an SMS to a friend who is not there and asks him: "Am I hot?"
  3. Update your name WhatsApp to "feel alone".
  4. Create a new group cat made up of a completely random collection of people.
  5. Publish a long and very serious article on Facebook detailing your strawberry obsession.
  6. Send SMS to your parents and tell them that you are pregnant.
  7. Send your crush a cheese collection line .
  8. Send someone you have used to connect with a VenMo request for $ 100.
  9. License the sexiest message you can to someone in the room using only emojis.
  10. Find your celebrity crush on Instagram and send them a DM.
  11. Take screenshots of the profile image of your crush and publish them on your Instagram history.
  12. Go to Instagram and like every photo of the first person who appears on your chronology.
  13. Take an embarrassing selfie and post it on your grid.

Read this then: 152 wedding game questions: funny, dirty, focused on the family and more .

Round bonus: embarrassing truth questions

group of friends playing truth or dare
Shutterstock / Floor Image
  1. How long have you left without showering you?
  2. … Without brushing your teeth?
  3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you following a linguistic barrier?
  4. What is your favorite song to listen to when setting up?
  5. Describe the worst date you have ever been.
  6. How often do you play on air guitar?
  7. What is your worst habit?
  8. Have you tried a kind of technique during your first kiss?
  9. What is the strangest place you have ever pee in public?
  10. What is your greatest insecurity in the way you dress?
  11. What did you do that could have caused you serious problems but right?
  12. Name a fictitious character that you don't have as But to which you could compare yourself.
  13. How many times have you ever been rejected?
  14. Do you wear underwear right now?
  15. Evaluate the last person with whom you connected (and be honest!).


How do you play the truth or you dare?

Truth or Dare is a classic party game. You will need at least two people to start, although the more people join, the more fun the game. Participants are wondering in turn to complete a challenge or, if they are not willing to risk what it could lead to, answer an honest question (think of things like "What is your guilty pleasure?" Or " Is the biggest lie that you "have I already told your parents?"). Those who decide the latter must accomplish any task that other players asked them. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

What can I do if I can't think of questions of truth or dare?

If you cannot think of good questions to ask yourself, you can always consult the rest of the players. This is actually the reason why many people prefer to play in larger groups. If that doesn't help, you can always jump online or refer to this list!


This is all for our dose list, but be sure to come back with us soon for even more ways to have fun with your friends! You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next one.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Funny / humor
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