5 things you should never have in your room, experts in relation say
Keeping these items in the room could create problems for you and your partner.

If you are already in a relationship or are looking to enter one, your romantic partner is likely to see more closely your room that most people at some point. This space often serves as a central scene to build intimacy with another person. But it can also act as a break in couples according to certain factors. Speaking of experts in relation, we had an overview of how this piece can affect exactly the link between you and a romantic counterpart. Read the rest to discover what they say to be five things you should never have in your room if you don't want to cause problems in your relationship.
Read this then: The 6 words that you should "never" tell your partner, according to a therapist .
1 Work -related articles

They say they do not bring your work home, however, in the era of distant jobs, it may not be the most applicable council. But that does not mean that you should still not avoid doing your work in the room, according to AARON KELSAY , LPC, a approved therapist Who works with couples in Portland.
"Everything that creates an internal mental space of" being productive "," be careful "," put yourself at work ", or distracts you from your partner or sleep should be stored elsewhere," explains Kelsay.
Ann Russo , LCSW, a professional therapist With AMR therapy, warns that it can also create a feeling of stress and anxiety in your space.
"Work -related articles such as laptops or documents in the room make it difficult to relax and relax," said Russo. "It can also create a feeling of imbalance in the relationship, where work is a priority for a quality time with a partner."
2 Exercise equipment

You don't want it coaching Neither is things in your room.
As Pierce Biglefthand , LCSW, a approved advisor Working at the Choicepoint Treatment Center, explains, the exercise can help you relax and put yourself in a good frame of mind. But on the other hand, it can create a boring environment for your partner if he occupies your sleep space.
"If your significant other is used to sleep late or wake up early and your exercise sessions disrupt their sleep, it will not be very healthy for your relationship," he said. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
3 Electronic

It is not only your work laptop that you need to worry about. Russo says that all electronic devices such as personal computers, televisions and phones can act as major distractions in the room.
"They can interfere with sleep, create a feeling of distance between partners and hinders intimacy," she explains.
If you cannot undertake to completely remove the electronics from the room, Russo advises to "fix at least limits around their use".
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4 Family photos

Family photos are pleasant to have around the house-whenever in the room, that is to say.
Nancy B. Irwin , Psyd, a license clinical psychologist Based in Los Angeles, says you should only keep photos of you and your partner in this space to help "improve the privacy" of your relationship.
"Family photos, children, dogs, etc. can be in another room," she said. "They are absolutely important, but should not interfere in the couple's retreat."
5 Keepsakes of an ex

Your new flame probably does not want to remind you of your past relationships.
Heather England , Phd, a Relationship therapist And the founder of Loved Replem Life, says you should never try to hide physical memories of your ex in your room.
"Imagine your thoughts and feelings if you discover that your partner had a box of precious memories of a past relationship," she explains. "You would probably wonder if they had moved or if they would aspire to their past partner. It could have the impression that their ex is a third person in your relationship."
Instead, England says that the old notes, ticket heels and photos related to your ex should be thrown away.
But if there is a reason why you cannot abandon them, don't keep them in your room so that your new partner can find. "At a minimum, they should be put in checkout and put themselves on the back of a shelf in the basement," she advises.

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