140 conversation starters to help beat any awkward silence

These conversation starters will help you break the ice and befriend you those around you.

You never know when you are called to launch a conversation. If your boss decides to organize a gathering in person For your virtual team where you are heading for a party full of people you don't know, it always serves you to arrive armed with conversational ammunition. Unfortunately, it is also easy to plow these reserves, leaving you to say and there is nothing left to do. To save you misfortune, we have drawn up an original list of Conversation starters that you can use with friends, colleagues and even total foreigners. Read the rest to start!

Read this then: 200+ get to know your questions that really work .

Conversation starters suitable for work

people using conversation starters to bond with their co-workers
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. What is your favorite sports team?
  3. Have you ever been to one happy hours here?
  4. Do you have fun plans for the weekend?
  5. How do you think AI will have an impact on our industry?
  6. What is the best way to discover new music?
  7. What is your favorite restaurant here?
  8. Have you done something fun last weekend?
  9. What's your favorite dish?
  10. Where is the nearest coffee?
  11. What do you like to do outside work?
  12. Are you a soda drinker?
  13. Do you have a green thumb?
  14. What is the last concert you went to?
  15. What do you think of musicals?
  16. Have you ever been outside the country?
  17. What is your favorite TV show?
  18. What is the last book you read?
  19. What is your favorite song?
  20. Are you more a dog Or a cat?

Funny start of conversation

group of friends hugging and laughing
Shutterstock / Sabrina Brach
  1. What is your most embarrassing moment in primary school?
  2. If you could have friends with a cartoon character, who would you choose and why?
  3. What was your last fashion disaster?
  4. What is one thing that everyone looks stupid?
  5. If they made a reality TV show on your life, what would you like the theme song to be?
  6. What would be your plan if there was a zombie apocalypse?
  7. What is the worst thing about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
  8. What was your favorite restaurant when you were a child?
  9. What is the best excuse you have ever given to get out of doing something?
  10. Which of the seven dwarfs represent the most with precision that you are?
  11. What is a film if you modified only one letter from its title would have a completely different plot?
  12. Would you be happy to learn that someone was named according to you?
  13. Which website do you waste on your time on?
  14. Do you have strange collections?
  15. What was the last person you tracked down on social networks?
  16. Do you want to cut your little toe for a million dollars?
  17. What are the two strangest items to buy together?
  18. What was the most embarrassing phase you've ever gone through?
  19. What is one thing that has not yet happened, but that would break the internet if it was?
  20. What is the most awkward way you have been injured?

Read this then: 165 "Do you prefer" questions that are impossible to answer . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Conversation subjects for friends

group of friends chatting at a cafe
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund
  1. What is your favorite reality TV moment?
  2. What was your favorite matter at school?
  3. What is the most controversial opinion you hold?
  4. What is your most boring habit?
  5. What was your first car?
  6. Oceans or lakes?
  7. What is a strange tick or behavior when you feel annoying?
  8. Have you ever had a job where you had to wear a uniform?
  9. Do you have transport evil?
  10. Do you ever want to an alias or a stage name?
  11. Do you believe in past lives?
  12. What smell brings back good memories?
  13. If you could have a superpower, what would you like?
  14. What is your greatest guilty pleasure?
  15. What is your favorite reality TV-show ?
  16. What was your favorite game to play when I was a child?
  17. What language do you like to listen to the most, even if you cannot understand what is said?
  18. If you could live in a state other than where you are currently residing, where would you go?
  19. What is a food that you would never eat?
  20. What is the worst advice you have ever given?
  21. When will you go back the last time you simulated to be sick?
  22. If you have a free pass to do something - legal or illegal - what would you do?

Birthday party conversation disembarkers

group of adult friends celebrating a birthday party
Shutterstock / Business Lucky
  1. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
  2. What was your greatest culmination of the past year?
  3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
  4. Have you ever made a birthday trip?
  5. Have you ever become sick on your birthday?
  6. What celebrity do you share with a birthday?
  7. Do you like it when people sing you "happy birthday" in public?
  8. Do you think your astrological sign represents you with precision?
  9. If you could exchange birthdays, what month would you like to be born?
  10. How do you think you want to celebrate your birthday next year?
  11. Do you share a birthday with close friends or a family?
  12. How did you meet the boy / birthday girl?
  13. What is your favorite birthday cake type?
  14. If you were to celebrate your birthday in the same way for the rest of your life, what would you choose to do?
  15. If you had to share a birthday with someone else, who would you choose?
  16. What is the next big anniversary that you are looking forward to?
  17. When you go back to your life, how old do you think you have the most appreciated?
  18. Has anyone already organized a surprise party for you?

Read this then: 271 questions to ask your boyfriend before becoming serious .

Deep conversation disembarkers

young couple having a serious conversation on large concrete steps
VOF Shutterstock / Corepics
  1. What is your dream job?
  2. Which of your family members are you the closest?
  3. Are you satisfied with your current work?
  4. What is the most affectionate memory of your favorite teacher?
  5. What brings you the most joy in life?
  6. What is your first memory?
  7. What makes you nervous?
  8. What are you best?
  9. What type of rules have you established for your household?
  10. Are you close to your grandparents?
  11. Do you like working or are you right there to earn money?
  12. Do you think it is possible for people who are attracted against each other to stay just friends?
  13. What is your favorite form of self -expression?
  14. If you must have children, what do you think they would like the most in their uncles / aunts?
  15. What do you remember that you prefer to forget?
  16. Describe your life in 10 years.
  17. What is the most difficult thing to be your age right now?
  18. What is the most worried?
  19. What makes you unique?
  20. Have you ever had to cut a family member?

Conversation starters for your crush

couple on a date laughing over conversation starters
Shutterstock / Dragon Images
  1. Do you consider yourself a jealous person?
  2. Where did you meet your best friend?
  3. Do you have a favorite charity?
  4. Do you think ghosts?
  5. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
  6. What can't you live?
  7. If you could spend the whole day doing a specific activity, what would you like to do?
  8. Where did you grow up?
  9. Have you ever obtained detention at school?
  10. What was your longest relationship?
  11. What is one thing that instantly puts you in a good mood?
  12. What is your favorite thing about meeting new people?
  13. How would you describe your perfect weekend?
  14. Did you do a New Year's resolution ?
  15. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
  16. What do you usually do when you get bored?
  17. What does your routine look like before the bed?
  18. If you could allow yourself to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  19. What three words do you use to describe you?
  20. What is your favorite drink to order at the bar?

Read this then: 206 important questions to ask your crush .

Random conversation landors on films

group of friends watching a movie on a laptop
Shutterstock / BBBERNARD
  1. What was the last film you saw in theaters?
  2. What is your favorite film theme?
  3. What is your favorite kind of cinema?
  4. What scene forces you to choke every time?
  5. What do you think of adaptations?
  6. Do you like documentaries?
  7. What is your favorite black and white movie?
  8. Which film character can you pay for the most?
  9. What film had a great surprise end that you did not see coming?
  10. Do you think they precipitated the Harry Potter series?
  11. What is the best film from the past 10 years?
  12. What films are you looking forward to seeing in theaters?
  13. What is the worst film you have seen in the past year?
  14. What is your favorite Claire Danes leafing?
  15. Streaming at home or go to the theater on opening day?
  16. What is the worst spoiler you have ever met?
  17. What is the most tortuous cliffhanger you have ever seen?
  18. What is the strangest film you've ever seen?
  19. Do you think that movies have an impact as important as books?
  20. What is a film that you could watch over again and never have enough?

4 tips for finding a big conversation starter

Not all conversations are created equal. Some require a little more mindfulness while others allow us to be open and carefree. Below, you will find some tips not only to launch the conversation, but prepare for success throughout.

1. Consider your audience.

It goes without saying, but talking to your best friend is not like talking to your boss. Some questions will always be prohibited, no matter how desperate you are to start the conversation. The small standard conversation may seem trivial, but it is a much safer bet than asking more personal questions at work or other types of networking events. Save this type of equipment so that you are at home and with your friends.

2. Pay attention to non -verbal clues.

Lots of conversation advice revolve around what to say, but it is just as important to schedule non -verbal indices To take place. If a certain subject leads someone to start agitating, crossing their arms or moving further, it is likely that they are uncomfortable with what is discussed. Someone who is engaged in a conversation will generally welcome him with a big smile and open arms - literally.

3. Do not get out of the box too much.

A good conversation does not only materialize from the air. It is important to find a kind of common ground before diving, especially if you try to do it in a more formal setting. If you are in the office, maybe start asking yourself the nearest place to get a good cup of coffee. You might find it going a little further than asking everyone his favorite cartoon character or if they have already been scuba diving.

4. Think of ways to circulate the conversation.

While ice breakers are allowed to be short and soft, conversation starters should really contact longer exchanges. Try to introduce subjects associated with easy and obvious follow -up questions. Or, if you hope for a more relaxed flow, try to ask open questions in the mixture.

If you do not know where to start, think about the means of calling on their interests. Use what you already know about them to make them talk. This is not true for all those you will meet, but generally people can continue for a while by speaking of themselves.


This is all for our list of conversation starters, but be sure to come back with us soon for more funny life advice! You can also Subscribe to our newsletter To enjoy similar content, as well as health, entertainment and travel parts.

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