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Probably each of us loves cuddling and sleep together with a partner. But did you know that the way you cuddle can tell anything about the current nature of your relationship?

Probably each of us loves cuddling and sleep together with a partner. But did you know that the way you cuddle can tell anything about the current nature of your relationship? It does not matter whether it is a joint evening falling asleep or on the weekend lying on the couch, the form can reveal much more about the relationship than you think. Top -related consultants tried to characterize individual positions in cuddling and falling asleep and thus define the quality of the partnership.


Joint hugging in falling asleep, but we are talking about a thorough hug with the whole body, is a frequent form of cuddling and mutual proximity to partners. This form of snuggling is relatively intense and in the long run is not so comfortable. It is almost certain that both partners do not sleep very well in this position. There is nothing wrong with not practicing the location too often. It is a kind of cuddle, which is particularly typical of the beginnings of relationships and the first months of intense love.

Chest lying

A woman lying on a male chest is a scene cut out of an American romantic film. You can meet this location virtually every step, just turn on the TV and in a moment you will certainly see something like that. This position is truly romantic, moreover, a woman can hear the beat of the man's heart. If you are one of the lovers of this location, you are a romance who are looking for a sense of security and support in your counterpart.

Touch with one hand

The couples that fall asleep side by side and only slightly touch with one hand or, for example, the ends of the fingers at the feet, are probably the happiest and most balanced. This position tells a lot about a healthy relationship. Both partners indulge in the necessary personal space, but at the same time they are constantly making sure that there is some contact between them. This position is undoubtedly the most pleasant and most comfortable for quality relationship and sleep.

Face to face

If you are sleeping your face with your partner, it probably means that you communicate sufficiently at bedtime. Talking at bedtime is very important for a quality relationship, but sleeping with a face to the face has one big disadvantage. By breathing, you take oxygen to the other and vice versa, which is not good for good sleep. In any case, communication is one of the most important aspects of the relationship, and therefore this location is not harmful at all.


A large proportion of partner pairs sleep in the teaspoon position. In the vast majority of cases, the man in this position holds a woman and the couple on the side resembles two lying teaspoons. This position is especially suitable for women who need to feel safety and security in their relationship. The most balanced relationships alternate this location, so sometimes a woman holds a man. In such a relationship, they both feel safe and know that they can rely on one on one.


The position of the starfish is quite specific and few know this name. Simply we can explain this position so that one of the pair sleeps over the whole bed, while the other has to adapt to this position and squeeze somewhere, so they never sleep as well as the other. This does not tell much positive about the relationship between the two individuals. One of the couple is probably forced to sacrifice for a partner.

Without touch

It can have different reasons that you fall asleep completely without touches at night. Maybe you are sleeping in an overheated room or live in a climate where it is hot at night. In such cases, this can be easily understood. However, the absence of touches can also testify to problems in your relationship. Whether it is one way or another must be solved by every couple themselves, no similar article about the positions of falling asleep will probably not be clear about it.

Categories: Relationships /
Tags: love
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