5 ways of snake resistant your garage, according to experts

This is the start of another snake season.

Spring can mean more beautiful and flower flowers, but it also means the return of snake season . "Because snakes are cold, the warmer temperatures of spring make them become more active," said Tommy Mello , founder and owner of Garage door service A1 . The garage is a particularly preferred place for snakes because it provides relief from extreme temperatures and many places to hide. But even if most of the time, they are harmless, no one wants to meet a sliding snake when he jumps into the car. And as it is easier to prevent them from withdrawing them, we have asked some experts the best ways to resist snakes a garage.

Read this then: 7 ways of snake resistant your pantry, according to experts .

Replace the lower rubber on the door.

Garage Door Bottom Seal Being Replaced
Radovan1 / Shutterstock

One of the best ways to prevent snakes from get in your garage is to ensure that the rubber which crosses the lower length of the seals of the garage door closes. "The weight of the door compresses the rubber or vinyl to prevent critters, water, drafts and more," said Michael Brickner , president of Precision garage door service . But if the seal is worn or old, it gives snakes easier access to your space.

To determine if you need a new rubber seal, Brickner says to put it pressure when the garage door is open. If it is more soft or malleable or if you see cracks or tears at all, it is time for a replacement. You can also visually check the condition of the rubber. "Open the garage at the eye level and look at the bottom of the seal," explains Mello. "If it is not perfectly straight, you see hills or valleys, it is a good indication that it is worn."

Do not forget to call a specialist to replace the seal if necessary - it is not a DIY project.

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Install the undressing of solid weather conditions.

Weather Stripping in Garage
O.Pash / Shutterstock

In addition to the seal at the bottom of the door, you want to make sure you are installed at a time. Brickner explains that this is also generally made of rubber, but he is attached around the sides and upper edges of the garage door.

If a snake wants to enter, he will try all the possible options, not only below, so these methods ultimately prevent them from penetrating.

"The transition to inevitation, as its name suggests, prevents elements from entering your garage, but it can also be another barrier for critters in search of means in your garage when they do not Can't go through the garage door seal, "adds Brickner.

Keep the door closed as much as possible.

Closed Garage Door
David Papazian / Shutterstock

It may seem obvious, but your garage door must remain closed when it is not used. Roger Dickens , Wildlife Technical Services Manager in EHRLICH pest control , advises not to leave the doors open for long periods and especially not overnight.

Jamie Nichols , director of the senior service center at Arrow exterminators , said that snakes are the most active at night. "They usually are looking for food sources, and garages are good for this." A great way to make sure you keep your garage door closed is to use it from an intelligent garage door opener that allows you to open / close your door anywhere.

If you often leave your garage door, you mainly invite open -handed snakes.

Declude the space.

Uncluttered Garage
Rudy Umans / Shutterstock

Snakes love to hide. Regardless of the space, they will find a way to get comfortable quickly. "Removing the size of the interior and around your garage is another way of helping you dissuade a snake from making its way," explains Mello.

"Firewood, un connected bushes, herbs, etc. must all be released from the garage," explains Nichols. Everything inside must also be stored to ensure that other pests such as mice and rodents also remain outside. Since snakes are looking for food and mice are their main target.

Keep trash cans on the outside.


Garbage Bins Outside
Elegant air / Shutterstock

Garbage cans are a huge target for critters and insects. Snakes can also hide there, and they will look for them if they know they can catch food. "Often, if you remove food sources for snakes, then they will go to the place where their food sources are," said Nichols.

Snakes are always looking for food, and they often opt for small animals or creatures such as mice and rats. Keeping your garbage outside can still attract rodents and other animals, however, these critters will not have access to your garage. If they are outside, snakes will also remain outside.

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